W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań ciepła spalania i wartości opałowej kory drzew liściastych i iglastych (dębu, brzozy, olchy, wierzby i sosny). Wartość opałowa kory drzew od ok. 15 do ok. 19,5 MJ/kg (przy wilgotności 10%) sprawia, że kora jest cennym surowcem odpadowym do wytwarzania pełnowartościowego paliwa opałowego.
The problem presented in this paper results of the investigation of heat of combustion and calorific value of the deciduous and coniferous trees' bark (oak, birch, alder, willow and pine). The calorific value of the trees' bark from about 15 to 19,5 MJ/kg (near moisture 10%) inflicts, that bark is valuable of waste material to production of the balanced fuel fuel.
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W artykule przedstawiono wyniki wieloletnich obserwacji zmian wilgotności podłoża ekspansywnego zbudowanego z iłów trzeciorzędowych, poddanego oddziaływaniu dużej grupy drzew. Badania wykonano w skali naturalnej, na poligonie doświadczalnym Katedry Geotechniki Wydziału Budownictwa i Inżynierii Środowiska ATR. zlokalizowanym w Bydgoszczy przy ulicy Toruńskiej. Szczegółową analizą objęto zwłaszcza proces odbudowy wilgotności naturalnej w podłożu w okresie kilku lat po usunięciu roślinności. Podjęto także próbę analitycznego opisu redystrybucji wilgotności w funkcji głębokości i czasu, z uwzględnieniem cech geotechnicznych podłoża gruntowego.
The present paper presents a multi-year observations of changes in expansive clay water content as affected by a considerably large group of deciduous trees. The research was conducted in the experimental field of the Department of Geotechnics, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Technology and Agriculture in Bydgoszcz. A thorough analysis covered, first of all, the process of natural water content restoration over a few years after cutting down the trees. An attempt has been made to provide an analysis of water content redistribution, including depth and time and geotechnical expansive clay.
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In a climax community where all species are sharing relatively similar and stable habitat, there are differences in leaf traits between deciduous trees and shrubs and dominant species and companion species, especially in leaf lifespan (LLs). What are the differences of relationships among leaf traits between deciduous trees and shrubs? What are the mechanisms of this phenomenon? Here, we presented a one-year observation and recorded the LLs followed a modified method in a Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata forest in the north slope of the Qinling Mountains, China. We found that (i) Different species in the same stand performed quite differently in their LLs (P <0.005). Average LLs of shrubs was slightly longer (P = 0.05) than that of deciduous trees. (ii) LLs showed a significant negative correlation with specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf nitrogen content (LNC) (P <0.05) in deciduous trees, however, a significant positive correlation with LNC and leaf carbon content (LCC) (P <0.05) was detected in shrubs. (iii) The comparison of the traits between dominant and companion species in arbor layer and shrub layer showed that there was no significant difference in LLs, LCC and LNC, except SLA in arbor layer. Our study indicated that the amount of light, at the community scale, might be a main factor determining the LLs of wood plants in deciduous forest. The difference between trees and shrubs in relationships among leaf traits suggests that deciduous trees and shrubs may take different strategies to adapt to the environment. SLA is likely to be a marker trait to distinguish dominant and companion species in arbor layer of deciduous broad leaved forest
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