Il pensiero e l’opera di Chiara Lubich sono molto importanti per l’educazione interculturale: lei ci offre molti contributi teorici e pratici – rinforzati dalla testimonianza vissuta con massima coerenza – per imparare ad essere interculturali come persone, ma anche come gruppi, come specifiche identità collettive e culturali. Tutta la sua esperienza può essere raccontata come esperienza di educazione al dialogo, un dialogo micro-macro che si esplica fin dalla immediata sfida della relazione interpersonale per allargarsi agli ambiti sempre più vasti delle relazioni politiche, interculturali, interreligiose. Questo articolo analizza alcuni aspetti della odierna realtà multiculturale, che sfida il mondo dell’educazione, e – assumendo l’impegnativa prospettiva dell’interculturalità – esamina alcune proposte di Chiara: sono proposte che si fondano sull’idea di persona-dialogo, persona-relazione, persona interculturale. Queste indicazioni di percorso, metodologicamente essenziali nel passaggio dalla realtà-sfida alle finalità indicate dall’interculturalità, sono efficacemente indicate dalla Lubich nel suo fondamentale scritto L’arte di amare, nel quale presenta i segreti per la relazione interpersonale, sociale, interculturale, gli atteggiamenti imprescindibili che si configurano come “amore concreto”. Vengono qui riportati alcuni brani che presentano i fondamentali principi pedagogici di riferimento per Chiara Lubich, tratti dal testo di una relazione intitolata “Uomo-Mondo”(1972), dal discorso a Parigi il 17 dicembre 1996, in occasione del conferimento del Premio UNESCO per l’educazione alla pace, dalla lectio magistralis tenuta a Washington il 10 novembre 2000 (Laurea honoris causa in Pedagogia).
The thought and action of Chiara Lubich are very important for intercultural education. She has given us many theoretical and practical tools – reinforced by the testimony lived with the greatest coherence – to learn to be intercultural as people, but also as groups, as specific collective and cultural identities. Her experience can be told as an experience of education in dialogue, a micro-macro dialogue that unfolds from the immediate challenge of interpersonal relationships to widen to the areas of political, intercultural, interreligious relations. This article analyses some aspects of today's multicultural reality, which challenges the world of education, and – assuming the demanding perspective of interculturality – examines some of Chiara's proposals, which are based on the idea of a person-dialogue, person-relationship and intercultural person. These proposals, methodologically essential in the transition from reality-challenge to the goals indicated by interculturality, are effectively communicated by Lubich in his fundamental book “The Art of Loving”, in which she presents the secrets for interpersonal, social, intercultural relations, the inescapable attitudes that are configured as “concrete love”. Some passages are here quoted that present the pedagogical principles of reference according to Chiara Lubich, taken from the lecture entitled “Uomo-Mondo” (1972), from the lecture held in Paris on December 17, 1996, when she received the UNESCO prize for “Peace Education”, from the lectio magistralis held in Washington on 10th November 2000 (Honorary doctoral Degree in Education from The Catholic University of America).
Un contesto importante della catechesi contemporanea è la situazione del pluralismo, o persino la complessità di pluralismi. Questa situazione rappresenta un particola compito educativo e formativo. Urgente è la formazione di identità religiosa nelle persone catechizzate, che aiuti a mantenere la fede nel mondo di oggi, ma anche a comprendere, coesistere e cooperare con i credenti (e non) in maniera diversa. L’insegnamento confessionale della religione a scuola, opportunamente programmato e attuato, può raggiungere gli obiettivi che la pedagogia moderna si pone nei confronti dell’educazione religiosa in una realtà pluralistica. Questo procedimento, tuttavia, richiede di seguire le linee guida della Chiesa e di attuarle nell’insegnamento della religione.
An important context of contemporary catechesis is the situation of pluralism, and even the complexity of many pluralisms. This situation is a specific educational and formative task. An urgent need is to shape religious identities in catechized people, one that will help to keep the faith in the present world, but also to understand, coexist and cooperate with believers (or not) in a different way. Properly programmed and implemented confessional teaching of religion at school can achieve the goals that modern pedagogy sets for religious education in a pluralistic reality. This, however, requires following the guidelines of the Church and implementing them in teaching religion.
The article consists of the following parts: new Catholic ecumenism, the Council reform, the contribution of John XXIII, the contribution of Paul VI, theological foundation of the Council ecumenism, conclusions. The author focuses on the great personal contribution of the popes John XXIII and Paul VI in the renewal of the Church (including ecumenical dialogue) which took place fifty years ago during the Second Vatican Council. John XXIII connected strongly the idea of the Church reform aggiornamento with the unity of Christians. The Catholic doctrine in the area of ecumenical issues was most fully expressed in the Dogmatic Constitution on Church (Lumen gentium) and Decree on Ecumenism (Unitatis redintegratio). Its onset is the conviction about the unity of the Christ Church. The Council stressed that the foundation of the unity of Christians is the dogma of the Trinity (Unitatis redintegratio 12). Removing obstacles by leading a dialogue which allows us to understand existing doctrinal differences, eliminating prejudice in word and deed restore the unity (UR 4). The Decree on Ecumenism is a solemn involvement of the Catholic Church in the cause of Christian unity and the response of the Church to God’s call which is addressed to all contemporary Christians, encouraging them to earnestly desire, search and attain unity in Christ. The unity of Christians is a grace and gift which can be only expected from God and which should be asked for in prayer. In this spirit following Paul VI’s words, the Church in the Decree on Ecumenism asks God and separated brethren for forgiveness for the faults committed against unity and is also ready to forgive inflicted harm. Apart from prayer theological work is necessary for the unity and the Council repeatedly returns to it.
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