Review of methodics of estimating the drain's technical state. Classifications of drains' technical state - selected estimation criteria based on ATV directives and PN-EN standard. Methodics applied for estimating technical state of general fluming and sanitary drains in Poznań.
Batik is one of ethnical cultures of Indonesia. The batik production has spread throughout Indonesia. One of the batik industry areas is located in Jetis, Sidoarjo, Indonesia. This industry has been operating for approximately 350 years without processing its wastewater. The batik wastewater contains several toxic compounds such as high BOD, COD and color pigment. These compounds can be harmful for the environment if discharged directly to water bodies. Phyto-treatment might be a solution to overcome this problem. The use of Scirpus grossus and Iris pseudacorus with variations of waste irrigation system using the intermittent method showed a COD removal up to 89% and BOD removal up to 97%. Mixed culture of S. grossus and I. pseudacorus showed a better removal than its single culture. The highest removal of BOD and COD was obtained in reactor with mixed culture plants under Flood/Drain ratio of 2:1.
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Wielokrotnie już na łamach pracy pisaliśmy o realizacji ważnego przedsięwzięcia dla Krakowa, jakim jest poprawa gospodarki wodno-ściekowej. Dla wykonania tego przedsięwzięcia Kraków potrzebował wsparcia i takie wsparcie uzyskał dzięki staraniom Miejskiego Przedsiębiorstwa Wodociągów i Kanalizacji SA w Krakowie (MPWiK SA w Krakowie).
W próbkach osadów ściekowych powstających w obiektach kanalizacji deszczowej głównych ulic Krakowa, pobranych w czterech sezonach 2002/03 oceniono zawartość Fe i Mn, oraz skład ziarnowy i mineralny a także zmiany wskaźników fizykochemicznych środowiska wodnego osadów, jak pH, potencjału oksydacyjno-redukcyjnego Eh i przewodności elektrolitycznej właściwej (PEW).
Sediments that appear in sewage system constructions were determined on the basis of examination of samples from sewage catch pits of main streets of Cracow. Sampling was carried out in four seasons. Concentration of Fe and Mn was estimated, taking into account granulation and phase composition of sewage sediments. Changeable influence of physico-chemical indicators of aquatic environment: pH, Eh and PEW were also considered. Seasonal differentiation of Fe and Mn concentration in sewage sediments results from variable environment pollution by industry, transport and municipal economy. Corrosion of sewage infrastructure cannot be neglected either. Qualitative phase composition of bottom sediments of sewage systems have indicated a degree of environmental pollution as well as conditions of infrastructure of Cracow Conurbation pipe-away sewage system.
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