W artykule scharakteryzowano ogólne problemy związane z wyborem dostawcy materiałów, w tym szczególną uwagę zwrócono na dobór odpowiednich kryteriów i podstawowe zasady formułowania umów zawieranych z dostawcami. Przedstawiono także wyniki badań własnych dostyczących wyboru dostawców przez zamawiających publicznych.
A proper conduction of the procedures for selecting suppliers of construction materials can greatly reduce the cost of execution of the work. In the paper particular attention has been paid to the issue of supplying construction materials ordered by the investor. To select the best suppliers the choice of the right criteria is vital. The selection criteria, which are briefly described in the paper, should relate to the delivery and competence of the supplier. The authors analysed 39 contract awarded notices for the provision of construction materials which had been published in the Public Procurement Bulletin in the second half of 2012. The results of the research reveal that most of the contracts were awarded by open tendering. The price is the only criterion used by investors. The article also presents legal regulations and the principles for the preparation of the construction materials supply contract.
A proper conduction of the procedures for selecting suppliers of construction materials can greatly reduce the cost of execution of the work. In the paper particular attention has been paid to the issue of supplying construction materials ordered by the investor. To select the best suppliers the choice of the right criteria is vital. The selection criteria, which are briefly described in the paper, should relate to the delivery and competence of the supplier. The authors analysed 39 contract awarded notices for the provision of construction materials which had been published in the Public Procurement Bulletin in the second half of 2012. The results of the research reveal that most of the contracts were awarded by open tendering. The price is the only criterion used by investors. The article also presents legal regulations and the principles for the preparation of the construction materials supply contract.
W artykule scharakteryzowano ogólne problemy związane z wyborem dostawcy materiałów, w tym szczególną uwagę zwrócono na dobór odpowiednich kryteriów i podstawowe zasady formułowania umów zawieranych z dostawcami. Przedstawiono także wyniki badań własnych dostyczących wyboru dostawców przez zamawiających publicznych.
Wykonawcy wybierając dostawcę materiałów budowlanych mogą brać pod uwagę znaczną ilość kryteriów. Ocenienie ich wszystkich jest korzystne, ale może stwarzać wiele problemów w praktyce. Rozwiązaniem jest tutaj zastosowanie jednej z metod analiz wielokryterialnych. W artykule - na przykładzie - zaprezentowano najczęściej stosowaną w praktyce metodę wagową. Korzystną alternatywą jest zastosowanie jednej z metod analizy wielokryterialnej – AHP. Przedstawiono przykład jej zastosowania zarówno w podstawowym ujęciu, jak i w jej wariancie rozbudowanym – FAHP (ang. Fuzzye Analytic Hierarchy Process - FAHP; dalej: FAHP).
When selecting the supplier of building materials, contractors can take into account a considerable number of criteria. Although including them all in the evaluation is beneficial, it may cause many issues in practice. To solve this problem, one may resort to one of the multiciteria analysis methods. The article presents an example of a multicriteria analysis, namely, the AHP, and illustrates its application in both the basic presentation and in its more elaborate variant: the Fuzzy AHP - FAHP.
When selecting the supplier of building materials, contractors can take into account a considerable number of criteria. Although including them all in the evaluation is beneficial, it may cause many issues in practice. To solve this problem, one may resort to one of the multiciteria analysis methods. The article presents an example of a multicriteria analysis, namely, the AHP, and illustrates its application in both the basic presentation and in its more elaborate variant: the Fuzzy AHP - FAHP.
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