The authors refer to several aspects of the most recent proposal to amend the Executive Penal Code, published by the Ministry of Justice in autumn 2021 and widely consulted as part of the legislative process. The draft is a voluminous document, 52 pages long, and covers a wide range of issues with varying degree of detail. The article is not intended to offer a comprehensive analysis of the whole project – we confine ourselves to a few threads that, in our opinion, are the most important, as well as require commentary due to their possible consequences for the system of penal executive law and the protection of the rights of persons deprived of their liberty. These are the issues related to the implementation of sentences in the electronic monitoring system, the problem of complaints and judicial control in enforcement proceedings, the institution of “preventive measures” in penitentiary institutions, principles of transferring offenders sentenced to life imprisonment to semi-open and open institutions, authorization of the Minister of Justice to issue a regulation on determining the surface area of living cells, modification of the content of Art. 117 of the Penal Code as a consequence of the decision of the Constitutional Tribunal concerning the treatment and rehabilitation of convicted addicts and the principles of functioning of psychiatric institutions with reinforced and maximum security.
Rząd uznał studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego za dokument zbyt rozbudowany i formalistyczny. Zastąpi go więc plan ogólny gminy, sporządzony najpóźniej do końca 2025 r. Gminy będą mogły nabywać własność żłobków i dróg dzięki inwestycjom uzupełniającym. W planowaniu przestrzennym ważna staje się partycypacja społeczna.
The government considered the study of conditions and directions of spatial development to be too extensive and formalistic. It will therefore be replaced by the commune's general plan, prepared no later than the end of 2025. Communes will be able to acquire ownership of nurseries and roads thanks to complementary investments. Social participation becomes important in spatial planning.
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