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w słowach kluczowych:  dolina Warty
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Content available Historia rozwoju doliny Warty w basenie uniejowskim
The conditions existing in the Uniejów Basin were favourable to formation of outflow after successive glaciations due to subsidence in Adamow graben. The last glacial episode in this area was the Warta stage. During the recession of continental glacier the waters flew away towards the south, but when the glacier receded to the north, a valley began to form with an outflow in the northern direction. During the time of the Eemian Interglacial the valley bottom was fairly wide and it was on the ordinate of 80.0 m. above see level. In the Vistulian the aggradation tendencies dominated. A high Plenivistulian terrace formed in the Warta valley (but only in the southern part of the Uniejów Basin) and a low Late Plenivistulian terrace. On the surface of the vast low terraca there are remains of multichannel river system which formed in Younger Dryas and were reactivated in the Holocene. The Warta river-bed was gradually lowering from the begining of Holocene until the Atlantic period, when this tendency was reversed as a result of intensified human-generated supply of mineral material into the river-bed. Over the last two centuries the Warta transformed into a one-channel river in consequence of strong human impact.
This study investigates the flora of 20 oxbow lakes in the Warta valley near Uniejów, ten of which are situated between the river-bed and the flood embankment, and ten are behind the flood bank. 152 plant species have been identified in the studied area: 112 within the embankment, and 148 outside of it. The plants include Nymphaea alba, Lemna gibba and Wolffia arrhiza, as well as Dianthus superbus and Thalictrum lucidum on the banks. The flora of oxbow lakes behind the flood bank includes a greater proportion of anthropofites and more synanthropic vegetation than inside the embankment. To prevent further synanthropisation of the flora, a buffer zone should be created around the oxbow lakes consisting of semi-natural meadow vegetation and single trees. All natural water reservoirs should come under legal protection as ecological lands.
Two attributes are important in the location of the Uniejów town and commune: its lying in the centre of the country (ca. 48 km west of the geometric centre of Poland) and in the borderland in different physicogeographical divisions. Uniejów is situated in the southern part of the Koło Basin near the boundaries with Łask Plateau, Sieradz Basin and Turek Plateau. In the past, the factor most important for the development of Uniejów was its location in the placewhere the Warta valley and Warsaw–Berlin valley connected because major routes running along these valleys facilitated transport and settlement. Present development of the town is connected with geothermal waters found in Lower Cretaceous sediments within Lodz Basin. The first hydrogeological well was drilled in Uniejów in 1978. This article presents the location of Uniejów within the physicogeographical, geological, geomorphological, and botanical units and on the map of Poland’s climatic conditions.
tom T. 7, z. 2a
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań fitosocjologicznych przeprowadzonych w latach 2003-2005, w dolinie Warty na odcinku Santok-Stare Polichno (województwo lubuskie). Zróżnicowany układ siedlisk (obecność wału przeciwpowodziowego) przyczynił się do różnorodności zbiorowisk roślinnych, mimo małej powierzchni terenu. Powierzchniowo dominowały zbiorowiska szuwarowe (13 ha), następne w kolejności były zbiorowiska łąkowe (9 ha), najmniejszą powierzchnię zajmowały zbiorowiska nitrofilne (4 ha). Różnorodny materiał glebowy (znaczna ilość frakcji piaszczystej) użyty do budowy wału przeciwpowodziowego umożliwił rozwój zbiorowisk łąkowych oraz sucholubnych fitocenoz nitrofilnych.
The phytosociological study was carried out in 2003-2005 in the Warta valley on 26 hectares area between villages Santok and Stare Polichno (lubuskie voivodship). Differentiated relief of the investigated area and the presence of river embankment caused habitats differentiation. Rush communities (13 ha) - especially with Phalaris arundinacea, meadows (9 ha) and nitrophilous communities (4 ha) dominated there. Differentiated soil material (significant contribution of sandy fraction) used for building river embankment enhanced the development of plant communities classified as trodden meadow and dry nitrophilous associations.
Artykuł powstał w wyniku prac badawczych prowadzonych w ramach Projektu Zamawianego MNiI (K091/P04/2004/11).
The aim of this analysis is to present events, which concerned communication infrastructure in Łódź district in 1999-2004 in river valleys. Valleys' borders were taken from geomorphologic drafts of Detailed Geological Maps in scale of 1 : 50 000. The total number of events was 430, which was 14.2% of total registered events in particular district. Within long lasting period the number of events successively grew, the fastest increase was observed in the group of small events (>= 1 kg of the used sorbent), however medium events were just after small ones (>= 10 kg of the used sorbent). Large local events (>= 100 kg of the used sorbent) did not exceed 10% of the total of small events, with no definite tendency to change. As a result of increase of events number, the amount of used sorbent increased as well. Between 1999 and 2004 its fourfold increase was recorded. During the whole year its warm half year was significantly dominant. The greatest danger for the environment of Łódź district river valleys, according to EWID _99 database, is generated by road transport partially causing chemical and ecological threat. However, the scale of this phenomenon is very changeable. If the amount of used sorbent is compared, it is clear that its 6% were used in chemical and ecological rescue operations in 2000, while 43% in 2003. Between two biggest river valleys crossing Łódź district more endangered one is Warta river valley. During the period of analysis 35 local events took place (8% of total events in river valleys) and 967 of sorbents were used, of which 1% were used to remove ecological elTects. In Pilica valley the number of events was two times smaller, what resulted in usage sixfold smaller amount of sorbents than in Warta valley. Any chemical and ecological events were recorded.
tom nr 133 (13)
W wyniku wieloletnich badań w dolinie Warty, na podstawie większej stałości (S) oraz udziału (D) gatunku wyróżniono w zespole Phalaridetum arundinaceae cztery warianty: z Glyceria maxima, z Carex gracilis z Alopecurus pratensis, z Achillea ptarmica oraz fazę terminalną (schyłkową) z Urtica dioica. Warianty wykazują zróżnicowany skład florystyczny, ale wszystkie są związane syngenetycznie z zespołem mozgowym. Największy wpływ na powstanie i rozwój wariantów ma czynnik antropogeniczny, głównie prace melioracyjne, regularne 3-5-krotne koszenie, zbiór, nawożenie mineralne i organiczne oraz zabiegi pielęgnacyjne. Jednak zaniechanie lub niewłaściwe użytkowanie runi prowadzi do wykształcenia się wariantów o wartości miernej lub niepożądanej, np. fazy terminalnej z Urtica dioica, powstałej wskutek dużych błędów i zaniedbania w użytkowaniu.
As a result of long-term investigations carried out in the Warta River valley, on the basis of greater stability (S) and proportion (D) of the species, the following four variants were distinguished in the Phalaridetum arundinaceae association: with Glyceria maxima, with Carex gracilis with Alopecurus pratensis, with Achillea ptarmica as well as 1 terminal (final) phase with Urtica dioica. The variants exhibit different floristic composition but they are all synergistically associated with the reed grass association. The strongest influence on the formation and development of variants is exerted by the anthropogenic factor, mainly the performed land improvement works, regular 3-5 times cutting, harvesting, and mineral and organic fertilisation as well as cultivation. However, the complete abandonment or improper utilisation of the sward results in the development of variants of lower or undesirable value, e.g. the terminal phase with Urtica dioica which developed following serious mistakes and neglect in utilisation.
Cultural landscape is a historically formed part of geographical space which emerged as a result of natural and cultural impacts. It reflects the co-existence of people and nature. The paper presents the cultural landscape of a part of the Warta valley near Uniejów and undertakes its evaluation. The analysis took into account the land use forms and the degree of anthropogenic transformation of the landscape. Several centuries of human habitation have created a harmonious rural culture landscape in the Warta valley in the Uniejów region. The land use structure shows adjustment to the natural elements of the valley. Arable land and forests take up the largest area – 37.5% and 36.2% respectively; meadows, which are so typical of river valleys, constitute 21%, and built up land – only 1.8% of the area. The most attractive landscape has formed above the flood plain, with mosaic-shaped land use forms, long baulks, groups of trees among the fields and rows of trees along water flows.
Krajobraz kulturowy jest historycznie ukształtowanym fragmentem przestrzeni geograficznej, powstałym w wyniku oddziaływań przyrodniczych i kulturowych. Odzwierciedla on współżycie ludzi z przyrodą. W artykule przedstawiono krajobraz kulturowy fragmentu doliny Warty w okolicach Uniejowa oraz dokonano próby jego oceny. Analizowano formy użytkowania terenu i stopień antropogenicznego przekształcenia krajobrazu na podstawie oceny udziału linii prostej w panoramie. Kilka wieków użytkowania ukształtowało w dolinie Warty w okolicach Uniejowa harmonijny wiejski krajobraz kulturowy. Struktura użytkowania ziemi wykazuje dostosowanie do przyrodniczych elementów środowiska doliny. Największą powierzchnię zajmują grunty orne (37,5%) i lasy (36,2%). Łąki, tak charakterystyczne dla den dolinnych, stanowią 21%, a tereny zabudowane zaledwie 1,8% powierzchni. Najatrakcyjniejszy krajobraz dolinny został ukształtowany w obrębie terasy nadzalewowej niskiej. Występują tu największa mozaikowość użytkowania ziemi, długie miedze, liczne śródpolne zadrzewienia i szpalery drzew wzdłuż cieków wodnych. Przyrodniczo najcenniejsza jest terasa denna, pomimo dużego przekształcenia sieci rzecznej. W jej obrębie występują głównie łąki i lasy, zachowało się także najwięcej granic ekotonowych.
Dolina rzeczna jest formą terenu oraz złożonym układem ekologicznym uzależnionym od warunków wodnych. Doliny miały duży wpływ na rozwój osadnictwa, a obecnie często ograniczają rozwój przestrzenny wsi. Artykuł przedstawia lokalizację siedmiu wsi w krajobrazie doliny Warty w okolicach Uniejowa oraz ich przekształcenia przestrzenne w XX w. Wszystkie wsie zostały usytuowane w obrębie szerokiego dna doliny, ale na fragmentach powierzchni terasy nadzalewowej zbudowanej z piasków i żwirów, poza zasięgiem wód powodziowych. W XX w., zasięg przestrzenny wsi uległy jedynie drobnym zmianom, głównie Spycimierza i Człopów.
A river valley is a an element of topography and at the same time a set of various ecosystem, dependent on water conditions and functionally interconnected. Valleys had very important influence on settlement development and now delimit spatial layout of villages. This paper presents location of seven villages in the landscape of Warta river valley in vicinity of Uniejów and their spatial changes in 20th century. All villages were located within the wide valley bottom, on the surface of river terrace accumulated in plenivistulian period and built of sand and gravel, beyond extend of food water. In 20th century spatial extend of villages underwent only minor changes, in the main Spycimierz and Człopy.
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