The article is devoted to the question of improvement of quality and efficiency of professional training of future technicians in aviation industry in the American educational establishments. Main attention is paid to the studies of pedagogical technologies, which are used for the sake of qualitative and efficient training of specialists of aviation industry. The main purpose of vocational education and training is to help students to develop a way of thinking that would enable them in understanding the technical systems and master learning at the conceptual level. It is a well known fact that researches of pedagogical technologies are aimed at the development of mental models. They are important because: first - they make possible a reduction of time for training.That is rather essential taking into account the fact how much time the “transformation” of a student’s level of knowledge from a novice to an experienced worker takes. The researches of pedagogical technologies help to find a optimum ways for acquisition of expert type of thinking. Secondly, pedagogical technologies help to cut down expenses on training. This is especially topical during professional training of technicians, who are to better understand structural, functional, behavioral aspects of technical systems. In addition, they must effectively operate in troubleshooting in the system which also shortens financial expenses on the maintenance of equipment.
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In the paper diagrammatic methods are used to demonstrate equivalence of different characterizations of convex and pointisable interval relations. The diagrammatic tools used are introduced: the MR-diagram for interval space, the W-diagram for representing arrangement interval relations, and the conjunction and lattice diagrams. Two theorems on characterizations on convex and pointisable relation classes are given. The proof of the first theorem has been published by Kulpa elsewhere; the second theorem on pointisable relations is proven in this paper with the help of the diagrammatic tools introduced.
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Artykuł ten jest kolejnym z serii dotyczącej zagadnień palników kotłów grzewczych i spalania. Dotychczas ukazało się 8 części (Instal nr 3, 4, 5, 10/2002 oraz nr (3), (4), (5), (7-8) /2003. W poprzednich artykułach omówiliśmy problematykę teoretyczną dotyczącą procesów spalania i analizy spalin (cz. I i II Instal nr 3 i 4/2002), zaś tematykę doboru dyszy palnika olejowego oraz kwestie dotyczące żagwi w cz. III (Instal nr 5/2002). W nim także rozpoczęliśmy opis kolejnych elementów konstrukcji palnika olejowego. Część IV (Instal nr 10/2002) została poświęcona elementom tzw. ścieżki olejowej i omówieniu kwestii dotyczącej filtrowania paliwa. Kolejna - cz. V - dotyczyła wybranych zagadnień związanych z doborem średnicy instalacji olejowej zasilającej palniki. Część VI i VII obejmowała problematykę powietrza w palnikach wraz z omówieniem kwestii rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych dotyczących tych zagadnień w palniku olejowym. Kolejna - część VIII - poświęcona została układowi zapłonowemu w palnikach olejowych. Artykuł omawia schematy palników poczynając od schematów funkcjonalnych poprzez schematy regulacji mocy aż do przebiegów czasowych sterowników i schematów elektrycznych w palnikach olejowych.
This article is the following one in the series concerning the burners for boilers and combustion processes Up to now 8 parts were issued (Instal no 3, 4, 5, 10/2002 and no (3), (4), (5), (7-8)/2003. In previous articles the theoretical matter concerning the combustion processes and flu gases (part I and II Instal no 3 and 4/2002) were discussed. The matter concerning the selection of oil burner's nozzle and issues concerning flame were presented in part III (Instal no 5/2002). The description of consecutive elements of oil burner's construction was also described in that part. The IV part (Instal no 10/2002) was devoted to the elements of so called oil path and the description of matter concerning the fuel filtering. The successive part V referred to selected problems connected with choosing of diameter for oil system supplying burners. The part VI and VII contained the matter of air in burners together with discussion concerning construction solutions for problems in oil burner. Part VII was devoted to ignition systems in oil burners. The present part will present diagrams: functional, power control and function temporal run in controllers.
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