Od 6 lat producenci stali nierdzewnych w Europie, chcąc ratować swoje marże, próbowali wprowadzić cła antydumpingowe na wyroby płaskie. Po tych kilku latach i lepszym zorganizowaniu się (Outokumpu kupiło Inoxum – spółkę ThyssenKrupp odpowiedzialną za stal nierdzewną) wreszcie osiągnięto zamierzony cel. Czy dzięki temu uda się uratować miejsca pracy przy produkcji stali nierdzewnej?
This article shows how dumping of sediments from an amber mining plant prevented erosion of the western shore of the Sambian Peninsula (in Kaliningrad Oblast). The average annual dynamics of coastal areas in the vicinity of the former dumping site of the amber mining plant is described. Nowadays the erosion is continuing after cessation of dumping. The rate of erosion was estimated by results of regular monitoring measurements, using airborne laser scanning. It was found that about 250000 cubic metres per year of local material is needed every year to prevent further erosion and retreat of the shore.
Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is presenting the results obtained in years 2007 – 2010 in frame of the project Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge – CastModel. The project was focused, among others, at elaborating new, environmentally friendly cast alloys based on the Al-Zn system. Particularly, efforts were aimed at improving ductility of the sand cast high-zinc aluminium alloys (HZnAl) by using the newly elaborated master alloys, based on the Al-Zn-Ti system. Design/methodology/approach: The presented work is focused on the nucleation of the high-zinc Al-20 wt% Zn (HZnAl AlZn20) alloy, known as the high damping one, aiming at improving plastic properties of the sand castings. The melted alloy was nucleated with AlTi5B1 (TiBAl) and AlTi3C0.15 (TiCAl) refiners as well as with the newly introduced ZnAl-Ti3 one. During the research the following experimental techniques were used: LM, SEM-EBSD, EDS, TA, DSC, Quantitative Metallography, UTS, Elongation and Attenuation coefficient measurements. Findings: During the performed examinations it was found out that significant increasing of the grain population of the inoculated alloy increases plasticity represented by elongation. The attenuation coefficient of the nucleated alloy, measured using an Olympus Epoch XT device, preserves its high value. The results obtained allow to characterize the examined AlZn20 alloy as promissive, having good strength and damping properties as well as the environmentally friendly alloy because of its comparatively low melting temperatures. Practical implications: The grain-refined high-zinc aluminium alloys can be used as the high damping substitutes of the traditional, more energy consumable Fe-based foundry alloys. Originality/value: The newly elaborated ZnAl-Ti based master alloys show high refining potency and quick dissolution in low melting temperatures of about 500°C, and are the promissive alternatives of the traditional AlTi-based ones.
W literaturze znane są pozycje opisujące sposób modelowania układów technicznych znajdujących się w trakcie wykonywania ruchu obrotowego [1-8]. Niniejsza praca jest rozszerzeniem tematyki związanej z analizą wpływu ruchu układu na model drgań o uwzględnienie w modelu matematycznym elementów związanych z tłumieniem. Przedstawiony w opracowaniu model jest wyprowadzeniem równań ruchu tłumionych belek podatnych, a dodatkowe uwzględnienie tłumienia jest krokiem, dzięki któremu możliwe będzie zbliżenie proponowanego modelu do aplikacji rzeczywistych.
In the literature there are known positions described the way of modelling of technical systems in rotational motion [1-8]. This thesis is a development of subject matter connected with the analysis of effect of system’s motion on the model of vibrations. This development is connected with taking into account elements of damping in the mathematical model. Presented model in this article is a derivation of equations of motion of damped flexible beam systems. Additionally taking into consideration the damping of systems is a step to bringing closer together of the proposed model and actual applications.