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played during season 2005–2006 by the following divisions: under-14, under-16, under-18, 2nd national senior division, 1st national senior division, and international senior division. The design of the study was a descriptive and inter- and intra-group correlational one. The variables studied included level of competition, technique used to serve, technique used to receive, zone where the reception was executed, and efficacy of reception. The results indicated that at higher levels of competition: a) there is higher efficacy in reception; b) number of errors decreases; and c) proportion of receptions that allow one or more attacking options for the receiving team increases. As level of competition increases, the effect of service on reception decreases, and receiving zones are more diverse. This study establishes the technical and tactical service-reception profiles in women’s volleyball, compares them, and establishes the dependence between variables to understand how the action changes throughout the levels of competition.
research, carried out by Menelaos Apostolou, regarding the influence of parents on the choice of a son or daughter-in-law have been presented in this paper. These results show that the marital choices of offspring most often lack their parents’ approval, and they often also lead parents to use manipulation techniques. Such regularity is often the basis of difficult spouse-parent-in-law relationships.The role of parents-in-law takes place in the period of middle adulthood in which an individual faces the productivity-stagnation process. It has been assumed that the role of parents-in-law is embedded in this crisis. According to Erikson, the crisis in the period of middle adulthood, as well as in any other period, is the friction of two opposing pursuits: progression and regression, where in case of middle adulthood, the progression stage is called productivity and regression – stagnation. Moreover, social and individual factors (including biological and psychological levels) activating regressive and progressive states in parents-in-law have been submitted for analysis.It is stressed, in this paper, that the parents’ virtue, which is care, is not limited only and exclusively to their own biological offspring – the process of upbringing should also include a broad understanding of the notion of providing welfare to future generations.
application (before sowing, BBCH 15/16). It was demonstrated that the initial phosphorus application elevated nitrogen content in the ear leaf with the increase in mineral fertilizer placing depth in soil, while zinc to the depth of 5 cm. DRIS analysis confirmed the significant impact of the depth of phosphorus fertilizer placement on the plants’ nitrogen balance. Initial fertilization with phosphorus improved the plant nutritional status, indicating N as the main deficient nutrient at the BBCH 63 stage
jego aplikacji (przed siewem BBCH 15/16). Wykazano, że startowa aplikacja fosforu powodowała wzrost zawartości azotu w liściu podkolbowym kukurydzy wraz ze wzrostem głębokości umieszczania nawozu mineralnego w glebie, natomiast cynku do głębokości 5 cm. Istotny wpływ głębokości umieszczenia nawozu fosforowego na gospodarkę azotową roślin potwierdziła analiza DRIS. Nawożenie startowe fosforem poprawiło stan odżywienia roślin, wskazując na N jako główny składnik pokarmowy, będący w stadium BBCH 63 w niedoborze.
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