Niektórzy przedsiębiorcy oprócz komercyjnej działalności gospodarczej podejmują działalność niekomercyjną. Wykonywana jest ona na rzecz ich członków, a także załóg. Można ją określić mianem działalności interesu społecznego (publicznego). Państwo wspiera tę działalność. Jednostką organizacyjną, która oprócz prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej ma na celu ograniczenie marginalizacji i przeciwdziałanie wykluczeniu zawodowemu i społecznemu, jest spółdzielnia socjalna.
Some entrepreneurs, apart from commercial business activities, also undertake non-commercial activities. This is conducted for their members and crews of the social cooperative. It can be described as a social (public) interest activity. The state supports this activity. An organisational unit, which apart from conducting economic activity, aims to limit marginalisation and counteract professional and social exclusion is a social cooperative.
The proposed liquidation of the Church Fund is justified, among other things, by high amounts that churches and other religious associations receive from the state budget and the thesis that the Church Fund makes Poland a confessional state. The author verifies the above arguments on the basis of quoted statistical data on funds spending from the Church Fund in the 21st century and the analysis of the nature and purpose of the establishment of the Church Fund. The data include the budget of the Church Fund and sums transferred for individual purposes and their share in the budget of the Fund. The article also touches on the location of the Church Fund in the Polish system of financing churches and other religious associations and the evolution of its goals.
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