Dynamic designs for ship propulsion shafting can be categorised as complex multi-disciplinary coupling systems. The traditional single disciplinary optimisation design method has become a bottleneck, restricting the further improvement of shafting design. In this paper, taking a complex propulsion shafting as the object, a dynamic analysis model of the propeller-shafting-hull system was established. In order to analyse the coupling effect of propeller hydrodynamics on shafting dynamics, the propeller’s hydrodynamic force in the wake flow field was calculated as the input for shafting alignment and vibration analysis. On this basis, the discipline decomposition and analysis of the subdisciplines in design of shafting dynamics were carried out. The coupling relationships between design variables in the subdisciplines were studied and the Multi-disciplinary Design Optimisation (MDO) framework of shafting dynamics was established. Finally, taking the hollowness of the shaft segments and the vertical displacement of bearings as design variables, combined with the optimal algorithm, the MDO of shafting dynamics, considering the coupling effect of the propellershafting-hull system, was realised. The results presented in this paper can provide a beneficial reference for improving the design quality of ship shafting.
Bacteriophages, viruses that can infect bacteria, are promising alternatives for antibiotic treatment caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains. For that reason, the production of bacteriophages is extensively studied. Mathematical modelling can lead to the improvement of bioprocess by identification of critical process parameters and their impact on the demanded product. Dynamic modelling considers a system (i.e. bioreactor or bioprocess) as a dynamic object focusing on changes in the initial and final parameters (such as biomass concentration and product formation) in time, so-called signals and treats the studied system as a “black box” that processes signals. This work aimed to develop a mathematical model that describes bacteriophage production process. As result, we created a dynamic model that can estimate the number of bacteriophages released from cells as plaque-forming units at specific time points based on the changes in the bacteria host-cell concentration. Moreover, the proposed model allowed us to analyze the impact of the initial virus concentration given by multiplicity of infection (MOI) on the amount of produced bacteriophages.
Wynikiem naftowych prac poszukiwawczych w obszarze depresji strzyżowskiej (płaszczowina skolska) było odwiercenie w 1991 roku otworu Wiśniowa-1. Na głębokości 3793 m uzyskano przypływ wody o mineralizacji 15,15 g/dm3, wydajności 180 m3/h i temperaturze 85°C. Poziom zbiornikowy stanowią zeszczelinowane piaskowce warstw spaskich (kreda dolna) z anormalnie wysokim ciśnieniem złożowym. Skonstruowany trójwymiarowy model porowatości efektywnej, przepuszczalności szczelinowej i temperatury, poddano symulacjom z użyciem symulatora Eclipse (Schlumberger). W modelowaniach wykorzystano istniejące otwory wiertnicze:Wiśniowa-1, Szufnarowa-1 i Nawsie-1, oraz zaprojektowany otwór zrzutowy (INJ1), oddalony o 1km na NW od otworu produkcyjnego. Przeprowadzone modelowania dynamiczne pozwoliły na wyliczenie optymalnej pracy dubletu geotermalnego, gdzie wielkość produkcji otworem Wioeniowa-1 przy jednoczesnym zrzucie tej samej objętości otworem zatłaczającym (INJ1) wyliczono na poziomie 640 m3/dobę. Dla modelu wyjściowego zapewnia ona ciągłość eksploatacji jedynie przy kilku stopniach spadku temperatury produkowanej wody przez okres niemal 50 lat. Wykonano analizę czułości systemu ze względu na różne scenariusze modelu parametrycznego (model pesymistyczny, model wyjściowy i model optymistyczny).
Well Wiśniowa-1 was drilled in 1991 in the Strzyżów Depression (Skole Nappe) for petroleum exploration. At a depth of 3793 m, low-mineralized water was encountered. The water exhibits temperature of 85°C and inflow rate of 180 m3/h. Water reservoir consists of fractured sandstones belonging to the Spas Beds (Lower Cretaceous) and displays anomalously high pressures. A three-dimensional model of effective porosity, fracture permeability and temperature was constructed and subjected to dynamic simulations using Eclipse simulator (Schlumberger). In modelling process, three existing wells (Wiśniowa-1, Szufnarowa-1, Nawsie-1) and the new designed well (INJ1), located about 1 km to the NWof the production well, were used. The modelling results have shown that at the level of 640 m3/day of water production and injection the geothermal doublet will work most efficiently. For the base case model, this would ensure a continuous operation with only a few degree drop in the temperature of the produced water over a period of almost 50 years. We have also made sensitivity analysis of the system for various scenarios of the parametric model (low case, base case and high case).
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Moc cieplna zamówiona wyznaczona zgodnie z normą PN-EN 12831 okazuje się zbyt duża w późniejszej eksploatacji budynku. W artykule przedstawiono analizę obliczenia mocy do ogrzewania budynku domu studenckiego trzema metodami: zgodną z normą oraz wykorzystując symulacje dynamiczne z użyciem standardowych i zmienionych danych klimatycznych. Pokazano, że w porównaniu z metodą statyczną, zapotrzebowanie na moc jest o przeszło 20% mniejsze w przypadku analizy dynamicznej, gdy przyjęto stałą temperaturę powietrza zewnętrznego -20°C, oraz prawie 40% mniejsze w przypadku wykorzystania standardowych danych meteorologicznych.
The designed heat load is determined in accordance with the PN-EN 12831 standard, but in later operation it turns out that the power determined in this way is too high. The article presents an analysis of the calculation of heat load for heating in a dormitory building with three methods: compliant with the standard and using dynamic simulations using standard and changed climate data. It has been shown that compared to the static method, the heat load is more than 20% lower in the case of dynamic analysis with the use of a constant outside air temperature of -20°C, and nearly 40% lower when using standard meteorological data.
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