Dysfunctions of the organ of hearing are a significant limitation in the performance of occupations that require its full efficiency (vehicle driving, army, police, fire brigades, mining). Hearing impairment is associated with poorer understanding of speech and disturbed sound localization that directly affects the worker’s orientation in space and his/her assessment of distance and location of other workers or, even most importantly, of dangerous machines. Testing sound location abilities is not a standard procedure, even in highly specialized audiological examining rooms. It should be pointed out that the ability to localize sounds which are particularly loud, is not directly associated with the condition of the hearing organ, but is rather considered an auditory function of a higher level. Disturbances in sound localization are mainly associated with structural and functional disturbances of the central nervous system and occur also in patients with normal hearing when tested with standard methods. The article presents different theories explaining the phenomenon of sound localization, such as interaural differences in time, interaural differences in sound intensity, monaural spectrum shape and the anatomical and physiological basis of these processes. It also describes methods of measurement of disturbances in sound localization which are used in Poland and around the world, also by the author of this work. The author analyzed accessible reports on sound localization testing in occupational medicine and the possibilities of using such tests in various occupations requiring full fitness of the organ of hearing.
Przedstawiono wybrane aspekty badań akustycznych nad dźwiękiem i jego percepcją znajdujące zastosowanie we współczesnych multimediach. Skoncentrowano się na zagadnieniach związanych z przestrzennym słyszeniem dźwięku oraz niektórych zagadnieniach związanych z funkcjami HRTF umożliwiającymi uzyskanie przestrzennego dźwięku przy odsłuchu słuchawkowym. W ograniczonym zakresie przedstawiono techniki numeryczne symulowania propagacji dźwięku w pomieszczeniach, odtwarzania wirtualnego dźwięku przestrzennego w systemach głośnikowych oraz matryc mikrofonowych.
The review presents selected studies in acoustics and sound perception relevant to multimedia technology. Topics discussed include basic issues of spatial hearing and basics of the HRTF functions designed to obtain three dimensional spatial sound with the use of earphones. Further discussion continues on basic issues related to numerical simulations of room acoustics, creating virtual spatial sound with the loudspeaker systems and use of the microphone arrays.
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