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Most commentators claim that the expression graodes mythoi used in 1 Tim. 4,7 is a contemptous description of the false teachings, based on the vivid in the ancient society negative stereotype. In this paper, concise review of the prebiblical meaning of the adjective graodes, as well as the noun graus, has been conducted. The results indicate that in the ancient tradition existed also a positive view of old women telling parenetic fictious stories to children. It is clear that the context of these inportant for the society didactic activities was home (oikos). It was observed that the oikos is perceived as a basis for the functioning of the early church in the Patoral Letters. That is why the role of women in the church is one of the important subjects of the Pastorals. In this article, the hypothesis is stated that the expression graodes mythoi might describe the educational activity conducted by old women at home (oikos). One can suppose that the content of their teaching could refer to the traditional elements of apocalyptic encratic doctrine of the first generation Christians. These doctrines would be strongly crticized by leaders of the church in a time of transformation. From this perspective, one can assume that the activity of old women was a subject of polemic, not necessary contempt in the Pastoral Letters.
tom 13
In France, is archaeology really preventive in the sense that it is be based on a really effective predictive system (archaeology a priori) to find sustainable solutions for heritage protection? Or is preventive archaeology simply a reformulation of the rescue digging, a posteriori, and can only exist in the shadow of the dynamics of land use planning? Is there only one preventive archaeology, or are there several? On one hand, that of the major construction projects of the territorial development and, on the other, that related to the construction of small suburban single-family houses and projects of school canteens. It will thus be a question of presenting legal, financial, organizational and institutional mechanics of French archaeology. It will also be necessary to examine the consequences of the French doctrine in different fields: methodological and scientific, but also economic, political, social, identity, ecological, human and, more particularly, its influence on its key actors: the archaeologists themselves.
Process of integration of former USSR republics into the global policy and economy within the existing international political system is related with many problems because they have inherited such causal issues of regional problems as independence and ethnic conflicts; integration into EU and settlement of relations with Russia; improvement of economical conditions and restriction of Russian capital and variations of decisions related to preparation of such decisions that shall contain alternative possibilities of actions which is impossible due to Russian spy networks and population with nostalgic attitude to Russia. For these reasons former USSR republics that are independent states at the present moment shall work out a joint doctrine. This article reviews main determinants of retaining of independence of former USSR republics, namely union of Ukraine and Georgia, which is based on existing and anticipated threats. Functional scheme of management of the union (alliance) is reviewed as well. Algorithms of stabilization of operation of the union and development of the union are represented too.
nr 3(17)
103-117 (15)
The article showcases and examines the evolution of the neoconservative strand of US politics and its influence on the country’s international politics, with a particular analytical emphasis on the effects of the September 11, 2001 attacks and the ensuing counter-terrorism measures on the part of the USA. The importance of the neocon agenda has grown considerably in the wake of the WTC and Pentagon attacks and, as a result, has shaped the core of US Middle Eastern politics. Simultaneously, the neocon takeover of US politics marginalized the impact of both the conservative and the liberal circles. As a consequence, the US national security evolved into a hard power model based on military authority. Such a political practice yielded short-term profits (and – at best – media benefits and image gains) for the USA, but in the long run it also posed a threat to the West.
nr 3
The purpose of this article is to analyze US foreign policy under the new White House administration and to present the most important aspects of Trump’s emerging doctrine, with the aim of answering the following questions: what are the goals and tenets of, and the measures to implement, the foreign policy outlined in the new US National Security Strategy? Which trends can be considered dominant in Trump’s emerging doctrine? What challenges and threats to international security were mentioned in the document? Do traditional US allies still play an important role in the superpower’s security strategy? The thesis of this paper is that political realism is the main trend in Trump’s emerging doctrine and that US foreign policy has taken a unilateral course, with a large dose of populism.
The level of autonomy of local government in the United States is governed by state constitutions. However, the way in which it is regulated is inconsistent and raises interpretative doubts. The analysis includes two dimensions of local autonomy, i.e. the formal dimension (the procedure for its enactment into state law) and material dimension (subjective scope of its operation). It is preceded by an indication of constitutional foundations (the principle of federalism) and of doctrinal backgrounds (formulated in judicial decisions made in the 19th century) of the current position of local governments in their relations with state authorities. This position has evolved towards greater autonomy of local authorities, refl ected in the widespread acceptance of home rule doctrine. However, the implementation of the doctrine in the provisions of state law takes the form which can hardly be considered to be real strengthening of the position of local government in its relations with the state.
nr 2(2)
The basic ideology in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is the Juche created by Kim Il-sung. It is a collection of ideas, views and beliefs that describe North Korea’s domestic and foreign policy. Moreover, as an ideology, it shows the ways of practical implementation of tasks. The article deals with the problem of presenting the North Korean Juche ideology in the foreign policy of the Kim Dynasty. The article is theoretical and illustrative. The implementation of the adopted goal required the use of a method typical of social sciences - literature analysis. The conducted research allowed to indicate the role of the Juche ideology in the implementation of the foreign policy of the Kim dynasty. The article analyzes the influence of the Juche ideology on the shaping of foreign policy of Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-un.
tom 60
nr 1 (237)
Discussion of Nazi Misticizm in the Polish Scholarly Debate The article presents the theoretical foundations of Nazi mysticism, in the works of Polish scholars of the subject. It focuses on the emergence of the NSDAP party, discussing its philosophical and mystical origins. The essential components party mysticism are debated as well. The article refers to the development of mysticism in the theoretical and political principles of Nazism.
tom 12(12)
The concept of threat and defense concerns an individual, social group but also – in a wider understanding – policy of every state, which is emphasized by researchers of this issue. To be able to refer to the issue of threat and defense in both epistemological and ontological sense, one should identify a specified social group or state, i.e. create a sociological layer, which enables to distinct the characteristic, unique elements. This paper attempts to first shortly discuss the aspect of threat and defense of national interests using the example of Japan after the so-called Meiji Restoration and second prove that in the case of this country, as in no other, the question of defense as a reaction to threat, reaches far into social culture, maintaining historical continuity, enriched with elements derived from the Western culture. Starting point for these deliberations on the subject of Japanese specificity in relations to perceiving threat and defense is definition proposed by Juliusz Piwowarski, who indicated few important components, which altogether compose the concept of threat and defense.
nr 3
The doctrine of Thomas Aquinas was formally adopted as the official teaching of the entire Dominican Order. Throughout the 13th and 14th centuries, general chapters placed significant emphasis on the importance of adhering to Aquinas’ views. They were deemed essential not only to maintain continuity within the orthodox tradition of the Church but also to foster unity within the entire order. Among the topics that sparked debate among medieval theologians was the conception of Mary. While Bernard of Clairvaux and the Dominicans rejected the idea of Mary’s immaculate conception, the Franciscans, led by figures like John Duns Scotus, advocated for it. This article highlights the stance taken by the Dominican general chapters in defence of Thomas’ views. Initially, in the 14th century, there were general indications supporting the maculistic understanding of Mary’s conception, but this stance shifted over time. By the 15th century, the Dominicans were compelled to embrace the immaculistic concept. The delayed promulgation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary in the mid-19th century underscores the complexity and unresolved nature of theological discussions throughout the medieval period.
nr 27
In the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, the space of the temple is identified with the holy place, the sacred. Issues related to architecture, including religious architecture, although not the most important in church doctrine, nevertheless find their place in it. The subject of religious architecture appears primarily in connection with the function that the building is to fulfill for the community of believers – a gathering place for the celebration of the liturgy. The sacred building should meet liturgical requirements, and also help to build community and an atmosphere of concentration, with the shape of the space so that it stands out from many other buildings that have different social purposes. He thus becomes “God’s home”. The sacrum of the church space is also emphasized by the extensive symbolism, referring both to its whole and individual parts. Throughout the history of the Church, the topic of religious architecture has appeared in many of its documents, both universal and local. The most important of them will be cited in the text, showing the complexity and importance of the issue of religious architecture in the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church.
tom Z. 8
Aristotle (384-322 BC) was a Greek philosopher and a leading philosophical thinker of the classical period in ancient Greece whose philosophical ideas have had a profound influence on almost all forms of theoretical systems of knowledge in the West, and which remain the subject of contemporary philosophical discussion to this day [Wikipedia 2022a]. Confucius (551-479 BCE) was a Chinese philosopher, poet, and statesman of the Spring and Autumn Period, traditionally considered the paragon of Chinese sages, whose teachings and philosophy underpin East Asian culture and society and remain influential in China and East Asia today [Wikipedia 2022b; You, Rud, Hu 2018]. The ethics of Aristotle and Confucius both had the idea of the “golden mean”, and they both considered the “golden mean” (“middle way”) as a very important virtue. It is unusual that two philosophers, who did not intersect at all in the East and the West of the world, produced similar philosophical theories in almost the same period. Aristotle’s and Confucius’ doctrine of the middle ground is a product of history, which has profoundly influenced traditional culture and philosophical thinking in both China and the West, and has become a principle of conduct and a guide for behavior respected by many thinkers. This paper attempts to explore the similarities and differences between the “golden mean” of Aristotle and Confucius from a comparative perspective, and to grasp the meaning of “golden mean” through the comparison of the two. This is not only a reconceptualization of the history of Chinese and Western philosophical thought and a re-examination of traditional Chinese culture, but also a new philosophical inspiration for people in modern life.
Arystoteles (384-322 p.n.e.) był greckim filozofem i wiodącym myślicielem, którego koncepcje filozoficzne wywarły znaczący wpływ na niemal wszystkie formy systemów teoretycznych wiedzy na Zachodzie i pozostają przedmiotem współczesnych filozoficznych dyskusji do dziś [Wikipedia 2022a]. Konfucjusz (551-479 p.n.e.) był chińskim filozofem, poetą i politykiem Okresu Wiosen i Jesieni, tradycyjnie uznawanym za ideał chińskiego mędrca, którego nauczanie i filozofia leżą u podstaw kultury i społeczeństwa Azji Wschodniej oraz pozostają wpływowe w Chinach i Azji Wschodniej do dziś [Wikipedia 2022b; You, Rud, Hu 2018]. W etyce zarówno Arystotelesa, jak i Konfucjusza pojawiła się koncepcja „złotego środka” („złotego środka drogi”), który uznano za bardzo istotną cnotę. To niezwykłe, że dwaj filozofowie, którzy nie mieli żadnej styczności na Wschodzie i Zachodzie, opracowali podobne teorie w niemal tym samym okresie. Doktryny Arystotelesa i Konfucjusza to wytwory historii, która istotnie wpłynęła na kulturę tradycyjną i myślenie filozoficzne zarówno w Chinach, jak i na Zachodzie i stała się zasadą postępowania oraz wytyczną zachowania poważaną przez wielu myślicieli. Niniejsza publikacja próbuje eksplorować podobieństwa i różnice między „złotym środkiem” Arystotelesa i Konfucjusza z perspektywy porównawczej oraz uchwycić jego znaczenie przez porównanie obu teorii. Jest to nie tylko rekonceptualizacja chińskiej i zachodniej historii myśli filozoficznej, rewizja tradycyjnej kultury chińskiej, lecz także nowa inspiracja filozoficzna dla współcześnie żyjących.
Globalization of vital processes of mankind today is associated with an increase in the importance of education in matters of self-development of people. According to UNESCO definition, education is the process and outcome of improvement of skills and behaviour of the individual, due to which he or she reaches social maturity and personal growth. The current state of society requires the identification of new approaches to terminology in the management of educational sphere, which is the basis for belief, spiritual development of the individual, and also ensures the development of the intellectual potential of society. The rapid changes that have occurred in the last decade in the life of our country due to the socio-economic and political factors affected all aspects of social life, including the education system. Relevance of study processes occurring in education, is increasing as socium recognized that the transition to an information society where knowledge serves as the main social value leads to the increasing role of highly intelligent individual, able not only to accept previously accumulated scientific knowledge, but also to generalize, analyse, create a new form of advanced information technologies, services and products. That is why in recent years the reform processes are taking place in education and they aim at achieving the best world standards. Therefore, this article investigates the development and establishment of definitions of management of higher education.
Po roku 1989 niezależnie od formy zapisu strategii bezpieczeństwa narodowego Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (jako „doktryny”, „założeń polityki bezpieczeństwa” czy właściwej „strategii”) ukształtowały się jej ramy koncepcyjne, metodologiczne oraz prawne podstawy wyznaczające zakres kompetencji instytucji państwowych, konstytucyjnie odpowiedzialnych za kreowanie i realizację polityki bezpieczeństwa państwa. Tradycyjnie bezpieczeństwo jest ujmowane i definiowane w kontekście wyzwań i zagrożeń dla danego podmiotu. Lata dziewięćdziesiąte XX wieku były okresem radykalnych przemian polityczno-ustrojowych w Polsce. Również bezpieczeństwo i obronność doświadczyły rewolucyjnych przeobrażeń. Nowe środowisko bezpieczeństwa obejmuje trzy oddzielne okresy: przynależności do Układu Warszawskiego, szarej strefy bezpieczeństwa - samodzielności obronnej i okresu przynależności do NATO. Aby przeciwdziałać zagrożeniom, zadania organów państwa, podstawy prawne funkcjonowania systemu obronnego państwa określono w: Doktrynie obronnej RP (1990), Założeniach polskiej polityki bezpieczeństwa, Polityce bezpieczeństwa i strategii obronnej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (1992), Strategiach bezpieczeństwa narodowego RP (2000, 2003, 2007). W dokumentach tych w różny sposób definiowano system obronny RP, jego strukturę i zadania elementów składowych.
After 1989 Poland’s new strategic conceptual, methodological and legal framework re-shaped the competence of state institutions that are constitutionally responsible for creation and implementation of the state security policy. And regardless of the acknowledged form of the National Security Strategy (as “doctrine”, “security policy” or “strategy”), all considering that traditionally security is recognized and defined in the context of challenges and threats for a given entity, for Poland the 1990s was a period of radical political changes. Hence, security and defense also experienced revolutionary transformations. The security environment in discussion includes three separate periods: belonging to the Warsaw Pact, then to gray security zone - defensive independence, and a period of belonging to NATO. To counteract the threats task of preparing the state organs was based on the legal basis for the functioning of the state defense system as defined in: Defense Doctrine of the Republic of Poland (1990), “Assumptions of the Polish Security Policy”, “Security Policy and defense strategy of the Re-public of Poland” (1992), “National Security Strategies of the Republic of Poland” (2000, 2003, 2007). In these documents, the defense system of the Republic of Poland, its structure and tasks of constituent elements were defined in various ways, as described in the following article.
tom 63
nr 6: Teologia pastoralna
Images and words, Pope Francis describes the essence of the Christian life, call to explore new initiatives and models of life in the faith. The call to pastoral renewal, which is currently being formulated by Pope Francis refers to the relationship between doctrine and pastoral practice, between theory and activity of the Church. This article is an analysis of the current challenges related to this issue. But also refers to a centuries-old tradition of the Church. In the last part of the article an attempt was made to develop the principles of dialogue between doctrine and pastoral activity of the Church.
Obrazy i słowa, którymi papież Franciszek opisuje istotę życia chrześcijańskiego, wzywają do poszukiwania nowych inicjatyw i modeli życia w wierze. Wezwanie do odnowy duszpasterskiej, które aktualnie formułuje papież Franciszek, nawiązuje do relacji pomiędzy doktryną a praktyką pastoralną, teorią a działalnością Kościoła. W niniejszym artykule podjęto analizę aktualnych wyzwań dotyczących tego problemu. Odwołano się jednak także do wielowiekowej tradycji Kościoła. Podjęta została także próba wypracowania zasad dialogu pomiędzy doktryną a działalnością pastoralną Kościoła.
nr 15 (2)
It seems that investment arbitration is recently at it’s peak. That kind of dispute resolution distinguishes a tradition coming many centuries back. Considering that phenomenon it seems that particular doctrines and policies can be specified as crucial factors in the development of that legal institution. The paper is an attempt to identify the following factors and reveal the efforts of Latin American and European jurists in forming the modern investment arbitration system. For the purpose of the paper the Authors also discussed the background of specific disputes which were exemplified to show how resolution of these disputes affected legal thought and the evolution of investment arbitration.
Wydający się współcześnie przeżywać apogeum swego znaczenia arbitraż inwestycyjny odznacza się wielowiekową tradycją występowania w sferze międzynarodowego obrotu gospodarczego. Zastanawiając się nad tym swoistym fenomenem warto zwrócić uwagę na wpływ wywierany na kształt tej instytucji przez rozmaite doktryny polityczne (formułowane przede wszystkim na tle problemu suwerenności państw) czy szereg wyroków wydawanych przez instytucje arbitrażowe. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi próbę identyfikacji wspomnianych czynników o charakterze politycznym, historycznym oraz prawnym. Jego celem jest w szczególności zwrócenie uwagi na istotny wkład wniesiony w kwestii formowania się doktrynalnych podstaw arbitrażu inwestycyjnego przez polityków i prawników z krajów amerykańskich oraz europejskich architektów konwencji międzynarodowych. Ponadto Autorzy starali się ukazać tło faktyczne w postaci konkretnych sytuacji spornych, których rozwiązywanie prowadziło zarówno do rozwoju myśli prawniczej, jak i do ewolucji kształtu arbitrażu inwestycyjnego.
nr 2(2)
Настоящая статья посвящена одной из наиболее острых проблем правовой жизни современной России: формированию на основе принципов научности, обоснованности и целесообразности государственной доктрины национальной безопасности России в целом и общественной безопасности в частности. Автором отстаивается позиция, согласно которой доктрина как доктринальный документ – это не просто теория, выработанная отдельным исследователем, это всегда некая совокупность взглядов, единый продукт, получившийся в процессе объединения множества теорий. Утвержденная в Российской Федерации доктрина – это «совокупность официальных взглядов». Проведенное исследование позволило сделать автору выводы о том, что, в случае разработки Советом Федерации и утверждения в соответствии с установленной процедурой Указом Президента, Доктрина общественной безопасности Российской Федерации должна восполнить пробелы в правовом регулировании вопросов общественной безопасности. Доктрина будет служить основой для формирования государственной политики в области обеспечения общественной безопасности, подготовки предложений по совершенствованию правового, методического, научно-технического и организационного обеспечения общественной безопасности, а также разработки целевых программ обеспечения государственной безопасности Российской Федерации.
This article is devoted to one of the most acute problems of legal reality in Russian Federation: the shaping, on the basis of scientific principles, of the legitimacy and purposefulness of the national security doctrine of Russia in general, and social security in particular. Author defends the position, according to which the doctrine – as a doctrinal document – is not the usual theory, developed by the individual researcher, but a generalization of views, the final product, created as a result of connection of different approaches. Approved in Russian Federation doctrine – is a “Compendium of official views”. Conducted research has allowed the author to draw a conclusion that prepared by the Federation Council and approved in accordance with the applicable President’s Executive Order, the security doctrine of the Russian Federation should complete the legal gaps in the social security issues. The doctrine will serve as a basis to shape the policy of the state in the area of ensuring the social security, preparing proposals for the improvement of: legal, methodological, scientific-technical and organizational social security, as well as preparing programs for the protection of national security of the Russian Federation.
tom 49
Content available remote Nowa doktryna morska Federacji Rosyjskiej
Nowa doktryna morska Federacji Rosyjskiej ma na celu stworzenie integralnej, spójnej i efektywnej polityki morskiej. Zapisano w niej: Federacja Rosyjska działając na podstawie doktryny morskiej, zamierza zdecydowanie, konsekwentnie i twardo umacniać swoją pozycję na światowym oceanie. Realizacja postanowień doktryny morskiej ma służyć budowaniu i utrzymaniu międzynarodowego autorytetu Rosji oraz chronić jej status mocarstwa morskiego. Podstawowe dla nowej doktryny sformułowanie zostało zawarte w punkcie 52 dokumentu: Głównym nie do przyjęcia elementem dla Federacji Rosyjskiej w relacjach z NATO są plany przesuwania infrastruktur wojskowych sojuszu ku jej granicom oraz próby przyznawania sojuszowi globalnych funkcji. Doktryna ma dwa wymiary: globalny – adresowany głównie do Stanów Zjednoczonych i europejski - skierowany do NATO. Autor próbuje odpowiedzieć między innymi na pytanie, czy zgodnie z podstawowym przesłaniem nowej doktryny morskiej Rosja ma możliwości militarnej odpowiedzi na przybliżanie się ku jej granicom struktur wojskowych NATO. Stawia też pytanie, czy sama Rosja stwarza zagrożenie.
The New Maritime Doctrine of the Russian Federation aims at creating an integral, coherent and effective maritime policy. It states that the Russian Federation, acting on the grounds of the maritime doctrine, intends to strengthen its position in the oceans with determination, consequence and firmness. The purpose of implementing the provisions of the maritime doctrine is to build and maintain international authority of Russia and protect its status of a maritime power. The key part of the doctrine is included in point 52 of the document: The main element that is unacceptable to the Russian Federation in its relations with NATO are the plans to expand NATO's military structures towards Russian borders and the attempts to give the Alliance global functions. The doctrine has a global reference, addressed mainly to the USA, and a European reference, addressed to NATO. The author attempts to clarify some issues arising from the text of the doctrine, including the question if according to its main premise, Russia is ready for a military response to the expansion of NATO structures towards its borders? He also asks whether Russia itself poses a threat.
Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu było określenie czynników, które przyczyniły się do kształtowania bezpieczeństwa zewnętrznego oraz międzynarodowego Polski po 1989 r. Autorzy poruszyli główne problemy kształtowania się polityki zagranicznej i bezpieczeństwa Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (RP) w okresie transformacji systemowej oraz przemian na arenie międzynarodowej po 1989 r. W pierwszej części artykułu autorzy opisali stosunki RP z innymi państwami. W głównej części autorzy scharakteryzowali doktryny i strategie obowiązujące w państwie polskim po 1989 r. W kolejnej części przedstawiali współpracę ze strukturami międzynarodowymi, której istotnymi cezurami czasowymi były przełom polityczny 1989 r. oraz przystąpienie do NATO w 1999 r. Lata dziewięćdziesiąte XX wieku były okresem radykalnych przemian polityczno-ustrojowych w Polsce, w związku z tym również bezpieczeństwo doświadczało rewolucyjnych zmian.
The main aim of this article is to identify the factors that contributed to shaping the external and international security of Poland after 1989. The authors discuss the main problems of shaping the foreign and security policy of the Republic of Poland (RP) in the period of systemic transformation and changes on the international arena after 1989. In the first part of the article, the authors describe the relations of the Republic of Poland with other countries on the arena of international politics. In the main part, the authors characterize the doctrines and strategies which are in force in Poland after 1989. In the next part, they present cooperation with international structures, which was marked by the political break-through in 1989 and NATO accession in 1999. The 1990s were a time of radical changes of political system in Poland and also security system has undergone revolutionary changes.
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