W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono analizę zjawiska konwersji modulacji częstotliwości na modulację amplitudy w standardowym światłowodzie jednomodowym, która powodowana jest przez dyspersję chromatyczną włókna optycznego. Część druga opisuje właściwości systemu transmisji danych o przypływności 5 Gbit/s wykorzystujący zjawisko konwersji.
The conversion frequency modulated signal to amplitude modulation is described. A novel modulation scheme for dispersion supported transmission is proposed. A new analysis of conversion of a frequency-modulated signal to amplitude modulation through dispersion in an optical fiber is presented. In this article is compared results of this analysis and results numerical simulation phenomena of FM - AM conversion. The propagation of optical field through a fiber is described by nonlinear Schrodinger equation, which is solved numerically by the split-step Fourier method. The computer simulations are carried out for a system with the following characteristics. The transmitted optical sygnał is modulated by an augmented PRBS of length [formula] fiber dispersion is 17 ps/nm . km, the loss is 0,2 dB/km. Optical in-line amplifier is inserted at 100 km. The gain of the amplifier is chosen to compensation of the fiber loss. A first order Butterworth filter at the receiver is used. Binary frequency modulation of transmitter laser a linear frequency modulation along with the Manchester coding is used. It gives optical binary signal at the receiver with greater values of excition coefficient as compared to the previous research at the region of 100 km < L < 2000 km.
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