This article is in the form of a dictionary of local names contained in the Małopolska rotary court oaths from 1399-1418, from Bolesław Ulanowski's edition of Rota oath of Cracow from 1399 - 1418, Report of the Language Commission of the Academy of Skills, vol. III, Kraków 1884 (96 rot). This dictionary covers 107 units and is at the same time an attempt to determine the etymology of these names and their semantic classification, with a statistical summary of its results.
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During the period of partitions, eastern Greater Poland was in a special situation. It was doubly a linguistic periphery, both with regard to the rest of the region and to the major centres of cultural life (Cracow and Warsaw). In the 19th c., the principle “we speak as we write, and we write as we speak” was in wide use, meaning that the manuscripts from those times can be used to analyze the non-normalized language. Based on this assumption, the article discusses acts of civil status from the year 1821 from Golina and Kawnice (Konin municipality).
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki analizy sposobów oznaczania spółgłosek v i v́ w Szczycie dusznym (zbiór modlitw z modlitewnika Olbrachta Gasztołda z 1528 roku). Badaniu zostały poddane parametry ilościowe oznaczeń, a także ich uwarunkowania pozycyjne (wyrazowe, fonetyczne i leksykalne). Wyniki analizy pozwoliły sformułować hipotezę o istnieniu w małopolskiej odmianie języka polskiego pierwszej połowy XVI wieku dwuwargowej artykulacji spółgłosek v i v́ jako reliktu wymowy dawnej, zachowanej w pozycji interwokalicznej i w pozycji nagłosowej pospółgłoskowej.
The article presents the results of an analysis of the methods of marking consonants v and v́ in Szczyt duszny (‘Spiritual shield’), a collection of prayers from the prayer book of Olbracht Gasztołd from 1528. The analysis covered the quantitative parameters of the markings and their positional determinants (word, phonetic and lexical). The results of the analysis made it possible to formulate a hypothesis about presence of the doublelip articulation of the consonants v and v́ in the Małopolska variant of the Polish language in the first half of the 16th century, this being a relic of the old pronunciation, preserved in the intervocal position and in the post-vocal position in the forehead of the word.
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