The point of departure for the article are Cyprian Norwid’s words quoted in the Krakow daily “Kraj” in January 1872. They were used in the review of the anonymous poem Niewolnik, in which the emigration poet is shown in the role of an authority deciding about the proper approach to poetical testimonies to struggle for freedom. Norwid’s oral opinion used by the reviewer is concerned with another, also anonymous poem. The reviewer remains anonymous as well. In his analysis of the newspaper publication and of the circumstances accompanying it Okulicz-Kozaryn clarifies these unknown issues: he identifies the authors of both poems as well as of the review, at the same time finding out that Norwid’s words are a different, richer version of the poet’s dictum recorded briefly in another place.
The point of departure for the article are Cyprian Norwid’s words quoted in the Krakow daily “Kraj” in January 1872. They were used in the review of the anonymous poem Niewolnik, in which the emigration poet is shown in the role of an authority deciding about the proper approach to poetical testimonies to struggle for freedom. Norwid’s oral opinion used by the reviewer is concerned with another, also anonymous poem. The reviewer remains anonymous as well. In his analysis of the newspaper publication and of the circumstances accompanying it Okulicz-Kozaryn clarifies these unknown issues: he identifies the authors of both poems as well as of the review, at the same time finding out that Norwid’s words are a different, richer version of the poet’s dictum recorded briefly in another place.
Artykuł stanowi próbę ukazania specyfiki ramy modusowej tekstu naukowego poprzez analizę sposobów eksplikacji modusu oraz podmiotu modusowego. Jak wynika z analizy, modus tekstu naukowego, w odróżnieniu od inwariantu modusu, jest często eksplikowany – albo w dyskretnych eksplicytnych konstrukcjach modusowych, albo w konstrukcjach inkorporowanych. Inkorporacja modusu jest ściśle powiązana z dążeniem autora do impersonalizacji tekstu naukowego, w związku z czym te dwie intencje łączą się w jedną – impersonalizująco-inkorporującą. Inkorporacji modusu można dokonywać na poziomie zdaniowym (nominalizacja, autoryzacja i in.) lub tekstowym (transformacje modeli zdaniowych).
In the article the author attempts to describe the specificity of the modus frame of the academic texts analyzing the means of modus explication and modus subject explication. As the analysis shows, the modus in the academic text is almost always explicit – either in distinct explicit modus construction, or in incorporated constructions. Incorporation of the modus is very closely related to the author’s intention to impersonalize the academic narration, thus both intentions become combined into one – impersonalizing and incorporating strategy. Incorporation of the modus can be provided on the sentence level (nominalizations, authorization) and on the text one (transformation of the sentence model).
У статті окреслено типові прояви кількісної та якісної асиметрії форми та змісту на рівні складних сполучникових конструкцій сучасної української мови. Проаналізований матеріал переконує в поширеності формально-змістової невідповідності в синтаксисі складно сполучникового речення й доводить потребу в цілісному й усебічному досліджені цього феномену на синтаксичному рівні системи української мови в цілому.
The article outlines the typical symptoms of quantitative and qualitative asymmetry of the form and content at the level of complex conjunctive structures of the modern Ukrainian language. The analyzed material proves the prevalence of formal semantic inconsistencies in the syntax of a complex conjunctive sentence and proves the need for holistic and comprehensive studies of this phenomenon on the syntactic level of the Ukrainian language system as a whole.
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