In papers [4,5], query answering system based on distributed knowledge mining was introduced and investigated. In paper by Ras and Wieczorkowska [3], the notion of an action rule was introduced and for its application domain e-business was taken. In this paper, we generalize the notion of action rules in a similar way to handling global queries in [4,5]. Mainly, when values of attributes for a given customer, used in action rules, can not be easily changed by business user, definitions of these attributes are extracted from other sites of a distributed knowledge system. To be more precise, attributes at every site of a distributed knowledge system are divided into two sets: stable and flexible. Values of flexible attributes, for a given consumer, sometime can be changed and this change can be influenced and controlled by a business user. However, some of these changes (for instance to the attribute ``profit'') can not be done directly to a chosen attribute. In this case, definitions of such an attribute in terms of other attributes have to be learned. These new definitions are used to construct action rules showing what changes in values of flexible attributes, for a given consumer, are needed in order to re-classify this consumer the way business user wants. But, business user may be either unable or unwilling to proceed with actions leading to such changes. In all such cases we may search for definitions of these flexible attributes looking at either local or remote sites for help.
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The increased availability of information as a whole became an important problem and threat for its security, especially security of sensitive and confidential information and that is why the necessity to assure the security of such data became undeniable. The developers of applications an information systems put more and more stress on the aspect of their security and safety. Development of information systems has to answer more and more to problems connected to federated data sources and problems of heterogeneous distributed information systems. It is necessary to propose the architecture for secure cooperation of such systems. The paper presents the practical application of concepts of multi-agent systems in domain of logical security of data in distributed information systems. The purpose of presented solution is to support the process management of IT project realization based on the software creation methodologies.
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Social data archives are of specific importance as an infrastructure for international comparative research. In this area, they serve not only as a source of data, but also participate in the organization of international surveys and participate in research in the field of data harmonization and the development of standardized indicators. Since the beginning of data archiving in Europe, building a common European system of data services has therefore been considered. Many existing national archives are associated in the CESSDA organization. Their cooperation includes an agreement on the international exchange of data, but the real interconnection of data services has not yet taken place. The problem is the mutual incompatibility of existing systems of data services, information about data and the general incompatibility of production in social science research. So far, partial successes have been achieved in overcoming barriers, in particular a satisfactory software and hardware solution for data services interconnection (NESSTAR) has been developed, metadata (DDI) is being standardized, the ELSST multilingual thesaurus is being developed and several data libraries in a common catalog have been partially interconnected. C-CAT. The creation of a European data services system is being prepared in the CESSDA-PPP project. However, it is uncertain whether funds will be obtained for its implementation.
Archivy sociálních dat mají specifický význam jako infrastruktura pro mezinárodní komparativní výzkum. V této oblasti slouží nejen jako zdroj dat, ale podílejí se i na organizaci mezinárodních šetření a zapojují se do výzkumu v oblasti harmonizace dat a vývoje standardizovaných indikátorů. Od počátku archivace dat v Evropě se proto uvažuje o budování společného evropského systému datových služeb. Řada stávajících národních archivů je sdružena v organizaci CESSDA. Jejich spolupráce zahrnuje dohodu o mezinárodní výměně dat, k reálnému propojení datových služeb ale dosud nedošlo. Problémem je vzájemná nekompatibilita stávajících systémů datových služeb, informací o datech i obecná nekompatibilita produkce v sociálněvědním výzkumu. Dosud bylo dosaženo dílčích úspěchů v překonání bariér, zejm. bylo vyvinuto uspokojivé softwarové a hardwarové řešení pro propojení datových služeb (NESSTAR), dochází k standardizaci metadat (DDI), vyvíjen je multilinguální thesaurus ELSST a došlo k částečnému propojení několika datových knihoven ve společném katalogu C-CAT. Vytvoření evropského systému datových služeb je připravováno v projektu CESSDA-PPP. Není však jisté, zda budou získány prostředky na jeho realizaci.
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Smart Cities are among the most dynamic and rapidly evolving modern environments, driven by the development of new technologies and the fast growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), which enable the acquisition and processing of very large amounts of data. However, accessing IoT assets is proving to be a challenge, as neither formal nor de facto standards to discover connected Things have emerged. Services that provide discovery and access capability for IoT resources are in the rise, but they often adopt service-specific interfaces and authorization mechanisms that hinder the development and maintainability of IoT applications. Low flexibility and interoperability become especially problematic during emergency situations, when responders might need to access resources that normally would not be allowed to access. To address these issues, this paper describes MARGOT, a distributed edge computing platform that supports domain-aware and secure discovery of IoT resources in Smart Cities. Experimental results obtained using MARGOT in an emulated network environment show that our platform can effectively reduce discovery latency and bandwidth consumption under the considered use cases and network conditions.
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This text is a comprehensive introduction to the NESSTAR system. It is intended primarily for (potential) users of this software package, designed for publishing, searching and analyzing data on the web. The introductory part describes the origin of this program, its individual parts and also the possibilities it offers to producers and data depositories. In the second part, Nesstar is introduced as a tool for online data search and analysis. It is also a user manual, which should show the way to sociological data on the Internet.
Tento text představuje komplexní úvod k systému NESSTAR. Je určen především (potenciálním) uživatelům tohoto programového balíku, určeného pro publikování, prohledávání a analýzu dat na webu. V úvodní části je popsán vznik tohoto programu, jeho jednotlivé části a také možnosti, které nabízí producentům a depozitorům dat. V druhé části je pak Nesstar představen jako nástroj pro on-line prohledávání a analýzu dat. Jde současně o uživatelský manuál, který by měl ukázat cestu k sociologickým datům na internetu.
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