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Content available Ubezpieczenia dzieł sztuki – wybrane aspekty
The aim of this study is to discuss selected aspects of insuring pieces of art. The problem of insuring portable cultural goods (museum collectibles) during domestic and international exhi-bitions is discussed for the first time. The conditions of insuring exhibitions of pieces of art offered by AXA were analysed in detail. What is more, the problematic, but often practised Unclaimed Property Act is pointed out. In the last part of the article, the examples of damages which took place in recent years are discussed.
Opracowanie ma na celu przedstawienie wybranych aspektów ubezpieczeń dzieł sztuki. Autorka w niniejszym artykule przedstawi problem dostępnych na rynku ofert dedykowanych ubezpieczeniu dzieł sztuki oraz zaprezentuje zakres oraz warunki zawieranych umów. Opracowanie będzie składało się z czterech części. Jako pierwszy zostanie ukazany problem ubezpieczeń ruchomych dóbr kultury (muzealiów) podczas wystaw krajowych i zagranicznych. Szczegółowej analizie poddana zostanie oferta Towarzystwa Ubezpieczeń i Reasekuracji AXA S.A. dotycząca warunków ubezpieczenia wystaw dzieł sztuki. Ponadto w kontekście zawieranych umów, Autorka zwróci uwagę na kłopotliwą, ale często stosowaną w praktyce klauzulę mienia odzyskanego. W ostatniej części artykułu, zostaną zaprezentowane przykłady szkód, które miały miejsce w ostatnich latach.
It is namely this tenth year elapsing from the date on which The Cultural Property Protection and Museums Law has been passed in the Polish Seym that gave the author rise to write his article where he reminds that the above Law may be regarded as a consequence of the progressively, from the 18th century onward, growing respect for antiquities. At the same time the author points to the fact that this Law contains a number of provisions that are extending both scope of notions and range of activities in conservation and in museums in this country. From among the newly adopted conceptions to be emphasized here deserves the term „cultural property” but at the same the fact of retaining of the term „historical monument” with the use of which the Law determines the objects of cultural property that are recorded in museum inventories or in those kept by the Voivodship Conservators. As especially important the author considers the first article of the Law reading as follows: „The protection of cultural property is an obligation for the State and the duty of its citizens”. This basic statement is followed by all further provisions. Under the term „cultural property” also the modern objects are meant provided, hovewer, that they can prove important from the point of view of the nation’s cultural heritage and development of its culture. According to the author’s further reasoning the Law extends its legal protection also to battlefields and to sites connected with the Nazi persecutive actions during the last war, to objects of material culture, to monuments of nature, etc. While providing the possibility to act in many different ways the Law at the same time requires that the all conservation tre a tments be based on scientific assumptions. As a fu rther consequence of obligations that by the force of the Law in question were put on all citizens the following can be considered: the calling into being of advisory bodies supporting the Minister of Culture and Arts and those acting at Voivodship Conservators Offices; the provisions determining the use to be made of historical monuments as well as those settling the manner in which they should be made accessible to the public; or, finally, those dealing with their popularization and social contributions for the sake of their protection. The due attention has been devoted to individual collectors who were granted with a number of special privileges. What concerns museums it must be considered as appreciable that in addition to the term „museum” has been introduced that of „collection of exhibits” who are otherwise called the „museum objects”. As fully adequate as to its ability to characterize the museums practice is to be regarded a review of functions that should be performed by a museum; of them, of course, as the most important are to be considered those scientific and educational. However, it must also be stated that the ten-year experience has shown not only the advantages resulting of the Law under discussion, but also pointed to some failures the sources of which, according to the author’s opinion, must mainly be sought in the executive regulations. So, for example, as the author suggests, the Voivodship Conservators should be supplied with decisive powers while collaborating with the local authorities responsible for spatial development and townplanning; an ex officio recording of the movable monuments of the past should be made also more extensive, and especially in cases where they are kept under unfavourable conditions; obligatory practices should be introduced for persons graduating in movable monument conservation divisions a t the high schools; and, finally, much more care should be devoted to decisions concerning the cancelling the historical buildings in a Register of Historical Monuments and their demolishions. There is no doubt that provided that the more thorough consideration be paid to these decisions it would become possible to safeguard a considerable number of objects without any more serious disadvantages or burdens to national economy. Toward those demanding th a t serious alterations or amandments be introduced to the Cultural Property Protection and Museums Law the author of the present assumed a critical or even negative attitude as it is his view th at a document of such fundamental nature as a Law should be one sound enough and, thus all its provisions represent an obvious standard or even a habit governing the attitudes of the society. It is then only that it will be possible to hope th a t our cultural heritage might survive without any further losses.
tom nr 2
1575--1580, CD2
Instytucje działające na rynku dóbr kultury wprowadzają innowacje marketingowe, które są niezbędne dla rozwoju ich działalności, rozwoju konsumentów z docelowych rynków oraz koniecznym elementem adaptacji do zmieniających się warunków otoczenia rynkowego. W tekście przytoczono definicje innowacji, innowacji marketingowej oraz scharakteryzowano cele związane z ich wdrażaniem przez instytucje kultury wraz z determinantami warunkującymi powstawanie i stosowanie tych innowacji. Przedstawiono przykłady innowacyjnych działań marketingowych w wybranych branżach kultury. W podsumowaniu zwrócono uwagę na zagrożenia związane z problemem braku umiejętności wprowadzania innowacji.
Culture and art market institutions introduce marketing innovations that are indispensable for development of their activities, target customers and essential element of adaptation to the changing conditions of the cultural market environment. There are quoted definitions of innovation and marketing innovation as well as characterized aims related to the implementation of marketing innovations by cultural institutions and determinants conditioning the creation and use of marketing innovation in the market. Some examples of innovative marketing activities in selected branches of cultural enterprises are listed. In conclusion, there is outlined the problem of lack of skills to introduce marketing innovations.
The author reports on a Session of the Government Experts Committee which was held on April 13—24, 1970 in Paris to work out a draft of convention on means of prohibiting and preventing the illic it import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property. At the Committee’s sessions representatives of 60 countries were present, among them those of Poland. 109 amendments have been submitted to the draft which finally was adopted by 45 votes against 2 abstentions. The draft has to be submitted to the UNESCO General Meeting to be voted once again at its XVI Annual Session this autumn. The above draft generally lists the categories to which cultural properties may be classified, however, it leaves to member countries the question of decisions a s to detailed classification o f cultural property in accordance with the local laws in force. The draft suggests that the individual countries ought call into being their own organizations fo deal with preservation of cultural property (where they have still not been created) at the same time recommending to provide such organizations with the suitable financial means enabling them to fu lfill the tasks put before them. It also proposes an introducing of universally respected export certificates without of which no cultural property could be exported or imported by the country interested. The draft puts on the member countries an obligation to issue the acts that w ill prohibit their museums and similar cultural institutions to purchase cultural properties coming from thefts in museums or other state owned buildings as well as to provide the sanctions for violating this prohibitory measure. It has been clearly stated in the draft that any exports of cultural property as a direct or intermediate result of occupation of the country’s territory by a foreign power should be considered untolerable. The draft provides the participation o f UNESCO in accomplishing o f tasks set by convention and in particular of those in the field o f education and information, consultations and expert examinations, as well as in coo rd in a tion and „goodwill se rv ic e s”. Though too much general and in some respects not precise enough a s to its character, which the faults may potentially lead to difficulties to apply the convention in practice, the draft as compared with the 1954 recommendations represents an important step towards the improvement of international relations in the field of imports and exports of cultural property.
Rozwój technologii cyfrowych i Internetu zmienił sposoby uczestniczenia w kulturze. Konsumenci ograniczający się dotąd do nabywania i biernego korzystania z dóbr kultury, stają się kreatywnymi prosumentami. Prawo autorskie nie nadąża za tymi zmianami. Próby zaostrzenia regulacji z zakresu własności intelektualnej nie prowadzą do zapewnienia skutecznej ochrony twórcom i nie wspierają kreatywności. Artykuł analizuje postawy polskich konsumentów dóbr kultury (mangi) w Internecie względem prawa autorskiego. W artykule dokonano przeglądu istnieją-cych źródeł, jak również przeprowadzono własne badania. W celu zidentyfikowania postaw fanów mangi wobec prawa autorskiego zastosowano podejście interpretatywne. Przeprowadzono dwa wywia-dy w postaci minigrup, łącznie przebadano dziewięć osób w wieku 13–16 lat (grupę wybrano ze wzglę-du na profil czytelników mangi w Polsce). Badania przeprowadzone przez autorki potwierdzają donie-sienia odnalezione w literaturze, że młodzi widzą przede wszystkim pozytywne strony udostępniania i korzystania z dóbr kultury w Internecie, jest to dla nich zupełnie naturalne. Nie zastanawiają się nad konsekwencjami prawnymi takiego korzystania, ponieważ uważają, że nie są nimi objęci. Obecne prawo jest nie tylko nieskuteczne, ale działa wręcz korupcyjnie na młode pokolenie, które żyjąc w ciągłym duchu łamania prawa, uodparnia się na nie.
The development of digital technology and the Internet changed the ways of participating in culture. Copyright law does not keep up with the creative revolution that develops in cyberspace and through its existence. Attempts to tighten regulation of intellectual property do not lead to ensure the effective protection of authors and do not support creativity. The paper analyses the attitudes of consumers of manga market in Poland towards copyright law. This paper reviews the existing sources, and presents results of research conducted by authors. To identify attitudes of manga fans towards copyright law, interpretive approach was applied. 2 interviews were conduct-ed in the form of minigrup, including 9 people aged 13–16 years (group chosen due to the profile of manga readers in Poland). This research confirms that the young appreciate the dissemination and use of cultural goods on the Internet. Young fans do not take into consideration legal cons-quences of their behavior, since they believe law will not be applied to them. The current law is not only ineffective, but it works even corruptive on the young generation which while living in constant violation of the spirit of the law, become resistant to them.
Cultural goods can be said to determine a state’s wealth. Consequently, their protection in peacetime and wartime is essential. First of all, the protection of cultural goods results from the natural need to ensure their survival. The protection mainly consists in securing them so that they will not be lost, destroyed, damaged, vandalised or transported abroad. In this paper, the author discusses the most important aspects of the protection of cultural goods.
Artykuł jest analizą funkcjonowania Międzynarodowego Komitetu Błękitnej Tarczy w systemie ochrony dóbr kultury w warunkach wojny i klęsk żywiołowych, na tle międzynarodowego systemu ochrony dóbr kultury. Autorka dokonała analizy problemu poprzez pryzmat międzynarodowego stanu prawnego ochrony dóbr kultury oraz praktycznych działań Międzynarodowego Komitetu Błękitnej Tarczy na świecie i w Polsce. Ochrona dóbr kultury w warunkach zagrożeń wojennych i klęsk żywiołowych jest ważnym elementem polityki kulturalnej państwa oraz działań wspólnoty międzynarodowej realizowanym na podstawie prawa międzynarodowego. Mimo ponad stuletniego doskonalenia prawa ochrony dziedzictwa kultury w dalszym ciągu dochodzi do licznych zniszczeń obiektów kultury. Nieskuteczność ochrony realizowanej przez państwa spowodowała włączenie się w proces ochrony międzynarodowych organizacji pozarządowych. Jedną z nich jest Międzynarodowy Komitet Błękitnej Tarczy, który skupia komitety krajowe działające na rzecz przygotowania ochrony dóbr kultury w okresie konfliktów i klęsk żywiołowych. Działania organizacji pozarządowych stwarzają szersze możliwości ochrony dóbr kultury w warunkach różnorodnych zagrożeń.
The aim of the article is to present the functioning of the International Committee on the Blue Shield in the system of protection of cultural property in the conditions of war and natural disasters. The author has analyzed the problem through the prism of the international legal status of protection of cultural goods and the practical activities of the International Committee of the Blue Shield in the world and in Poland. The protection of cultural property in the context of military threats and natural disasters is an important element of the state’s cultural policy and of the international community’s activities carried out under international law. In spite of over one hundred years of improvement of the law of cultural heritage protection, numerous cultural objects have been destroyed. The ineffectiveness of state protection has contributed to the protection of international NGOs. One of them is the International Board of the Blue Shield, which brings together national committees dedicated to the preparation of the protection of cultural property during conflicts and natural disasters. Non-governmental organizations provide greater opportunities for the protection of cultural goods in a variety of threats.
Przekształcenie mazowieckich dóbr kultury w walory krajoznawcze może przyczynić się do powstania wielu nowych produktów turystycznych, co jest bardzo ważnym czynnikiem dla rozwoju funkcji turystycznej rozumianej jako funkcji społeczno-gospodarczej. Wskazano, że obiekty zabytkowe województwa mazowieckiego stanowią duży potencjał, mogący mieć istotne znaczenie dla rozwoju funkcji turystycznej w regionie. Do najważniejszych korzyści z wykorzystania dóbr kultury dla turystyki zaliczono aktywizację lokalnego kapitału, powstawanie nowych miejsc pracy, poprawę wizerunku oraz wzrost atrakcyjności turystycznej miejscowości, a także zabezpieczenie obiektów zabytkowych przed zniszczeniem i zapomnieniem.
Transformation of Mazovia culture goods into tourist values may contribute to the development of a number of new tourism products, which is a very important factor of development of tourism function regarded as a socioeconomic function. The article shows that the historic objects of the Province of Mazovia have a great potential which may be of great significance for the development of tourism function in the region. Among the most important advantages of the use of culture goods for tourism activities are: activation of local capital, creation of new jobs, image improvement and increasing tourist attractiveness of localities, as well as protection of objects of cultural heritage from destruction and oblivion.
Content available remote Reprywatyzacja muzealiów zagrożeniem dziedzictwa narodowego?
The paper is a contribution to the discussion concerning the issue of re-privatization of museum items. The authors acknowledge the question whether ordering of matters pertaining to the property ownership by means of re-privatizing and restoring the rights to their former owners constitutes a threat to the national heritage to be truly justified: will it not result in depleting Polish museums and libraries of the most precious items and enhance their uncontrolled selling abroad? The paper begins with a discussion of the notions of museum items and re-privatization. Then, the authors present the foundations of the nationalization process of property items of cultural heritage and the projects to date relating to their re-privatizing. They indicate that the degree of threat of their re-privatization depends on the chosen methods of re-privatization. Next, they discuss the problem of exporting of monuments abroad – the existing legal regulations and potential threats, including those relating to Poland’s belonging to the Schengen zone. The paper ends with final conclusions in which the authors state that in view of the fact that Poland’s membership in the European Union and its accession to the Schengen zone considerably impede extending effective control of export of works of art outside the country borders, re-privatization carried out in an improper manner can bring about a serious threat to the national heritage.
The original absence of regulations concerning control over the export of cultural goods and the subsequent ineffectiveness of the law and decree of 1926 and 1933 led to a considerable departure of works of art from Spain. Growing export finally became the reason for the preparation of a new law on protecting cultural heritage from export; from 1985 it remains binding in the form of a law and an executive decree. In accordance with the letter of this law, Spanish historical heritage includes all mobile and immobile cultural goods and the so-called documentary, bibliographic and ethnographic heritage. A general inventory of particularly valuable objects is accompanied by a general register of goods of a widely comprehended cultural character. Basically, the sale or transference of objects contained in those registers is only possible within the range of state administration and public institutions. Unhampered export, on the other hand, is feasible solely as regards works of art less than a hundred years old, not recorded in the inventory and not excluded from export by administrative decisions. The remaining cultural goods require obligatory export licences. The latter are issued by the General Directory of the Fine Arts and Archives in the Ministry of Culture. Properly formulated motions are examined upon the basis of criteria which ensure the protection and retention of the most important components of cultural heritage. In case of a negative decision, the state proposes a six-month term for the redemption of the questioned object. The procedure of granting a licence is connected with a necessary payment whose size, - and increase, depends on the value of the exported historical relic. Cultural goods exported without due permission are confiscated and persons involved in smuggling are punished with high fines.
Rejestr zabytków w polskim systemie prawa obejmuje bardzo szeroki zakres dziedzictwa, na który składają się zabytki o zróżnicowanych wieku, funkcji czy znaczeniu dla nauki i kultury. Pomimo tak różnorodnej skali, ochrona zabytków i otaczających je obszarów jest obecnie jednolita. Ta jednolitość często nie odzwierciedla potrzeb realnej ochrony. Wysoka skala ochrony zabytków jest często przyczyną spowolnienia rozwoju urbanizacji miast, co samo w sobie może mieć wiele negatywnych konsekwencji dla rozwoju gospodarczego. Polski system prawny ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego powinien zostać zmieniony w sposób bardziej kazuistyczny, aby chronić w sposób najwłaściwszy ogromnie zróżnicowane dziedzictwo kulturowe w przyszłości.
The register of monuments in the Polish legal system includes a very wide range of heritage that consists of monuments with very diverse ages, functions and importance for science and culture. Despite this range and scale of diversity, the protection of monuments and the surroundings around them is currently unified. This uniformity often does not reflect the needs of the real protection of monuments and their high diversity. The high scale of the protection of monuments is often a reason for the slowing down of the natural development of the urbanisation of progressive cities, which has many negative consequences as an economic development itsself. The Polish legal system of protection of cultural heritage should be changed in such a case law way that could be the best solution for solving the challenge of diversity protection of the surroundings of cultural heritage.
Content available Zabytki w kompetencji samorządów?
In the face of the progressing transference of rights and duties to self-governments we may expect that soon they latter will be burdened with greater privileges are regards undertakings connected with the protection of historical monuments. The author underlines that this process calls for flexibility: it is impossible to ascribe identical tasks to all self-governments. The range of the rights and duties of particular self-governments should stem from their staff and financial potential as well as the degree of familiarity with cultural property in a given area. With few exceptions (the largest cities) the preparation of self-governments for a proper realisation of tasks must take years, and a one-time introduction of a uniform system of obligations on a national scale would be highly unsuitable. It is important that the right to decide about historical monuments be given to qualified persons and not to offices.
Content available remote Ochrona dóbr kultury przez siły zbrojne : trudna rzeczywistość
Content available Prawna opieka nad zabytkami – wybrane aspekty
This article aims at discussing the legal issue of guardianship of monuments by analysing the definition of guardianship of monuments, specifying the activities carried out by the individual entities under the guardianship and comparing the definitions of guardianship and protection of monuments. The term of guardianship of monuments was reintroduced to the Polish legal system along with entrance of the Act of 23 July, 2003 on the protection of monuments and of the guardianship of monuments into force. According to the legislators, this term, construed directly, lays down the scope of rights and obligations of the owner or holder of monument, related for the most with custody of the monument. However, the term of monument guardianship refers also to the other entities, being not the holders of the monument. Pursuant to the provisions of the Act of 23 July, 2003 on the protection of monuments and of the guardianship of monuments, also the governmental administration authorities, self-governmental administration authorities and institutions of culture specialized in the guardianship of monuments and social guardians shall be competent for carrying-out specific activities in the area of guardianship of monuments. The guardianship of monuments is of individualized nature, and the entity competent for its performance is the owner or holder of the monument. From the civil law perspective, the guardianship of monument constitutes a set of obligations resulting in limitation of the property right. The guardianship is performed by taking specific actual actions (e.g. carrying-out conservation, restoration or construction works in the monument) and by ensuring proper conditions for carrying-out scientific activities. From the legal perspective, the guardianship refers to the monuments i.e. the objects compliant with the legal definition of the ‘monument’, laid down in Article 3 (1) of the Act of 23 July, 2003 on the protection of monuments and of the guardianship of monuments, regardless of the fact, whether these are covered by any form of protection (e.g. entry into the register or record of monuments), or not. The author reviews the definition of ‘monument’ currently in force critically, pointing out at relativisation of this term. The Act of 23 July, 2003 on the protection of monuments and of the guardianship of monuments introduces for the first time the terms of protection and guardianship of monuments. The basic differences between these two terms include designating the competent entity and specifying its rights and obligations. The obligations related to guardianship of monument, in direct approach, are targeted on its owner or holder, whereas the protection of monuments is performed by the public administration. Key similarities between the protection and guardianship of monuments include common object of the protection and guardianship (monument) and common purpose behind them i.e. preservation of monument in possibly best condition. The territorial self-government units play a double role as the entities performing the guardianship of monuments. On one hand, as the owners or managers of monuments, are obliged to take care of them, whereas on the other hand, guardianship of monuments is also one of public tasks, for delivery of which such territorial self-government units have been appointed. The tasks of the commune include establishing and keeping the record of monuments in order to deliver the key task of the territorial self-government units within the guardianship of monuments i.e. drawing-up the monument guardianship programmes. The institutions of culture specialized in the guardianship of monuments are also involved. The National Heritage Board of Poland is responsible, on behalf of public authorities, for performing scientific research and documenting the monuments as well as popularization and distribution of knowledge on the monuments and their importance for both history and culture. The tasks of the National Institute for Museums and Public Collections include, among others, collecting and propagating knowledge on the museums, museum exhibits, public collections and historical objects as well as forming social awareness in the area of values and preservation of cultural heritage. Also the museums, with significant amounts of movable and archaeological monuments, play an important role in the guardianship of monuments. The specific nature of the activity of the social guardians of monuments lays behind the motivation, the heart of which is their interest in monuments and internal need to care of them. The social guardians of monuments take the actions targeted on preserving the monuments’ value and maintaining them in possibly best condition as well as propagating knowledge about them. The summary consists in evaluation of distinction between the protection and guardianship of monuments. This differentiation seems to be transparent and straightforward only at the very first moment. Thorough analysis reveals that the term of guardianship of monument covers numerous meanings and connotations, depending on the targeted entity. The author points out the issue of unequal allocation of obligations related to preservation of cultural heritage between the public authorities and monuments’ holders. Therefore the afterthought, whether maintaining of the differentiation between protection and guardianship of monuments is necessary, seems to be reasonable. At the same time, the role of the state in the area of its constitutional obligation to preserve the national heritage should be defined anew to impose more tasks on the public authorities.
W ostatnim dwudziestoleciu polskie ustawodawstwo urbanistyczne nie stało na straży ładu przestrzennego i zrównoważonego rozwoju miast. W Poznaniu, mimo że do rejestru zabytków wpisano rozległe zespoły urbanistyczne, ich ochrona ma często charakter selektywny. Ustawa o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym z 2003 roku stwarza możliwości ochrony struktur urbanistycznych jako dóbr kultury współczesnej - formuła ochrony zespołów urbanistycznych oraz elementów krystalizujących strukturę miasta, określona zapisami w planach miejscowych, wydaje się trafna, ponieważ umożliwia kontrolowaną ewolucję założeń przestrzennych, niezbędną do racjonalnego rozwoju miast.
Within the last two decades Polish town planning law has not guarded spatial and sustainable order. In Poznan, historic town planning complexes were recorded in the Monument Register. However, in practice, conservator offices treat them as a conglomeration of separate buildings or urban greenery elements, not connected by spatial and functional relations not only with the outside but even within the scheme interior. 'Law on spatial planning and management of 27 March 2003', due to proper provisions made in spatial management plans, makes it possible to protect 20-th-century, or even the latest town planning structures, as contemporary cultural assets. The protection formula, specified in local plans seems to be correct, because unlike entries in historical monument registers enables a further controlled evolution of an object or scheme, obviously in accordance with their value identifiers.
The purpose of this text is to prove that Art. 6 sec. 1 is a provision indicating a specific area in which the principle of equality expressed in art. 32 and 33 of the Polish Constitution. To prove this, it is explained how equality relates to the range of entities entitled to disseminate and make available to them national cultural goods. It has also been proved that the reference of equality to the dissemination and sharing of national cultural goods requires the application of a compensatory privilege resulting from factual, not only legal, premises. On the occasion of such extensive research, it was also shown that Art. 6 sec. 1 is also a concretization of Art. 5 in fine and that it contains a subjective right.
Celem niniejszego tekstu jest udowodnienie, że art. 6 ust. 1 jest przepisem wskazującym na szczegółową dziedzinę, w której zastosowanie ma zasada równości wyrażona w treści art. 32 i 33 Konstytucji RP. Aby tego dowieźć, wyjaśniono, jak równość odnosi się do zakresu podmiotów uprawnionych do tego, aby im upowszechniać i udostępniać dobra kultury narodowej. Udowodnione zostało również, że odniesienie równości do upowszechniania i udostępniania dóbr kultury narodowej wymaga zastosowania uprzywilejowania wyrównawczego wynikającego z przesłanek faktycznych, a nie tylko prawnych. Przy okazji tak zakrojonych badań wykazane zostało również, że art. 6 ust. 1 jest także konkretyzacją art. 5 in fine oraz, że zawiera on w sobie prawo podmiotowe.
The objective of the article is to establish the grounds for trading in cultural property within the territory of the EU single internal market and to investigate the trading dynamics in importing and exporting such property in the years 2008-2015. The analysis is based on the EU legal acts, statistical data published by Eurostat and a critical review of the literature. The thesis has been formulated that trading in cultural property represents an important element of taking care of the protection of cultural security and potential and demonstrates endeavours for the cultural expansion of the respective EU member states, whose share in the structure of import and export of cultural property on the European Union market is far from being even. The share of a given state in the international exchange of cultural property presents an important aspect of creating not only economic, but also cultural security. In the years 2008-2015, a few European states were able to gain dominance in trading in cultural property in the European Union. Potentially, it poses a threat of cultural uniformity and standardisation, being the phenomenon which adversely affects the protection of unique systems of cultural security in Europe.
Celem artykułu było określenie podstaw prawnych obrotów handlowych dobrami kulturalnymi na obszarze jednolitego rynku wewnętrznego UE oraz zbadanie dynamiki obrotów w imporcie i eksporcie tych dóbr w latach 2008-2015. Analizę oparto na: aktach prawa UE, danych statystycznych opublikowanych przez Eurostat, a także krytycznym odniesieniu się do treści piśmiennictwa. Postawiono tezę, że obroty handlowe dobrami kulturalnymi stanowią ważny element dbałości o ochronę bezpieczeństwa i potencjału kulturowego, a także są wyrazem dążenia do ekspansji kulturalnej poszczególnych państw UE, które charakteryzuje nierównomierny udział w strukturze importu i eksportu dóbr kultury na rynku unijnym. Udział państwa w międzynarodowej wymianie dóbr kultury to ważny aspekt kreowania nie tylko bezpieczeństwa ekonomicznego, ale także kulturowego. W latach 2008-2015 kilka państw europejskich było w stanie zdominować wymianę handlową w obszarze dóbr kulturalnych w UE. Potencjalnie grozi to zjawiskami uniformizacji i standaryzacji kulturowej, które należy rozpatrywać jako niekorzystne dla ochrony unikalnych systemów bezpieczeństwa kulturowego w Europie.
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