Modern diagnostics systems despite being equipped with the latest technical and technological solutions are usually systems only informing an engineer about values of tested parameters. Based on this information, an engineer has to determine the condition of the engine and undertake exploatational decisions based on his knowledge and experience under the pressure of knowing that any operational decision is associated with costs. It is the cost, which is the most important criterion for evaluation of a mechanic by the owner. Fear of negative evaluation by the owner is often the cause of late or Incorrect decisions which lead to breakdown. The article assesses gradation of the consequences of the decision-making performance by a mechanic on the engines of different economical purpose. An evaluation of selected diagnostic systems was made and a model for diagnosing system was proposed, which on the basis of economic criterion would facilitate making exploitation decisions by a mechanic.
The paper accounts for the construction of the rail vehicle maintenance model. It points to selected, possible to use, software tools applied for modelling in the Unified Modelling Language. Commonly accepted solutions are presented aiming to represent the maintenance system in UML. Such a model can be an input datum for the application generator in order to generate a code automatically. A more general application of this model is to create a design pattern to construct other maintenance assistance system of, e.g. ships or power station equipment.
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W artykule zaprezentowano uniwersalny bezinwazyjny system diagnozowania różnych stanów pracy układów prostowniczych z zastosowaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Zaproponowana koncepcja wykorzystuje modele matematyczne badanych obiektów i umożliwia dostrojenie systemu diagnostycznego do optymalnego funkcjonowania. Zastosowany model matematyczny został opracowany w oparciu o teorię obwodów elektrycznych z wykorzystaniem dwustanowej zmiennej logicznej. Charakteryzuje się on dokładnością, która jest wystarczająca jako analizator stanów w układach diagnostycznych, a uzyskane przebiegi z modelu odzwierciedlają charakter badanego obiektu. Wybór architektury sztucznych sieci neuronowych (BP, LVQ) jako analizatora wiąże się z wyborem metody preprocesingu danych i etapem strojenia systemu. Przełączenie z trybu dostrojenia do pracy on-line opiera się na przekierowaniu strumienia danych na pomiary rzeczywiste.
The paper presents a universal non-invasive diagnostic system work in different states of rectifier circuits using artificial neural networks. The proposed approach uses mathematical models of object and allows to fine-tune the diagnostic system for optimal functioning. The applied mathematical model was developed based on the theory of electrical circuits using two state of variable boolean. It is characterized by an accuracy that is sufficient as a state analyzer in diagnostic systems, and the course of signals is obtained from the model reflect the nature of the test object. The choice of architecture of artificial neural networks (BP, LVQ) as the analyzer is connected with the choice of methods for preprocessing data and tuning the system. Switching from tune to work on-line is based on redirecting the data stream to the actual measurements.
W pracy zaprezentowano ideę pomiarów termowizyjnych polegających na rejestrowaniu natężenia promieniowania cieplnego emitowanego przez ciała o temperaturze wyższej od zera bezwzględnego. Do tego celu wykorzystano kamerę termowizyjną typu FLIR T620 jako analizator w wybranych zastosowaniach. Stanowisko pomiarowe prezentowane w pracy znajduje się w Centrum CIiTWTP Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
The paper presents the idea of infrared measurements involving the recording of the intensity of thermal radiation emitted by a body with a temperature above absolute zero. For this purpose the type of infrared camera FLIR T620 as an analyzer for several applications has been presented. Described device stands one of the scientific laboratories equipment of CIiTWTP Center at the University of Rzeszow.
This paper presents the evaluation of the influence of the feedmotion speed on the value of selected geometric errors of CNC lathe CTX 310 eco by DMG, indentified by QC 20 Ballbar system. Diagnostically evaluated were: the deviation of the axis squareness, reversal spike, and backlash. These errors determine the forming of the dimensional and shape accuracy of a machine tool. The article discusses the process of the CNC diagnostic test, the diagnostic evaluation and formulates guidelines on further CNC operation. The results of measurements were presented in tables and diagrams.
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