Most of the spectrum occupancy measurement campaigns performed to the date in the context of cognitive radio are based on measurements in outdoor high points such as building roofs, balconies and towers. Although these measurement scenarios enable a more accurate estimation of the primary transmitters’ spectral activity, they may not be representative of the spectrum occupancy perceived by a cognitive radio user in many other interesting practical situations where users are not placed in a static high point. In this context, this work presents the results obtained in a spectrum measurement campaign performed over a rich diversity of measurement scenarios of practical interest. The considered scenarios include not only high points but also indoor environments as well as outdoor locations at the ground level in open areas and between buildings. The ariety of considered measurement scenarios provides a broader view and understanding of dynamic spectrum occupancy under different practical scenarios of interest. The impact of considering various locations on the spectral activity perceived by a cognitive radio user is determined, analyzed and quantified. Moreover, a theoretical model for the occupancy levels observed at different locations is developed and verified with the obtained results.
This paper presents an algorithm that supports the dynamic spectrum access process in cognitive radio networks by generating a sorted list of best radio channels or by identifying those frequency ranges that are not in use temporarily. The concept is based on the reinforcement learning technique named Q-learning. To evaluate the utility of individual radio channels, spectrum monitoring is performed. In the presented solution, the epsilon-greedy action selection method is used to indicate which channel should be monitored next. The article includes a description of the proposed algorithm, scenarios, metrics, and simulation results showing the correct operation of the approach relied upon to evaluate the utility of radio channels and the epsilon-greedy action selection method. Based on the performed tests, it is possible to determine algorithm parameters that should be used in this proposed deployment. The paper also presents a comparison of the results with two other action selection methods.
Mapa środowiska radiowego (REM) jest jednym z podstawowych źródeł informacji wspierających procesy zarządzania widmem zarówno w warunkach statycznych, jak i dynamicznych, zwłaszcza oportunistycznego dostępu do widma. W artykule opisano wykorzystanie modelowania propagacji przy konstrukcji REM. Analiza porównawcza wybranych modeli propagacji pod kątem zastosowania w REM wykazała, że dla lokalnych baz REM wystarczająca jest niewielka rozdzielczość cyfrowej mapy terenu. Ponadto zbieżność wyników pomiarowych i oszacowanych za pomocą modeli propagacyjnych wskazuje na przewagę modeli deterministycznych
The radio environment (REM) map is one of the basic sources of information supporting the spectrum management processes in both static and dynamic conditions, especially opportunistic access to spectrum. The article describes the use of propagation modeling in the construction of REM. A comparative analysis of selected propagation models for the use in REM showed that for local REM databases, a small resolution of the digital terrain map is sufficient. In addition, the convergence of measurement results and estimated by means of propagation models indicates the predominance of deterministic models.
Efficient access to the spectral resources becomes a challenge for future military wireless communication systems. It requires spectral situation awareness, knowledge of current regulations, local policies and hardware platform limitations. It can be achieved by cognitive radios, realizing cognitive cycle, consisting typically of continuous observation, orientation, reasoning and decision making. All these elements must be realized in parallel and shouldn't interfere with each other. Even more difficult issue is related with cooperation between different nodes, especially in wireless domain, in harsh propagation conditions. Unpredictable phenomena create hard conditions for all deterministic behavior models, and their reproduction is a key element for efficient operation of the network. Very popular computer simulations are always simplified, and real time implementation gives an opportunity to make the next step in system elaboration. This paper presents a real-time demonstrator of cognitive radio network. It can work both in wired mode, using radio channel emulator and in mobile mode, to verify influence of real conditions on proposed cognitive solutions and assess their effectiveness.
W ramach artykułu zaproponowano algorytm oceny przydatności kanałów radiowych bazujący na metodzie uczenia maszynowego Q-learning oraz przedstawiono wyniki badań. Rozważany algorytm, wykorzystujący rezultaty monitorowania zasobów częstotliwościowych, może znaleźć zastosowanie w systemach dynamicznego dostępu do widma. W takich rozwiązaniach wtórni użytkownicy widma realizują transmisje radiowe w wolnych przestrzeniach czasowo–częstotliwościowych.
In this paper, Q-learning based radio channels utility evaluation algorithm is proposed and tested. The considered algorithm, which takes into account the results of frequency resources monitoring, can be used in the dynamic spectrum access systems. In such solutions, secondary spectrum users transmit radio signals on the frequency channels that are temporarily not used by the licensed users.
Dotychczasowe doświadczenia wynikające z eksploatacji sieci radiowych pokazują, że budowa sieci radiowej z wykorzystaniem urządzeń różnych generacji nie jest zadaniem łatwym. Urządzenia radiowe wspierają inne standardy i tryby pracy. Budowa sieci radiowej wymaga wyboru wspólnego dla wszystkich terminali wavform-u. Odpowiednie wdrożenie starych wavefrm-ów na radiostacje kognitywne oraz opracowanie odpowiedniego mechanizmu zarządzania siecią radiową może stanowić podstawę do wdrożenia dynamicznego dostępu do widma.
Some experience coming from the operation of radio networks shows that building a radio network using devices of various generations is not an easy task. Radio equipment supports different standards and work modes. A radio network requires a common choice of wavform for all terminals. Appropriate implementation of old waveframes on cognitive radio stations and the development of an appropriate radio network management mechanism may be the basis for the implementation of dynamic spectrum access.
Wzrost ruchu w sieciach bezprzewodowych znacząco zwiększa zapotrzebowanie na pasmo częstotliwościowe. Jednym ze sposobów poprawienia efektywności użycia pasma jest wdrożenie technologii radia kognitywnego. W pracy przedstawiono koncepcję systemu dynamicznego przydziału zasobów widmowych korzystającego ze specjalnych baz danych. Pokazany został algorytm działania takiego systemu, architektura bazy danych i sposób komunikacji między elementami systemu. Zweryfikowano działanie przykładowej implementacji takiego systemu.
The increase of wireless network traffic lead to significant rise of spectrum demand. One of possible way for improvement of spectrum usage efficiency is to deploy cognitive radio technology. In this paper, we showed concept of dynamic spectrum access system which is using special type of databases. We present proposed algorithms applied in such a system, database architecture and communication scheme between system elements. We showed example of this system implementation with experimental examination of it operation.
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