The aim of this paper is to analyze dysphemic uses of complex proper names which serve as a basis for the creation of what Robert Galisson (1994, 1995, 2000) called “palimpsestes verbo-culturels” (verbo-cultural palimpsests). We consider proper names as fixed sequences which can undergo the process of “défigement” (deconstruction) in the same way as any other complex lexical unit. We analyze the reasons for the creation of what we call “palimpsestes verbo-culturels propriels” (proprial verbo-cultural palimpsests) as well as the effects of meaning produced due to this creation and the means which make it possible.
This article presents a lexical analysis of the German lexeme Arsch and the Polish lexeme dupa. The departure point is the thesis that linguistic taboos connected with this vulgarism are more and more often broken. This can be observed in the numerous examples given in the text and the formative and collocational potential of the analyzed lexemes.
The use of euphemisms is a characteristic of everyday language use today. However, substitute names and euphemisms were widely used in incantations, where euphemisms were tightly interwoven with taboos. In incantations euphemisms are used in various situations: healing the sick, coping with animals and natural phenomena, creating social relationships; coping with core rituals of human life (primarily birth and death); retaliating for theft, murder, and infidelity; promoting one’s work. Euphemisms represent an important pole in the use of verbal magic, and they are different from references to dysphemisms, that is, using vituperation, cursing, profanity or hexing to cut off contact or to achieve one’s goal. This article discusses general principles for the use of euphemisms and examines which euphemisms are used in which functions, using examples of certain belief rituals and values (fishing), symbolic animals (the wolf and the raven) and cockroaches. The results demonstrate that there is no direct appeal in 11% of texts concerned with wolf words, in 10.9% of texts about ravens, and 58% of texts about cockroaches; and euphemisms are used in 66% of texts concerned with the wolf, in 19,5% of texts about the raven, and 32,2% of texts about cockroaches, whereas dysphemisms are used in 32% of texts about the raven and in 3% of texts about cockroaches.
The analyzing of various emotions expressed via the Internet allows the observer to see the profound divide between discursive strategies of media professionals, especially journalists, and the citizen communication practices.As far as verbalizing emotions is concerned, the journalist uses euphemisms while the opinions voiced by the Internet users are frequently accompanied by dysphemisms. In order to illustrate this situation, we will compare comments made by professional journalists with those of the Internet users regarding the conduct of the French football player Samir Nasri. Nasri, who twice insulted a journalist during the UEFA Euro 2012, aroused strong emotions which each of the two groups in question verbalized in its own way.
L’analyse de différents modes de médiatisation de l’émotion permet d’observer un clivage profond entre les stratégies discursives des professionnels des médias, surtout des journalistes, et les pratiques communicatives citoyennes. Quand il s’agit de verbaliser les émotions, le discours journalistique foisonne d’euphémismes tandis que la prise de parole par les internautes s’accompagne à tout bout de champ, ou presque, de dysphémismes. Pour illustrer cette situation, nous nous sommes proposé de comparer les commentaires de journalistes professionnels et d’internautes (« simples citoyens ») émis en réaction au comportement du footballeur français Samir Nasri lequel, en insultant par deux fois un journaliste lors des championnats Euro 2012, a suscité de vives émotions que chacun des deux groupes a verbalisées à sa façon.
The research presented in this paper aims to identify various ways in which the native speakers of English conceptualize the notion of death. This is achieved through the examination of numerous expressions, mainly euphemisms, which are used in everyday English to describe and discuss the event of dying. The research is based on the Conceptual Theory of Metaphor which claims that the general conceptual system, underlying both thought and action, is largely metaphorical in nature. In accordance with this claim, metaphor serves as a basis for understanding different concepts, which is reflected in the language used to talk about them.
The article comprises an analysis of dysphemistic metaphors in online political discourse. The material consisted of 100 expressions excerpted from texts published between January and May 2021 on the pages of two websites: and The text discusses the conceptual metaphors of politics and politicians most frequently quoted in the analysed texts, such as: POLITICS IS A SHOW, POLITICIANS ARE INCOMPETENT CELEBRITIES; POLITICS IS FOUL PLAY, POLITICIANS ARE INCOMPETENT PLAYERS; POLITICS IS AN INCOMPETENTLY CONDUCTED WARFARE, POLITICIANS ARE INCOMPETENT COMMANDERS; A POLITICAL PARTY IS A CORPSE, A POLITICIAN IS A GRAVEDIGGER; POLITICS IS AN INFANTILE PLAY, POLITICIANS ARE CHILDREN; POLITICS IS A HUNT, A POLITICIAN IS A POACHER.
Artykuł zawiera analizę dysfemistycznych metafor w internetowym dyskursie politycznym. Materiał stanowiło 100 wyrażeń wyekscerpowanych z tekstów publikowanych w okresie od stycznia do maja 2021 r. na dwóch portalach internetowych: oraz W tekście omówiono najczęściej notowane w analizowanych tekstach metafory pojęciowe polityki i polityków, takie jak: POLITYKA TO WIDOWISKO, POLITYCY TO NIEUDOLNI CELEBRYCI; POLITYKA TO NIECZYSTA GRA, POLITYCY TO NIEUDOLNI GRACZE; POLITYKA TO NIEUDOLNIE PROWADZONE DZIAŁANIA WOJENNE, POLITYCY TO NIEUDOLNI DOWÓDCY; PARTIA POLITYCZNA TO TRUP, POLITYK TO GRABARZ; POLITYKA TO INFANTYLIADA, POLITYCY TO DZIECI; POLITYKA TO POLOWANIE, POLITYK TO KŁUSOWNIK.
The subject of the article are the means by which connotations are conveyed in translation. By applying the system of opposition as proposed by the Danish linguist Viggo Brøndal, one is able to differentiate three stances in translation criticism: “for” (+), “against” (−) and “for and against” (+/− ). A fourth option does not come into play because “indifferent” (0) translations, which are of no interest to researchers, are consequently not discussed by them. Those traces and features which have been left by the translator in the translation itself are considered negative; features which could have been avoided for they completely change the meaning of the original. The translator’s intention cannot dominate over the intentions of the author. Connotation understood as meaning that is culturally motivated requires interdisciplinary research combining various perspectives including the linguistic and cultural as well as investigation drawn from translation studies. This would require a number of monographic studies. The problems in creating a theory of connotation in general, and a theory of connotation from the translator’s perspective in particular, result from the complexity and diversity of the phenomenon itself.
В статье исследуются способы передачи коннотаций в переводе. Со ссылкой на систему оппозиций, предложенную датским лингвистом Вигго Брёндалем, можно обозначить три позиции переводческой критики: „за” (+), „против” (–), и „за” и „против” (+/–). Четвертая позиция (0) выделяется лишь теоретически, так как переводы, не представляющие интереса для критиков, не становятся предметом анализа. Негативно воспринимаются критикой следы переиначивания смысла в переведенном тексте, которые можно было бы избежать, поскольку они в значительной степени искажают содержание источника. Интенции переводчика не могут доминировать над интенциями автора. Явление коннотаций, предопределенное наличием культурных факторов, безусловно, требует междисциплинарного изучения, сочленения разных подходов — как языковедческих, переводоведческих, так и культурологических, — и заслуживает всестороннего рассмотрения в монографических исследованиях. Трудности создания теории коннотаций, особенно под углом зрения переводоведческой науки, обусловлены сложностью и многомерностью данного явления.
Faucheuse, camarde, lâcher la rampe, dévisser son billard are terms and expressions that mean death or die. Whatever the language registry used, there are strategies in French to talk about death and to get around the taboos related to it. Euphemisms and dysphemisms are part of these strategies to talk about death, but also about serious diseases, which creates a non-negligible stock of lexemes and locutions, which should be analyzed from a diachronic perspective thanks to their dating by dictionaries and their attestations in the literature.
Faucheuse, camarde, lâcher la rampe, dévisser son billard sont des termes et expressions qui veulent dire « mort », « mourir ». Quel que soit le registre de langue utilisé on relève en français l’existence de stratégies pour pouvoir cependant en parler et contourner les tabous liés à la mort : l’euphémisme et le dysphémisme font partie de ces stratégies pour discourir au sujet de la mort, mais aussi des maladies graves, ce qui crée un stock non négligeable de lexèmes et locutions, qu’il convient d’analyser dans une perspective diachronique grâce à leurs datations par les dictionnaires et leurs attestations dans la littérature.
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