In the paper the two-dimensional numerical modelling of heat transfer in crystalline solids is considered. In the mathematical description the relaxation time and the boundary conditions are given as interval numbers. The problem formulated has been solved by means of the interval lattice Boltzmann method using the rules of directed interval arithmetic.
W artykule zaprezentowano dwuwymiarowy model numeryczny przepływu ciepła w ciele krystalicznym. W opisie matematycznym czas relaksacji i warunki brzegowe są zdefiniowane jako liczby przedziałowe. Sformułowane zagadnienie rozwiązano za pomocą interwałowej metody siatek Boltzmanna stosując skierowaną arytmetykę interwałową.
The paper presents the formulation of a granular computational homogenisation problem and the proposition of a method to solve it, which enables multiscale analysis of materials with uncertain microstructure parameters. The material parameters and the geometry, represented by the interval and fuzzy numbers, are assumed to be unprecise. An _-cut representation of fuzzy numbers allows the use of interval arithmetic for epistemic uncertainties. Directed interval arithmetic is used to reduce the effect of interval widening during arithmetic operations. Response surfaces of diverse types, including Artificial Neural Networks, are used as model reduction methods. The finite element method is employed to solve the boundary value problem on a micro scale. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
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