Two joint conferences on widely comprehended heritage were held on 22-25 October 2008. The First European Heritage Forum on “Heritage and Dialogue”, which took place on 22-24 October, is a joint undertaking of the Council of Europe and the European Commission. The forum involved numerous panel discussions and “round tables” considering the progress of the inter-cultural dialogue and its connections with heritage. The Polish participants shared, i. a. information about the activity of the National Heritage Board of Poland, primarily as regards the EDD organisation and educational projects addressed to children and young people. The outcome of the debates will be edited and published. The annual meeting of EDD coordinators was held on 25 October. The event was shorter, lasted one day, and was limited basically to a presentation of Belgian accomplishments. The discussions conducted by the participants offered an opportunity for exchanging information about this year’s edition of EDD in Poland. It was proposed that the annual meeting of EDD coordinators in 2011 should be hosted by Poland upon the occasion of Polish presidency in the European Union. The suggestion was initially accepted, and since the annual meetings will be probably closely associated with the European Heritage Forum, Poland would be the site of two conferences simultaneously.
The paper discusses issues of cultural diversity, pluralism and multiculturalism. The reasons for the popularity of these terms in scientific discourse, politics and social and educational practices are analogous to those which underlay Renaissance ideas of regionalism, locality and “little homelands”. The article is an attempt to depict Płock as a multicultural town from ethnological and historical perspective. A question whether Płock is a multicultural town today and in what sense has also been formulated.
W tekście poruszone zostają zagadnienia zróżnicowania kulturowego, pluralizmu i wielokulturowości. Przyczyny popularności tych pojęć, zarówno w dyskursie naukowym, polityce jak i praktykach społeczno- edukacyjnych są analogiczne do tych, jakie legły u podstaw renesansu idei regionalizmu, lokalności i „małych ojczyzn”. W artykule podjęto próbę nakreślenia obrazu Płocka jako miasta wielokulturowego w perspektywie etnologiczno-historycznej. Zostaje też postawione pytanie czy i w jakim sensie Płock jest miastem wielokulturowym dzisiaj.
Prispievok sa týka problémov medzikultúrneho dialógu v slovenskom preklade zbierky poviedok Andrzeja Stasiuka pod titulom "Haličské poviedky". Autorka dáva pozor na translatologické problémy vyplyvajúce zo špecifiky originálu, v ktorom dialóg kultúr funguje vnútorne v texte. Prispevok uvažuje o translatologických problémoch, sústreduje pozornosť na kľúčových textových signáloch, významných elementoch štruktúry textu, ktoré definujú hranice sémantiky originálu. Autorka určuje spôsob interpretácie a transferu sémantiky originálu v preklade. Zaujima ju, akým spôsobom sa prekladateľovi Haličských poviedok podarilo preložiť aspekt zmiešania kultúr.
The article deals with the question of intercultural dialogue in Slovak translation of Andrzej Stasiuk book under the title "Opowieści galicyjskie". The author draws attention to translation problems resulting from the peculiarity of origin, in which a dialog of many cultures decides about the inner structure of a text. The author discusses translation problems focuses on text signals, significant structure elements which state the limits of semantic area of the origin. It defines the way of reading and transfering the sense of origin implied in translation. The author considers what extent the translator of Opowieści galicyjskie managed to transfer in translation the aspects of cultures mix up and coexistence.
The article presents the issue of ethno-pedagogy science and the chances of its establishment by cultural animation. The author of the text analyzes the basic ideas of ethno pedagogy in artistic organizations of multicultural revival, opening up to social awareness of cultural and ethnic diverse. By organizing joint artistic work author seeks visible opportunities for “dialogues” and popularization of the social concept. The method of cultural animation, bearing an axiological neutral message and pervading nondeterminant forms of work, hopes for the creation of friendly, multicultural spaces.
Autor studie se zabývá problematikou překládání současné polské literatury do češtiny po roce 1989. Připomíná některá fakta z literárního života posledních dvaceti let a analyzuje některé texty současné polské prózy, které byly přeloženy do češtiny. Překladům ani jejich překladatelům není garantováno, že překlady vyjdou tiskem, neexistuje ani systematické vydávání polské literatury v ČR. Na druhé straně se objevují vydané překlady, jež mohou českému čtenáři ukázat Poláka a současné Polsko v úplně jiném image než kdysi. Badatel připomíná prózu Masłowské, která českému čtenáři přiblíží subkulturu „dreserów”, což si vyžaduje od překladatele, který chce do cílového jazyka přeložit veškerý kontext, aby našel odekvátní styl a princip. Poněkud jinak se diskutuje o obrazu Poláků J. Witkowskiego, který se ve svých textech dívá na specifickou komunitu gayů. Konečně na posledním příkladu autor ukazuje, jak M. Szczygiel pohlíží z pohledu Poláka na dějiny Čechů v XX. století (próza "Gottland"). Autor připomíná rovněž fakt, že v obou literárních kulturách probíhají analogické procesy (tematika, výběr jazykových prostředků).
In his paper, the author deals with the topic of rendering the contemporary Polish literature, created after the year 1989, into the Czech language. He reminds the reader of certain facts from the literary life of the last 20 years and analyses certain texts of the contemporary Polish prose which were translated into Czech. It is not guaranteed that the outcome of numerous translations will be ever printed. What is more, Polish literature is not systematically published in the Czech Republic. On the other hand, the translations which have been published may show a Czech reader Polish people and the contemporary Poland in a different light than it was done earlier. The researcher quotes D. Maslowska’s prose, who introduces a Czech reader to the subculture of „dreserzy”(„dresiarze”), which requires a translator to find an adequate style and language in order to render the whole context into the target language. Another approach to the issue of shattering the image of Poles has been taken by J. Witkowski, who looks at the specific gay community in his texts. Finally, in the last example, the author shows how M. Szczygiel, a Pole, views the Czech history in the XXth century (the prose "Gottland"). The author also mentions the fact that there have been analogicalprocesses in both literary cultures (subject matter, selection of means of literature, etc.).
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Fethullah Gülen jest tureckim uczonym, myślicielem, pisarzem a także opiniotwórcą i działaczem oświatowym. Artykuł poświęcony jest przybliżeniu zagadnień związanych z dialogiem międzykulturowym w ujęciu F. Gülena. Zaprezentowano w nim rozumienie dialogu międzykulturowego według Gülena oraz koncepcję tego dialogu opartą na trzech filarach: tolerancji, przebaczeniu i miłości. Dialog i wymienione trzy uniwersalne wartości stanowią dla Gülena niezbędne składniki do zachowania pokoju na świecie.
Fethullah Gülen is a Turkish scholar, thinker, author, opinion leader and educational activist. The article is devoted to the issue of F. Gülen’s intercultural dialogue. It presents Gülen’s understanding of dialogue and his concept of dialogue in combination with tolerance, forgiveness and love. For Gülen, dialogue and these three universal values are the necessary elements for coexistence and ultimately, peace among the world`s civilizations.
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UNESCO Convention 1972, world heritage, a powerful opportunity to promote intercultural dialogue, promoting the UNESCO Convention 2003 for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and UNESCO Convention 2005 on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.
Artykuł dotyczy Konwencji UNESCO z roku 1972, dziedzictwa światowego, wielkiej szansy dla promocji dialogu międzykulturowego, promowania Konwencji UNESCO z roku 2003 na rzecz ochrony niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego, a także konwencji UNESCO z roku 2005 na rzecz ochrony i promocji różnorodności ekspresji kulturowych.
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