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tom Vol. 21, nr 7
In the areas of medium mountains, including the landscape of the Low Beskids, turf communities guarantee the biodiversity increasing the value of open landscape and protecting soil from erosion. The aim of this study was to show the diversity of the diatom communities from the Eunotia and Pinnularia genera developing on soils under the conditions of varied landscape use (meadows, pastures, fallow lands). The research was carried out within the catchment area of the Ryjak stream in the Magura National Park, together with the buffer zone at three sites. The water content varied in the studied soils with fluctuating moisture content depending on the season and the research year. On the other hand, the pH values indicated high acidification of the studied soils. The diatomaceous analysis showed numerous occurrences of the Eunotia (12 taxa) and Pinnularia (18 taxa) genera. The acid pH of the soil undoubtedly favored the development of diatoms of these genera. Most species of the Eunotia and Pinnularia genera usually developed individually, except for Pinnularia borealis Ehrenberg and P. obscura Krasske. They are typically soil species; therefore, they often dominated in the material and occurred in most of the research seasons. Apart from cosmopolitan diatoms, rare or endangered taxa from the Red List of the algae in Poland (Siemińska et al. 2006) were also found on soils. Four species belonged to the endangered category (E): Eunotia botuliformis F. Wild, Nörpel & Lange-Bert., Pinnularia nodosa (Ehrenberg) Smith, P. schoenfelderi and P. viridiformis Krammer. Canonical analysis (CCA) demonstrated a rather low statistical significance of the impact of environmental parameters (pH and humidity) on the differentiation of diatom communities. It only confirmed the fact that diatoms develop better in the environment with permanent or at least periodic moisture, compared to the dry habitats.
Content available Diversity Management – problems and threats
The article addresses the problem of diversity management. The paper presents the most important issues in this field, with particular emphasis on the problems and threats associated with implementation of the diversity management concept. It has been demonstrated that the positive aspects of diversity management can not be specified alone as both the employees’ diversity itself and the idea of managing that diversity can evoke certain controversies.
Content available remote Diversity of freshwater red algae in Europe
Of the total number of freshwater red algae (ca. 180 taxa), one third are found in Europe (ca. 60 taxa). Over one third (24 taxa) of European taxa have been found at only one single location or at very few locations. The majority of taxa live in running waters, but some occur in lakes, on wet ground, in hot springs or in garden ponds. Diversity in the Nordic countries of Sweden and Finland seems to be somewhat higher (27 and 28 taxa, respectively) than in the central and southern parts of Europe (e.g. Austria 23, Belgium 22, Hungary 9, Poland 22, Slovakia 15, Switzerland 12 and Spain 20 taxa).
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest sprawdzenie, czy postrzeganie studentów w temacie odmienności zmienia się w okresie pomiędzy datą rozpoczęcia a datą ukończenia studiów wyższych. Ponadto autorzy próbują zbadać, czy życie studenckie, które jest okresem możliwości nawiązania dialogu między ludźmi o różnych profilach, ma decydujący wpływ na zmianę tegoż postrzegania, czy nie. Pierwsza faza niniejszego, długookresowego badania została podjęta w 2010 roku, natomiast druga faza została podjęta w 2014 roku. Badanie przeprowadzono na Uniwerystecie Dokuz Eylül, Wydział Administracji i Ekonomii w Izmirze, trzecim co do wielkości mieście w Turcji i objęło łącznie liczbę 1734 uczniów. W pracy badawczej zostały nakreślone trzy scenariusze, aby ustalić jak studenci postrzegają różnorodność osób, które uważają za odmienne, inne od siebie samych. W 2010 i 2014 przeprowadzono szereg ankiet, aby sprawdzić czy istnieją znaczące różnice w założonych trzech scenariuszach oraz zmiennych demograficznych oraz jaki mają wpływ na siebie nawzajem. Kiedy porównane zostały ankiety z 2010 i 2014 roku, na pierwszy plan wysunęły się dwa wnioski. Z przeprowadzonych ankiet w 2010 roku wynika, iż ukończenie danego profilu szkoły średniej ma duży wpływ na postrzeganie różnorodności studentów, podczas gdy wyniki z 2014 roku pokazują, że z biegiem czasu to postrzeganie zaciera się. Drugi ważny wniosek wypływający z ankiet przeprowadzonych w 2010 roku mówi, iż postrzeganie różnorodności studentów mieszkających z rodzicami różni się od postrzegania tych, którzy mieszkają w akademikach, podczas gdy w roku 2014 takiej różnic nie zaobserwowano.Słowa kluczowe: różnorodność, zarządzanie różnorodnością, postrzeganie różnorodności, wymiary różnorodności
The purpose of this study was to verify whether college students' perception of diversity varied between the date they started their university education and the date they graduated and to find out if student life, which provides opportunities for interactions between people of different profiles, is a determinative factor in this change of perception or not. The first phase of the longitudinal study in line with this purpose was concluded in 2010, whereas the second phase was completed in 2014. The study was carried out at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, in İzmir, the third largest city of Turkey and covered 1734 students. Three different scenarios were used to determine students' perception of diversity towards people they perceived as different from themselves. Several tests were conducted in 2010 and 2014 to check if there were any significant differences between these three cases and in demographic variables. When the results of these two years were compared, two of them turned out to be particularly significant. The first of these two results from the 2010 study suggested that graduation from high school affected students' perception of diversity, whereas the results of the 2014 study showed that such perception disappeared within time. The second significant result of 2010 revealed that the perception of diversity among students who lived together with their families was different from the perception of those who lived in dormitories, whereas in 2014 no such difference was observed.
Content available The road to hell is paved with good intentionality
The dislocation of the Pandemic caused social convulsions around the world. The middle and ruling classes seem to have rediscovered humans – essential workers, employees, members of underrepresented minorities, and children. In our rush to atone our sins and redress imbalances, we are not stopping to define words nor, as the pragmatists would want us to, think through what our moral precepts mean in practice. Nor do we have the tools in accounting, the “language of business,” to capture our efforts. However, teams that do not take the time to establish ground rules and standard definitions often get a faster start but don’t always do the best work nor have the most impact. Let’s give ourselves better changes.
The purpose of this article is to review the subject literature as regards the predicted challenges being faced now or in the near future by organisations in the area of diversity management. First, the author overviews the definitions of diversity and diversity management., then presents the undertaken actions that make the diversity management possible from the human resources management perspective. The theoretical study considers the terminology connected with diversity management and proposes improving solutions with respect to selected sub-functions of managing diversified employees.
Content available remote Social cohesion created through public spaces in Toronto neighbourhoods
Social cohesion is the binding force that brings people together in a neighbourhood, especially in the context of diversity. Toronto is a multicultural city that exemplifies how social cohesion is achieved through unique urban planning. When it comes to public spaces, Toronto demonstrates how social cohesion can be achieved not only through spaces that have to be defined by civic leaders. In this unique city, each neighbourhood brings people together with its character and atmosphere, allowing a simple street can be used as a mixeduse public space.
Koherencja społeczna to siła skupiająca ludzi w zespołach sąsiedzkich, którą rozpatruje się przede wszystkim w aspekcie różnorodności. Toronto, miasto wieku kultur, jest najlepszym przykładem na to, jak można osiągnąć spójność społeczną poprzez jedyne w swoim rodzaju decyzje w zakresie projektowania urbanistycznego, które w odniesieniu do przestrzeni publicznych wspomagane są przez działalność "miejskich liderów". W tym wyjątkowym mieście każdy zespól sąsiedzki jednoczy swym mieszkańców dzięki swojemu charakterowi i atmosferze, sprawiając, że zwykła ulica może być użytkowana jako przestrzeń wielofunkcyjna.
Content available remote General design guidelines in public spaces designing
In the 1960s, the concept of place was introduced into the architectural thinking. This concept paved the way for an identity of a new town and is shaped according to the cultural, space notions, human needs, climate and other factors. An architect could either interpose an area with a strong sense of place of or diminish it through tactless intervention. This paper summarizes the general design guidelines and influencing factors in designing public spaces.
Pojęcie miejsce wprowadzono do świadomości architektów od lat 60. ubiegłego wieku. Utorowało to drogę do nadawania nowym miastom cech indywidualnych, wynikających z przesłanek kulturowych, wzorców przestrzennych, ludzkich potrzeb, klimatu i innych czynników. Stało się jasne, że architekt może albo wzmocnić poczucie miejsca albo je osłabić przez pozbawioną wrażliwości interwencję. Niniejszy artykuł zestawia najważniejsze pryncypia projektowe i czynniki, które powinny być punktem wyjścia dla projektowania przestrzeni publicznych.
Present state and changes of landscape's structures in high-mountain’s environment requires rigorous scientific research. There the most intensive dynamic changes have started after wind throw disaster on the 19th November 2004 and intensification of new investment construction. Massive modifications of downhill courses of Solisko (above Štrbske pleso Lake) and in Tatranska Lomnica (under Skalnaté pleso Lake) have begun since 2008. The main task is anthropic influence's evaluation of downhill courses according to data's interpretation of relationship between exposed substrate and vegetation cover. Results introduced in article represent the state until the year of 2008 and consequently they will have historical value, concerning visible changes in studied areas. We comment scientific background of invested projects and possibilities of their more sensible design
Content available remote Priestorová diverzita mesta a lokálna pamäť obyvateľov: prípad Bratislava
The social changes throughout the twentieth century had provoked uneven development of cities within the former Czechoslovakia. Each of the political regimes that alternated at the periodicity of approximately twenty years had marked, through the ideology, not only the ethnic and social profile of the city and its districts, but also their urbanistic and architectonical characteristics, symbolism and the outer appearance of the streets. As a result, important changes occurred in the spatial division of the city as well as the identity of city spaces. The author analyzes the impacts of social changes on the spatial diversity of the city and social composition of its districts from the beginning of the twentieth century, but focuses especially on the processes of transformation of the post-socialist city and its present state. Analyses the role of local memory in the politics of the self-government of the city and in the attitudes and activities of its inhabitants.
Content available Wild bee decline and conservation in North America
Pszczoły – to niezwykle różnorodna i ważna grupa owadów; około 4600 gatunków pszczół występuje w Ameryce Północnej. Dzikie pszczoły „świadczą usługi” w zakresie zapylania roślin, a ich działalność jest prawdopodobnie nawet więcej warta niż działalność pszczół miodnych na całym świecie. Są one słabo zbadane na większości obszarów, ale na terenach, dla których mamy wiarygodne dane, liczebność ich populacji obniża się. Wynika to głównie z przekształcania obszarów półnaturalnych na grunty rolne, a nowsze dane wskazują również, że pszczoły miodne mogą także wpływać na ich populacje. Aby zachować istniejące populacje pszczół, należy ustalić siedliska zapylaczy, w celu zachowania różnorodności dzikich zapylaczy w krajobrazach wiejskich i miejskich. W miarę jak populacja ludzi rośnie wraz z zapotrzebowaniem na produkcję rolną, musimy znaleźć sposoby „współpracy” z dzikimi zapylaczami i sposoby zachowania dla przyszłych pokoleń tysięcy gatunków pszczół, które żyją w Ameryce Północnej.
The aim of this study was to investigate the diversity of aphids associated with the field and under greenhouse crops in an arid climate in southeastern Algeria (Biskra province). Using yellow basins for the insects sampling, a total of 6683 specimens of aphids were collected and identified into 33 species, five (05) subfamilies: Aphidinae, Pemphiginae, Chaitophorinae, Pterocommatinae, and Greenideinae; and six tribes: Aphidini, Macrosiphin, Pemphigini, Panaphidini, Chaitophorini and Greenideini, and 22 genera. The Macrosiphini tribe is quantitatively most dominant with 20 species (61%) of the inventoried aphid population, followed by the aphidini which groups together 9 species representing 27% of the aphids inventoried. The other tribes are less represented, including one species for each tribe (12% in total). Aphis gossypii was the predominant species 29.67% of the inventoried species, followed by Rhopalosiphum maidis (15.22%) and Rhopalosiphum padi (15.07%). In terms of total wealth (S), there was a strong and positive correlation between the diversity of aphids and crops (R2 = 0.73), and also a significant relationship (df = 15, Pr > F = 0.024). Shannon’s index spatial interpolation indicates a higher diversity on agricultural lands in the study area. Shannon’s diversity and evenness index values were greater in pepper under greenhouse in Dhibia station (H′ = 2.01, E = 0.84) compared to barley and wheat, in El Haouch and Saada, respectively (H′ = 1.18, E = 0.30 and H’ = 1.45, E = 0.21).
The ongoing globalization of mass media offers ample opportunities for citizen debate and pluralism of thought. One of the recent world media trends is the creation of different models of public media, which are an alternative to other means of communication. Public media might address issues of contemporary journalism, namely the quality and independence of media, ensuring that citizens receive accurate and impartial information. Ukraine has undergone tremendous changes since it has gained independence in 1991 but the political and legal systems remain unduly centralized, the economy weak, and the government attempts to limit freedom of speech and work of media. During both the Orange Revolution in 2004 and the Euromaidan 2013–2014, the need to deepen democratic freedoms was emphasized. Major advocates of the reform called for strengthening the rule of law, decentralization, denationalization of media, and the establishment of community media in the country, which will be created by the society, serve the society, and work under its control. Measures to increase the diversity of Ukrainian media are one of the practical means to guarantee freedom of speech and diversity of viewpoints. The diversity of media includes not only the diversity of content and multiplicity of media owners but also the variety of media types. Along with traditional models of public service media and private commercial broadcasting, community media emerged as the “third level” of media development that enhances freedom of speech. This article examines the legal aspects of community media implementation in Ukraine, their compliance with the standards and principles of the media law of European countries that govern the media community, and illustrates the development of community broadcasting in the world. It also provides an overview of the international standards for community media, which are backed by legislatures and regulators. Analyzing the Ukrainian media legislative draft, the author of the article offers improvements to the content and funding of community media in Ukraine.
In 1987-1989 a lysimetric experiment was designed to determine the effect of species composition of grass cultures (mono- and polyculture cultures) on Collembola communities, and to examine correlations between the abundance of Collembola and other soil organisms. Also the dependence of Collembola abundance on plant biomass was examined. Two plant communities were under study: simplified (Dactylis glomerata - monoculture) and comprising several species (a mixture of six grass species - polyculture). Plastic 0.16 m^2 lysimeters were used, filled with alluvial soil made up of coarse sand. The soil was watered and fertilized with earthworm casts. The simplification of the plant community had an unequivocal effect on the density and species diversity of collembolans. Watering and fertilization accounted for an increase in the density of collembolans only in the upper soil layer of the severalspecies plant community. Fertilization had a shortterm effect, noticeable within 30 days after the introduction of casts. Cryptopygus bipunctatus, a pioneer species, was the dominant, accounting for over 50% of the community in the upper soil layer and for 30% in the lower layer.
Society and Art have variegated correlative relations in that the artist is, first and foremost, a member of a particular society. As such, his/her creative works are in the main influenced by the events of his/her immediate society or those of the societies that border the artist’s. Consequently, the Nigerian society has undergone different developmental stages, and in each era the fiction of the period reflects the dominant incidences of the period used in the work, no doubt, from the artist’s perception. Thus, throughout the development of the Nigerian society and the accompanying metamorphoses of its fiction, moderation has assumed metaphorical dimensions due to the fact that at every point two divergent views/forces are at “war” (and by decipherable African thought of obtaining peace through compromise) only a middle course can ensure peaceful co-existence. Hence, amidst the gargantuan religious strife in the contemporary Nigerian society Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie seems to have a solution with the suggestion of moderation in her debut narrative, Purple Hibiscus. This paper therefore, uses this novel of Adichie’s as a paradigm for the study of the exalted level to which artists have advanced moderation as a metaphor for the advancement of every society. The myriad vexing religious issues of the Nigerian society Adichie so aptly captures in Purple Hibiscus therefore, receive a treatment that one considers a model which is relevant for any developing society desirous of unity in diversity. null
The author of the article stresses that what constitutes the purpose of humanistic education is showing the world from different perspectives and ambiguity as its inherent ingredient, which should be approached as both didactic and axiological challenge (especially in the light of concept of young people’s civic education). In this context he proposes to have a glance at cultural microcosm (of today’s Israel) described by Paweł Smoleński in his book published in 2019 entitled Wnuki Jozuego [Joshua’s Grandchildren]. The Polish author of reportages shows in the said book how - based on the example of Jewish Israeli settlers in the West Bank - dealing with religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity and experiencing them on the daily basis, paves the way for radical views and, consequently, for unifying the past, present, and the future. Many among Smoleński’s interlocutors/interviewees, however, touch upon the need for open dialogue, accepting otherness, and various outlooks on the most burning issues. Therefore, the story thus told may be treated as a warning against believing in only one righteous truth, as well as against the said belief’s negative influence on the sphere of public exchange of thoughts.
Sixty morphospecies of Decapoda (Malacostraca: Crustacea) representing 34 families were recorded in the material collected in 2012 from 265 van Veen grab (0.1 m2) samples, from the nine transects distributed along the coast of Ghana in the 25–1000 m depth range. The examined material was dominated by the Diogenidae, Panopeidae, Leucosiidae, Pilumnidae and Xanthidae families. Species accumulation curves showed undersampling of the studied area and a large number of the morphospecies comprised singletons and doubletons. Panopeus africanus was the most frequent morphospecies in the analysed material (9.1% of all samples). We observed a substantial decrease of diversity (Shannon Index) and abundance along a depth gradient. Species richness also decreased with depth, starting from the highest number of morphospecies ‒ 38 at 25 m depth, then 33 at 50 m, 17 at 100 m, 11 at 250 m, 8 at 500 m and ending with 1 morphospecies at 1000 m bottom depth. Higher diversity was observed on the continental shelf (25–250 m – 57 morphospecies), while on the slope (500–1000 m) only eight morphospecies were recorded. Numerous factors of natural and anthropogenic origin may affect decapod communities on the coast of Ghana. Since our material was collected using a sampler collecting material at a very small scale, the observed patterns might be affected by the sampling method.
The study was conducted in an old, historical park, in the northern part of Stalowa Wola city (south-eastern Poland). The aim of the study was to investigate the diversity of moss-inhabiting diatoms of the white poplar (Populus alba L.) bark. During the study, a total of 47 diatom taxa were found, three out of which were considered as dominant. Three other species are mentioned in the Red List of the Algae in Poland: Achnanthes coarctata (Brébisson) Grunow, Luticola acidoclinata Lange-Bertalot and Stauroneis thermicola (Petersen) Lund. For three species: Luticola sparsipunctata Levkov, Metzeltin & Pavlov, L. vanheurckii Van de Vijver & Levkov and Hantzschia subrupestris Lange-Bertalot, this is the first report from Poland.
The evolution of strategic cooperation between competitive countries in international relations may be effectively modeled by the iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. Win-stay-lose-shift (WSLS) might be considered the most successful strategy since the seminal computer tournaments organized by Robert Axelrod. However, WSLS as a strategy to explain the evolution of cooperation is a failure in the sense that, whereas it cooperates with unconditional defection (ALLD) in every second round, WSLS ruthlessly exploits unconditional cooperation (ALLC) after an error of his own. Here we propose a promising cooperative strategy of No-Tricks, which wins against WSLS and some other well-known strategies, particularly inhibiting the evolution of ALLD. Remarkably, the prevalence of No-Tricks ensures the survival of ALLC, while the survival of ALLC is the toehold for a plethora of other strategies, which in turn render impossible the ALLC invasion of No-Tricks by neutral drift.
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