The article is a special continuation of the paper published in the previous volume of Studia Linguistica entitled “A little motherland” in the Light of Phraseology and Paremiology of Silesian Dialects. It contains the analysis of those phraseological units and proverbs found in dictionaries documenting Silesian dialects which refer to the so-called rest of the world, namely the world which is not ‘a little motherland’ of a Silesian, but is situated outside its borders. The components of presented units are the names of Polish and foreign towns, regions, European and non-European countries, adjectives derived from these toponyms, as well as nouns denoting the inhabitants of countries (ethnonyms). The units have been presented in the order which made it possible to show the spreading – in a geographical sense – of this world. Thus, the presentation of ‘the rest of the world’ contains the point of view of a Silesian, for whom ‘the little motherland’ is located in the centre of the world, while everything outside of it is perceived as more or less remote places. Silesian phraseology and paremiology presented in the article cannot become the basis for any far-reaching opinions on the image of this ‘rest of the world.’
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy funkcjonalnej tekstów śląskich, wykorzystywanych w komunikacji internetowej. Korpus materiałowy pochodzi z portali i stron internetowych związanych z terenem Górnego Śląska, Śląska Opolskiego i Śląska Cieszyńskiego (łącznie z czeską częścią). W przypadku wykorzystania kodu śląskiego jako głównego środka komunikacji realizowane są wszystkie funkcje komunikacyjne. Teksty w kodzie śląskim szczególnie często realizują funkcję metatekstową i funkcję przedstawieniową. W wypadku niektórych funkcji sięga się po stylizację językową. W funkcji środków stylistycznych w tekstach śląskich wykorzystywane są przede wszystkim środki leksykalne z innych kodów: ogólnopolskiego, czeskiego, angielskiego, niemieckiego, w tym również leksemy o wyraźnym nacechowaniu slangowym w kodach wyjściowych. Funkcje komunikacyjne tych środków stylistycznych to przede wszystkim funkcja poetycka i funkcja ekspresywna.
The article presents the results of a functional analysis of Silesian texts used in internet communication. The linguistic corpus consists of texts from portals and websites related to Upper Silesia, Opole Silesia and Cieszyn Silesia (including the Czech part). If the Silesian isolect is used as the main means of communication, all communication functions can be performed. Texts in the Silesian code particularly often fulfill metatextual and representational functions. For some functions, language stylization is used. As stylistic means in Silesian texts, lexical means from other codes are primarily used, i.e. from standard Polish, Czech, English, and German; lexemes with a clear slang character are included in the output codes. The communicative functions of these stylistic means are primarily poetic and expressive.
An analysis of the material presented in the article (geographical names, hydronyms, oronyms as well as anthroponyms) makes it possible to draw geolinguistic, onomastic and historical-linguistic conclusions concerning the Polish-Bohemian language borderland (between Silesia, Moravia and Bohemia) in the Middle Ages and to establish the areas in which the two languages could influence each other. In the 12th century, Silesia was strongly linked linguistically to the other provinces of former Poland. In the 13th century, direct contact between the Polish and Czech languages occurred in an area from Ostravice to Prudnik. In the 13th and 14th centuries contacts between the two languages in the area overlapped with German–Polish and German–Bohemian contacts. This resulted in changes of names, mixed names, spread of new naming models. Part of the language area of the Polish-Bohemian borderland became a German-speaking area. This determined the local nature of the Polish-Czech or Polish-Bohemian linguistic neighbourhood.
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