This work introduces dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) as an efficient method for the assessment of the shelf life of solid composite solid propellants in air and nitrogen atmospheres. The samples were aged at three temperatures 323.15, 333.15, and 343.15 K for 60, 120, and 180 days. The two different methods of Arrhenius and Berthelot were used to compare the effects of air and nitrogen atmospheres on the ageing of composite solid propellants. Damping (Tan δ) of composite solid propellants was used to determine the shelf life of the samples based on the loss of half of the physical property Tan δ (50% drop in damping). For the air atmosphere, the calculated activation energy for the degradation reactions of the samples was 86.26 kJ·mol–1. Both models, Arrhenius and Berthelot, confirmed that the shelf lives of the samples under the nitrogen atmosphere are more than four times those in an air atmosphere.
The effect of incorporation of fine grinding coal particle of different mcta-morphism rank to polypropylene(PPH) was examined. The properties of coal filled PPH were compared with the properties of PPH filled with the same weight fraction of calcium carbonate or talc. The samples were prepared by injection method in industrial machines. The work demonstrated that mechanical properties of PPH filled with coal particles depend on coal rank, but show a typical behaviour of a particulate filler polymer and generally are compared to the properties of polypropylene filled with mineral fillers.
Zbadano wpływ wprowadzenia do polipropylenu drobno zmielonego napełniacza węglowego o różnym stopniu metamorfizmu. Właściwości otrzymanych kompozytów porównywano z właściwościami polipropylenu, zawierającego takąsamąilość napełniacza mineralnego: talku i kredy. Próbki do badań wykonywano w przemysłowych maszynach produkcyjnych metodą wtrysku. Stwierdzono, że właściwości mechaniczne polipropylenu z organicznym napełniaczem węglowym zależą od zawartości pierwiastka C w węglu, ale ogólnie są porównywalne do właściwości polipropylenu z napelniaczami mineralnymi.
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