Collecting of geological archives and cores was initiated in 1919 with the establishment of the Polish Geological Institute. During the Warsaw Uprising in 1944 these collections, gathered through the past 25 years, became dispersed and mostly destroyed. After World War II collecting was reactivated and now the Institute has 7 archives of cores and geological samples. They are as follows (arranged in order of a decreasing number of collected samples): Leszcze near Kłodawa (195,000 samples); Kielniki–Przymiłowice (163,000), Szurpiły (107,000), Piaseczno (100,000), Hołowno (94,000), Michałów (37,000) and Halinów (28,000). The main base of geological data of the present Poland’s area, and proceeded and systematically developed by the Polish Geological Institute, is the Central Geological Data Base. This base includes, among others, the following subsystems: Documents, Boreholes, Study sites, Well Geophysics, Analyses, Deposits and Geological Collections.
Celem pracy było określenie wielkości wskaźników struktury porowej i zwilżalności skał zbiornikowych na podstawie pomiarów oporności elektrycznej próbek skał, pobranych z rdzeni wiertniczych. Badania wykonano na 226 rdzeniach wiertniczych, pochodzących z ośmiu otworów wiertniczych, reprezentujących utwory piaskowcowe czerwonego spągowca rejonu Cicha Góra–Paproć. Wartości wskaźników struktury porowej m dla analizowanych utworów zmieniały się od 1,29 do 2,64, a wskaźniki zwilżalności n przyjmowały wartości w granicach 1,22–4,36.
The aim of the study was determination of pore cementation exponent and reservoir rocks saturation exponent values on the grounds of electrical resistivity measurements of rock samples taken from drill cores. The tests have been carried out on 226 drill cores, originating from eight boreholes representing Rotliegend sandstone formations from Cicha Góra–Paproć region. Values of pore structure factors m for analysed formations varied from 1.29 up to 2.64, while wettability factors n varied in 1.22–4.36 range.
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