Coalbed methane is usually utilized by gas well drilled from the surface. In order to increase the coefficient of methane exploration from coal seams, in a horizontal section of the well, hydraulic fracturing operations are applied. Drilling process and hydraulic fracturing operations involve emission of pollutants to the air from the fuel combustion process. In the case of drilling operations fuel is used to generate electric power, which drives the drilling device and its components, while during hydraulic fracturing to drive high-pressure pump engines.
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Geotermia stanowi niezwykle obiecujące źródło energii, które w coraz większym stopniu zyskuje na popularności w kontekście poszukiwania alternatywnych, ekologicznych sposobów pozyskiwania energii. Jednym z kluczowych elementów udostępniania złóż wód geotermalnych jest zastosowanie odpowiednich płuczek do dowiercania, szczególnie w kontekście gospodarki obiegu zamkniętego. Gospodarka o obiegu zamkniętym to model produkcji i konsumpcji, który polega na dzieleniu się, pożyczaniu, ponownym użyciu, naprawie, odnawianiu i recyklingu istniejących materiałów i produktów tak długo, jak to możliwe. W ten sposób wydłuża się cykl życia produktów. W praktyce oznacza to ograniczenie odpadów do minimum. Kiedy cykl życia produktu dobiega końca, surowce i odpady, które z niego pochodzą, powinny zostać w gospodarce, dzięki recyklingowi. Można je z powodzeniem wykorzystać ponownie, tworząc w ten sposób dodatkową wartość. Jeśli nadal będziemy eksploatować zasoby w obecnym tempie, do 2050 r. będziemy potrzebować zasobów trzech planet Ziemi. Ograniczone zasoby i kwestie klimatyczne wymagają przejścia od społeczeństwa typu „weź-wyprodukuj-wyrzuć” („take-make-dispose”) do neutralnej pod względem emisji dwutlenku węgla, zrównoważonej środowiskowo, wolnej od toksyn gospodarki o całkowicie zamkniętym obiegu do 2050 roku.[ UE chce osiągnąć gospodarkę o obiegu zamkniętym do 2050 r.]
Geothermal energy is an extremely promising source of energy, which is becoming increasingly popular in the context of the search for alternative, environmentally friendly ways of obtaining energy. One of the key elements of making geothermal water deposits available is the use of appropriate drilling fluids, especially in the context of the circular economy. The circular economy is a model of production and consumption that involves sharing, borrowing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible. In this way, the life cycle of the products is extended. In practice, this means reducing waste to a minimum. When a product’s life cycle comes to an end, the raw materials and waste that comes from it should stay in the economy, thanks to recycling. They can be successfully reused, thus creating additional value. If we continue to exploit resources at the current rate, we will need the resources of three planet Earth by 2050. Scarce resources and climate issues require a shift from a take-make-dispose society to a carbon-neutral, environmentally sustainable, toxin-free and fully circular economy by 2050.
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This work reveals the burr dimensions at entry and exit of the drilled holes on copper, brass and stainless steel. Furthermore, the effect of spindle speed and feed rate on the burr dimensions are considered and reported. Burr size minimization is one of the key problems in drilling operation. The main aim of this research is evaluated the burr dimesion occurrences of drilling on conventionally drilled holes and CNC drilled holes. The burrs produced by conventional machine and CNC machine were compared and presented.
In Poland the perspective shale gas formations concentrate in the area of the Baltic Basin, Podlasie Depression and Lublin Basin. Their depth varies from slightly above 2,000 to 4,500 m, depending on the location. Accordingly, novel rigs of high hoisting capacity and installed power capacity of master motors have to be used for opening natural gas deposits with the use of directional wells. The operation of such systems creates an acoustic hazard for the environment, especially in the close vicinity to the rig. The results of noise analyses of a prospecting well for hydrocarbons from unconventional sources in the north of Poland performed with the use of a rig MASS 6000E are presentedin this paper. The noise analyses concentrated on the rig area among the direct noise sources and the neighborhood to show the influence of drilling operations on the acoustic environment. The obtained results revealed that the noise emission in the rig area can be limited by optimizing the localization and placement of particular objects and systems within the rig site. This also applies to the placement of the noise barriers on the border of the rig to limit the noise emission towards objects requiring protection.
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