Purpose: The purpose of this article is to present the disparities of Poland's economic development in 2000-2020 by NUTS-2 units, using selected economic indicators. Design/methodology/approach: The following methods are used in the article: critical literature analysis and statistical data analysis using selected statistical tools. Based on data obtained from the Local Data Bank of Statistics Poland (GUS), the level of regional characteristics is calculated such as: the output of production (GDP), GDP per capita and the value and share of the industrial sector in the total output. The analysis covered 16 Provinces in the period of 2000-2020. Findings: The analysis of selected variables in the analyzed years confirmed the regional disparities in Poland between Provinces, and the leading role of the Mazowieckie Province. Research limitations/implications: The research performed in the article represents only one aspect of the assessment of regional disparities. The complete research picture can be obtained by using other tools of statistical analysis and additional variables of socio-economic and environmental development. Practical implications: Knowledge of the mechanisms and regularities of regional development is the basis for the formation of policies that would ensure, on the one hand, high and sustainable development dynamics and, on the other, lead to the reduction of regional inequalities. Social implications: Regional inequalities, manifested through social inequalities, are a natural and - to some extent - acceptable phenomenon. However, excessive economic inequalities lead to conflicts and tensions in societies. Therefore, one of the objectives of economic and social policy of the state should be the reduction of regional inequalities to achieve sustainable development and improvement of the quality of life in the country. Originality/value: The analysis herein used the most recent statistical data of selected variables and statistical tools. Thus, it can be another element towards recognizing the regularities of regional disparities in the Polish economy at the regional level.
This paper presents, on the basis of selected indicators, regional disparities in Poland and Bulgaria as presented by NUTS 2 regions. Comparisons are made in relation to the ongoing processes and development trends in these regions. Certain common features and differences are indicated regarding the regional development in Poland and Bulgaria based on this and other investigations.
Regional disparities are the object of operations within regional policy conducted at national and European Union levels. The aim of regional policy of both levels is to reduce regional disparities related to socio-economic development. There are significant regional disparities in Poland, mainly between eastern voivodeships and the other regions of the country. The aim of the article is to show regional differentiations in Poland in the years 2009-2017 in relation to chosen aspects of regional development and regional policy of the European Union and Poland. In order to demonstrate regional disparities a synthetic indicator of socio-economic development of regions was built at which regions were divided into three categories: with low level of development, developing and developed. Additionally, the analysis of the state of endogenous resources in a static and dynamic way was carried out.
Dysproporcje regionalne są przedmiotem działań w ramach polityki regionalnej prowadzonej na szczeblu krajowym i Unii Europejskiej. Celem polityki regionalnej obu szczebli jest ich zmniejszenie w zakresie rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. W Polsce występują znaczące dysproporcje regionalne, głównie między województwami Polski Wschodniej a pozostałymi regionami w kraju. Celem artykułu było przedstawienie zróżnicowań regionalnych w Polsce w latach 2009-2017 w odniesieniu do wybranych aspektów rozwoju regionalnego oraz polityki regionalnej UE i Polski. W celu zobrazowania dysproporcji regionalnych zbudowano syntetyczny wskaźnik poziomu rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego regionów, według którego podzielono regiony na trzy kategorie: regiony o niskim poziomie rozwoju, regiony rozwijające się i regiony rozwinięte. Dodatkowo przeprowadzono analizę stanu zasobów endogenicznych w ujęciu statycznym i dynamicznym. Słowa kluczowe: dysproporcje regionalne, regiony problemowe, rozwój regionalny.
Głównym celem artykuły jest zaprezentowanie wyników specjalnych stref ekonomicznych (SSE) w układzie wojewódzkim osiągniętych w ciągu 25 lat działalności oraz ich roli w ograniczaniu regionalnych nierówności gospodarczych. SSE utworzono z myślą, aby łagodzić trudności związane z bezrobociem, które ujawniła transformacja polskiej gospodarki. Liczono, że dzięki zachętom inwestycyjnym kapitał napłynie przede wszystkim do regionów najbardziej dotkniętych zmianami. Intencje te nie znalazły jednak ustawowego zabezpieczenia. W efekcie inwestycje strefowe koncentrowały się w południowej, centralnej i zachodniej Polsce, czyli znalazły się na terenie niemal całego kraju. Tylko wschodnie, najbiedniejsze województwa cieszyły się wyraźnie mniejszym zainteresowaniem. Było ono pochodną struktury własnościowej kapitału. W strefach zdecydowanie dominowali bowiem inwestorzy zagraniczni. Pewne zmiany w tym zakresie przyniosła Polska Strefa Inwestycji, następczyni SSE. Proste analizy statystyczne sugerują, że, wbrew założeniom, strefy nie przyczyniły się do zmniejszenia regionalnych dysproporcji mierzonych poziomem PKB na mieszkańca, a nawet mogły oddziaływać w kierunku ich wzrostu. Rozstrzygniecie tej kwestii wymagałoby bardziej pogłębionych badań.
The main objective of the paper is to present the performance of special economic zones (SEZs) by province over 25 years of their operation and their role in reducing regional economic disparities. SEZs were created with the aim to mitigate the unemployment problem revealed by the transformation of the Polish economy. It was hoped that, thanks to investment incentives, capital would flow primarily to the regions most affected by the transformation. However, these intentions failed to receive statutory protection. As a result, SEZ investments could be found in southern, central and western Poland, i.e., they were scattered across almost the entire country. Only the eastern, poorest voivodeships enjoyed significantly less interest. This was a consequence of the ownership structure of capital because the zones were clearly dominated by foreign investors. The Polish Investment Zone, the successor to the SEZs, brought some changes in this respect. Simple statistical analyses suggest that, contrary to assumptions, the SEZs have not contributed to the reduction in regional disparities measured by GDP per capita, and may even have increased them. Resolving this question would require more in-depth research.
Public participation is a critical aspect in the planning, also spatial planning. Its role is changing dramatically as it is present not only in social development but also tackles issues connected with cultural, educational. The most important element in participation is the will to do it – to engage in the process of planning the of life, of new urban communities, and how it is taking place in the planning process at different levels/ scales. There is a need to strengthen the public participation in the Egyptian context. Consequently, there are many cases in public participation related to the different levels (metropolitan, city, action area), connected to urban issues, besides, the sectoral issues related to economic development and societal needs. Thus, there is still a gap between existing national policies and their implementation at local level. The important question is how to achieve the local needs with strategies prepared on upper-level agencies. The main problem, in addition to the environmental issues is the regional disparities, poverty illustrated by low human development index. The research aim is to determine general framework and rules of citizen participation in Egypt by illustrating many cases from Egyptian context, and to examine the process and assess their effectiveness and the paper will end with the policy changes.
Celem opracowania jest ocena skuteczności podstawowego instrumentu polityki regionalnej państwa, a mianowicie wsparcia finansowego procesów rozwoju środkami publicznymi, w tym głównie funduszami Unii Europejskiej, projektowanymi w ramach NSRO 2007–2013. Przedstawiane oceny formułowane są w kontekście głównego celu polityki regionalnej, czyli możliwości ograniczania nadmiernych, międzyregionalnych różnic rozwoju. W artykule skupiono uwagę na wymiarze gospodarczym spójności. Schemat przeprowadzanej analizy sprowadza się do badania w relatywnie długim okresie dwóch hipotetycznych procesów rozwoju polskich regionów: rozwoju opierającego się na determinantach identyfikowanych do 2007 r. oraz rozwoju uwzględniającego dodatkowo zaangażowanie środków finansowego wsparcia, zakładanych w NSRO 2007–2013. W analizie przyjęto dwa założenia: przeprowadzana ocena dotyczy procesów rozwoju województw w latach 1995–2020, a miernikiem międzyregionalnej spójności jest zróżnicowanie PKB per capita w układzie wojewódzkim. Niezbędne obliczenia oparto na danych i prognozach Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego oraz symulacjach modelu HERMIN.
An assessment of the effectiveness of a crucial instrument of regional policy in the hands of the Polish government is the main purpose of the study. The instrument referred to concerns funds from the European Union, as allocated under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRO) 2007-2013. The evaluations presented here are formulated in the context of the primary goal of regional policy, which is the possibility of exaggerated regional disparities in levels of development being reduced. In the article, the main attention is focused on the economic dimension to cohesion. In the general perspective, the outline of the analysis conducted comes down to an examination over the relatively long term of two hypothetical processes to the development of the Polish regions, that development being based either on determinants identified up to 2007, or else in addition on the utilisation of UE funding included within the NSRO with 2007 and additionally up to 2013. The two assumptions made were that the conducted evaluation concerns processes of the development of province-regions in the period 1995-2020, as well as that differences in GDP per capita on a voivodship by voivodship basis is a measure of regional cohesion. The calculations reported here made use of data and forecasts from Poland's Central Statistical Office, along with HERMIN model simulations.
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