Autorzy niniejszego artykułu prezentują niezbędne zdolności i cechy, jakie powinny posiadać profesjonalne siły zbrojne, aby sprostać prawdopodobnym zagrożeniem globalnego środowiska bezpieczeństwa XXI wieku. Prognozują charakter i przebieg przyszłych konfliktów. Podkreślają że przyszłe pole walki będzie bardzo skomplikowane, nasycone supernowoczesnymi technologiami i nowinkami technicznymi. Przedstawiają przyszłego dowódcę, żołnierza jako profesjonalistę najwyższego poziomu o ponadprzeciętnych i zczególnych cechach. Opisują również Siły Zbrojne RP do roku 2030 jako nowoczesną organizację potrafiącą rozwiązywać konflikty społeczno-militarne w strukturach narodowych i sojuszniczych.
The article presents indispensable features and abilities which professional armed forces should possess in order to face the probable threats to the global security environment of 21 st century. It predicts the character and course of future conflicts. It also emphasises the fact that the future battlefield will be very complex, filled with state-of-the-art technologies and technological innovations. Moreover, it presents the future commander, soldier, as a professional of the highest level, characterized by extraordinary and special features. lt describes the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland until 2030, a as modem organization, capable of solving social-military conflicts within the national and allied structures.
Purpose: The purpose of this publication is to present the determinants of managerial competencies in the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. The identification of the elements of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. and its characteristics were also performed. Design/methodology/approach: In the theoretical part, a critical literature analysis was conducted. This included international literature from major databases and Polish literature. Additionally, in order to identify research problems, a diagnostic survey method with Likert scale analysis was used. Findings: The research conducted was based on the authors' categorization of leadership competency areas. The most important competency areas were identified. Furthermore, the research results enabled the identification of criteria distinguishing a leader from a manager. Factors essential for the effective performance of the leader's role were presented. Additionally, indicators of competence within the context of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0 were highlighted. Research limitations/implications: The research is intended to be expanded in the future to include a more extensive and more diverse research sample. Practical implications: The research results and conclusions constitute implications for the development of competencies adequately matching the challenges of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. The 5.0 Leadership ecosystem brings many benefits, such as increased efficiency, cost reduction, and sustainability. For managers responsible for team creation, member selection, and work organisation, the results and conclusions of the research are deemed a valuable information source aimed at enhancing the organisation's effectiveness. Originality/value: The article proposes an original model of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. It presents the conceptualization process and characterizes the elements of this ecosystem.
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