The author’s intention is to present the most important techniques applied by Słowacki intended to evoke a negative projection of death in three dramas written in the pre-mystic period: Kordian, Balladyna and Beatryks Cenci. The excerpted material is analysed semantically and lexically in view of its semantic contexts concerning human death. The basis of the reconstruction of the negative creation of mors, featured in these works, is provided by a description and discussion of the figures of speech and rhetorical devices with a lexical component that belongs to the semantic field ‘death’ (metaphors and personifications in particular), as well as substitute designations for designates that are related to the phenomenon of the passing of time where one’s life is slowly coming to an end. In addition, the author provides a characteristics of the Thanatic semantics of the lexeme blood and derivatives thereof, as well as names for the colour red. Verbal realizations of such conceptual constructions highlight such features of deaths as: mysteriousness, ghastliness, rapaciousness, perversity, brutality and cruelty that imply the feeling of sadness, fear and repulsion. It should be noted, however, that the “theater of death”, presented by Słowacki in the dramas, is of ambivalent nature because the negative manifestations of Thanatos are at the same time supplemented with euphemistic approaches aimed at easing the tension, softening the horror of death and camouflaging its terrifying dimension. These approaches are discussed in the following article: Juliusza Słowackiego “theatrum mortis” na przykładzie “Kordiana”, “Balladyny” i “Beatryks Cenci” – wizja ułagodzona.
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In this article the author applies Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński’s claim that Witkacy’s paintings are “theatre frozen on canvas” by examining the many characters who coexist in both his paintings and dramas. This is evident not only in the content of his later drawings and paintings when he was most productive with his dramatic literary output, but also in the subject matter of earlier art pieces before he even began the fruitful period of his dramatic works. Moreover, some of the images in his artwork reflect his own real life experiences. The author borrowing a phrase from Daniel Gerould claims that Witkacy creates a “unified world of imagination” in which various characters appear in multiple literary and art works.
Karol Wojtyła left behind many undated works. Determining the date of their creation sometimes requires a detective’s acumen. Based on the extensive information available in his poetry, meditations or plays, the context of their creation can be worked out quite accurately. This article is an attempt to determine the chronology of the early works of Karol Wojtyła, starting with the adaptation of The Stage Image titled “Christ – King” based on the Apocalypse of Saint John, his rhymed verses as a secondary-school graduate, through the series of Sonnets, and Symphonies – Unifications, then his autumnal poetry, works from the time of the war and occupation – sometimes forgotten by the very author – and ending with Songs about the Hidden God – the most mature poem from the period before his priesthood. Confirmations of the suggested arrangements often come from the recollections of people who were close to the young Wojtyła. His letters to his friends, the Kotlarczyks and the Szkockis, are also an endless source of information. The literary works of the future Pope, full of his deepest thoughts, as well as fears and premonitions, complement the various stages of his life, and thus help us to better understand not only the artistic creativity, but also the teachings, of John Paul II.
Karol Wojtyła pozostawił po sobie wiele niedatowanych utworów. Ustalenie czasu ich powstania wymaga niekiedy detektywistycznego zacięcia. Na podstawie zawartych informacji w poezjach, medytacjach czy w dramatach można z dość dużą dokładnością przybliżyć kontekst ich powstawania. Artykuł jest próbą ustalenia chronologii wczesnych utworów Karola Wojtyły począwszy od adaptacji Obrazu scenicznego pt. „Chrystus – Król” na podstawie Apokalipsy św. Jana, rymowanych wersów maturzysty, poprzez cykl Sonetów i Symphonie – Scalenia, dalej poezje jesienne, twórczość okresu wojny i okupacji – niekiedy zapomnianej nawet przez samego Autora, kończąc na Pieśni o Bogu ukrytym – najbardziej dojrzałym poemacie sprzed jego święceń kapłańskich. Potwierdzenia zaproponowanych ustaleń często dostarczają wspomnienia osób z otoczenia młodego Wojtyły. Kopalnią wiedzy jest zachowana jego korespondencja do zaprzyjaźnionych rodzin Kotlarczyków czy Szkockich. Dzieła literackie przyszłego papieża, obfitujące w najskrytsze przemyślenia, a często także w obawy i przeczucia, uzupełniają historię poszczególnych etapów jego życia, a przez to pomagają lepiej zrozumieć nie tylko twórczość artystyczną, ale także i nauczanie Jana Pawła II.
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