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Housing construction in the second half of the twentieth century was intensively developed in Europe and in the whole world. The expansion of industry and the development of cities, initiated at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, had a huge impact on urban planning, the creation of housing estates and their location in the city structure. In Wrocław, new postwar housing estates, including single-family housing, were inscribed in the existing urban layout of the city from the inter-war period. Wrocław in the 1920s and 1930s increased its area several times. New, connected areas were intended, above all, for housing construction. After the war, Wroclaw’s planners drew on prewar plans to expand the city, but also updated and modified them, adapting them to the current needs of residents. The article focuses on the urban development of Wrocław from the 1960s to the 1980s in the field of organized single-family housing.
Jednym z istotnych elementów poprawy warunków życia w mieście jest zachowanie terenów otwartych w strukturze miasta. W referacie omówiona została geneza powstania publicznych terenów zielonych w miastach i rozwój małych form ogrodowych w Londynie. Przedstawiono założenia Strategii rozwoju terenów otwartych londyńskiej dzielnicy City, która jest najmniejszą i najgęściej zabudowaną dzielnicą Londynu. W referacie prezentowane są przykłady dwóch typów małych form ogrodowych: placów przykościelnych i dawnych cmentarzy oraz parków i ogrodów
One of the important elements of improving the living conditions in cities is to preserve open spaces within the city structure. This paper discusses the genesis of the creation of public green areas in the cities and the development of small gardens in London. The Open Space Development Strategy in the City of London, which is the smallest and most densely built-up district in London, will be presented. The paper gives examples of two types of small open spaces: churchyards, parks and gardens.
The article, being one of the effects of the work as part of a project of the Institute of Spatial Development concerning participation in land use planning together with visualisation, provides documentation of the state of knowledge in this respect. A combination of digital three-dimensional displaying of existing and planned elements and GIS is the most technologically developed form of visualisation in land use planning, especially with respect to cities. Nowadays, many cities use for the purpose of management three-dimensional models which enable it to exchange information about current and planned state in many areas, among others, with respect to infrastructure, safety and visualization of planned undertakings. Three-dimensional models are becoming increasingly popular because of the advancement of the technologies of effective acquisition of spatial data. However, this poses new challenges, such as the problem of determining the ownership of data which is difficult to be established explicitly in case of linking and overlapping information from various sources. Great analytical abilities also cause a problem of complying with the requirements of public safety and defence, since universally available data can become a tool for criminal actions. Compatibility of data is another issue. So that the form of model elements would be cohesive and enable it to freely exchange data, standards of the record of ISO/IEC files were established. Applications which aim at improvement of the possibilities of intercommunication and discussing projects and plans seem to be a natural consequence of the existence of the tool of digital visualization. A three-dimensional presentation can turn out to be more legible for recipients, facilitating public participation in a land use planning process. However, for this purpose, it must be included into the system of planning and public consultations. In this article, first pilot attempts to apply the three-dimensional visualization in public consultations carried out in Holland, in Denmark and in Poland are described. Research conducted on the suitability of visualisation with different degree of realism for town-and-country planning with the public participation was also described. One of the experiments was to apply a method which combines a technique of scenarios of development directions, photorealistic visualisation and public participation. During a discussion with the residents of the small town of Kravlund, a future possible policy of developing the town in different variants was being considered; in the variant of a function of intensive farming, tourism and recreation, natural and of a function of residential housing industry. The discussion was accompanied by prepared photomontages which turned out to be helpful in the debate and they enabled all the participants to better understand the ideas contained in diversified versions the plan [Tress, 2002]. The program of the European-Union Interregional Cooperation INTER-REG IIIC, as a part of the project Public Participation in Spatial Planning in Europe was carried out, gave more experience in the field discussed in this article. One of the tasks directed in Poland by the Mazovian Bureau of Regional Planning provided for an advanced form of the presentation of development plans on the Internet and a possibility of expressing remarks by inhabitants and other interested persons. The Internet comments could assume not only a text form, but also a graphical one. The tool was used for the presentation of the plan and its effects on the prognosis of changes in the environment. The attempt was assessed as successful, because of a non-confrontational course of the discussion. What makes a wider application of a similar method limited, according to the authors of the project, is heavy costs of its implementation. In the Office of Development of Gdańsk, a Study of Localization of Multi-storey Buildings was drawn up. It takes into account the method of presentation of planned investment projects and conducting a public discussion on proposals of planning solutions concerning multi-storey buildings in the area of the city. The procedure is connected with the spatial planning system functioning in this country. A few attempted efforts to use digital techniques of modelling and visualisation proved that the tools of this kind could improve the conditions of a discussion and public participation. These attempts have been of a pilot character so far which results from the lack of formal requirements concerning the form of a presentation of plans and projects during a public discussion. However, entities responsible for projects can come to a conclusion that using digital visualisation will be beneficial for them and decide to use a solution of this type. The authors emphasize the fact that high costs of the studies should be taken into account. The examples presented in the article prove that the costs incurred were beneficial in terms of increased interest and public participation.
Short sea shipping is the movement of cargo and passengers by sea between ports located in Europe or between these ports and ports located in non-European countries that have a coastline in closed seas bordering Europe. Short sea shipping includes domestic and international sea transport. It includes feeder services along the coast, to and from islands, rivers and lakes. The aim of this study was to create a functional and feasible development plan for Short Sea Shipping Promotion Centers (SPCs). There were 5 surveys made for SPCs located in Baltic Sea region (from Germany, Sweden, Finland, Lithuania and Poland) to obtain information on the scope and type of SPC's activities. There is a great potential for the development of SPC in Europe. Although, there are some barriers to overcome like formalities, customs documentation etc. The diverse legal forms of the SPC in individual countries also make it difficult to undertake integrated activities. The topic raised in the article is in line with current plans for the development of inland waterway transport in Poland and coincides with the Assumptions for development of inland waterways in Poland for 2016–2020 with 2030 perspective. The aim of the article was to consolidate the structures and tasks of all SPCs studied and to create a joint 6 point development plan for these centers in order to fully use their potential.
Żegluga morska bliskiego zasięgu definiowana jest jako przewóz ładunków oraz pasażerów drogą morską pomiędzy portami położonymi w Europie lub pomiędzy tymi portami, a portami znajdującymi się w krajach pozaeuropejskich, których linia brzegowa przebiega na zamkniętych morzach graniczących z Europą. Żegluga ta obejmuje wewnętrzny oraz międzynarodowy transport, na co składają się przewozy kontenerowe wzdłuż wybrzeża, na i z wysp, a także poprzez rzeki i jeziora. Celem tej pracy było stworzenie funkcjonalnego i możliwego do zrealizowania planu rozwoju dla biur promocji żeglugi bliskiego zasięgu. Stworzono 5 ankiet dla biur promocji (zlokalizowanych w Niemczech, Szwecji, Finlandii, Litwie oraz Polsce), aby uzyskać informacje o zakresie i typie działań tych biur. Istnieje bardzo duży potencjał rozwojowy biur promocji w Europie. Niestety obecne są również liczne bariery rozwoju, jak na przykład formalności czy zasady prowadzenia dokumentacji. Różnorodne formy prawne w poszczególnych krajach również utrudniają podejmowanie zintegrowanych działań. Temat poruszony w artykule jest zgodny z aktualnymi planami rozwoju żeglugi śródlądowej w Polsce i zbiega się z Założeniami rozwoju wodnych dróg śródlądowych w Polsce na lata 2016–2020 z perspektywą do 2030 roku. Celem pracy było skonsolidowanie struktur i zadań wszystkich badanych biur oraz stworzenie wspólnego 6 punktowego planu rozwoju tych centrów.
Zgodnie z art. 17 ust. 6 obowiązującej ustawy o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym, wójt, burmistrz lub prezydenta miasta, po podjęciu przez radę gminy uchwały o przystąpieniu do sporządzania miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego, musi wykonać prognozę skutków finansowych jego uchwalenia. Ustawodawca nakazuje minimalny zakres zawartości takiej prognozy. Praktyka realizacyjna wskazuje jednak na niewystarczający sposób uwzględnienia skutków finansowych sporządzanych przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego. W efekcie akty prawa miejscowego wprowadzają w życie i utrwalają administracyjnie często niewłaściwe rozwiązania przestrzenne, potęgując między innymi postępujące procesy dezurbanizacji.
According to article 17 paragraph 6 applicable law on regional planning, after passing the resolution of preparation the regional development plan by municipal council mayor, provost or president of the city have to prepare the forecast of financial consequences of adoption. The legislatorrequires the minimum contents of this forecast. However in practice the regional plans which are prepared by local governments don't take into consideration sufficiently the financial results of their resolutions. Unfortunately as a result in regional law often we can find administratively incorrect spatial solutions what has influence on developing processes of dezurbanization.
W artykule omówiony został aspekt rozwoju elektromobilności w Polsce w perspektywie 5-10lat. Zostały nakreślone możliwości rozwoju oraz szanse dla gospodarki i energetyki w powiązaniu z elementami ekosystemu elektromobilności i koordynacją działań z Polską nauką.
The article discusses the aspect of electromobility development in Poland in the perspective of 5-10 years. Opportunities for development and opportunities for economy and energy have been outlined in connection with the elements of the ecosystem of electromobility and the coordination of activities with Polish science.
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Ogłoszona strategia rozwoju LW „Bogdanka" SA, do 2025 roku (z perspektywą do 2030 roku), pokazuje długoterminowy plan rozwoju kopalni na podstawie rozwoju organicznego, gwarantujący niezawodność dostaw surowca do produkcji energii. Jednym z wyszczególnionych w strategii inicjatyw innowacyjnych jest kontynuacja programu „Kopalnia Inteligentnych Rozwiązań". Działania w tym zakresie obejmują dalszy rozwój systemu zarządzania gospodarką złoża oraz informatyzację i automatyzację ciągu produkcyjnego w kopalni. W artykule przedstawiono wdrożone w LW „Bogdanka" zaawansowane narzędzia informatyczne do obsługi modelu geologicznego złoża, a zwłaszcza systemu harmonogramowania robót górniczych. Opisany został również proces strategicznego planowania produkcji oraz jego wpływ na opracowywanie pozostałych elementów strategii korporacyjnej.
The announced development strategy of LC „Bogdanka" SA, up to 2025 (with perspective up to 2030), shows a long-term development plan of the mine on the basis of organic development, guaranteeing the reliability of the supply of raw materials for energy generation. One of the innovative initiatives identified in the strategy is the continuation of the „Mine of Intelligent Solutions" program. Activities in this area include the further development of a deposit's management system and the computerization and automation of the mine production process. The article presents the advanced IT tools used to support the geological model of the deposit implemented in LC „Bogdanka", and in particular a mining works scheduling system. The process of strategic production planning and its influence on the development of other elements of the corporate strategy have also been described.
Content available Metoda opracowania planu rozwoju miejscowości
Awaking local activity, directed at nature protection of widely understood cultural landscape and tradition, solidifies the processes of rebuilding of the village identity. The people who inhabit specific areas define and interpret them shaping the space surrounding them. Limitation of the space on one hand and a huge and rapid involvement of man in its creation on the other hand, forces one to discriminate the identity of the place and time to assign the interaction and influence of the changes which came into being on the landscape surrounding it. Currently, at the Agricultural Academy in Wrocław, based on many years of research a scheme, of progress and educational range of individual studies edited for villages has been elaborated, tending to the widest description of existing state and elicitation of its character. Based on the data gathered in the area, information gained in the commune office and directed from the villageinhabitants during organized village meetings, data bases are created which describe particular issues. Analyses of gathered data are run with the use of computer methods and the elaboration itself is in a form of boards and description (catalogue), conferred by commune offices to individual villages. Considering landscape, its perception and in consequence interpretation, should define a set of appropriate directions and types of actions within the limits of protectionand shaping the former and new identity.
Krzywe uczenia wnoszą do dyskusji o rozwoju sektora zaopatrzenia w energię elektryczną element racjonalizacji wyboru w oparciu o historię postępu technik generacyjnych. Wykorzystanie tego narzędzia w strategicznym planowaniu rozwoju elektroenergetyki nadaje decyzjom politycznym walor obiektywizmu.
The learning curves contribute a rational element in the discuss about progress of electric power industry. This curves take into account the history of the development of this industry. The application of such tool in strategic planning of investments benefits in rationality of decisions.
Ważne unijne dokumenty wywołują potrzebę sformułowania co najmniej pięciu wielkoprzestrzennych, międzynarodowych programów ochrony środowiska: - Zielony Pierścień Bałtyku, Karpaty, zlewnia Odry, zlewnia Wisły oraz międzynarodowe korytarze ekologiczne Wisły i Bugu. Stajemy przed nowymi problemami tworzenia mechanizmów umożliwiających prowadzenie ponadwojewódzkiej , regionalnej polityki, nawiązującej do uwarunkowań międzynarodowych, a dotyczących geokompleksów, ekoregionów czy zieleni.
In 2003, in Kyiv, Ukraine, a number of countries including Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Ukraine, signed the Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians. This convention opens a new chapter in the management of natural and cultural resources of the Carpathian region. It refers to problems such as management of Earth resources, spatial planning, water management, agriculture and forestry, transport and infrastructure, industry and energy, tourism and cultural heritage. Under the auspices of WWT, an international initiative for the Carpathian region has been developed. Currently, there is a need to define basic predictions concerning sustainable development of the Carpathians. In Poland it refers to a joint strategy for the Podkarpackie, Małopolskie and Śląskie voivodships.
Subject and purpose of work: The aim of this article is to present the most important aspects related to the functioning of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Euroregion Sprewa-Nysa-Bóbr, as well as to indicate the objectives and priorities regarding its support. Materials and methods: The paper utilized official statistics, existing legal regulations and information presented in the plan of action and development for the Euroregion Sprewa-Nysa-Bóbr for the years 2014-2020. Results: The important role of SMEs in the Euroregion’s socio-economic development is determined by the fact that they constitute more than 99.9% of all enterprises. In the years 2006-2013, the number of SMEs in the region increased by 3.3%, while the number of large companies decreased by 15.4%. The Euroregion pursues an active policy of supporting the development of the SME sector. Of particular importance in the shaping of this policy is the plan for the development and operation of the Euroregion developed ever since 1993. Conclusions: Within the current plan for the operation and development of the Euroregion, under the first objective (Increasing the competitiveness of the region), measures that will support the development of the SME sector were included. The result of the first objective will be the cross-border expansion of economic relations. Additionally, the timeframe for the past and the present plan deliberately coincide with periods of EU funds which goes on to demonstrate that European support programs are an important source of funding for cross-border cooperation in the Euroregion, including the development of SMEs.
Przedmiot i cel pracy: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie najważniejszych aspektów związanych z funkcjonowaniem sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (MŚP) w Euroregionie Sprewa-Nysa-Bóbr oraz wskazanie celów i priorytetów w zakresie jego wspierania. Materiały i metody: W pracy wykorzystano oficjalne statystyki, obowiązujące regulacje prawne oraz informacje przedstawione w planie działania i rozwoju Euroregionu Sprewa-Nysa-Bóbr na lata 2014-2020. Wyniki: O ważnej roli MŚP w rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczym Euroregionu decyduje to, iż stanowią one ponad 99,9% wszystkich przedsiębiorstw. W latach 2006–2013 w Euroregionie liczba MŚP wzrosła o 3,3%, natomiast liczba firm dużych spadła aż o 15,4%. Euroregion prowadzi aktywną politykę wspierania rozwoju sektora MŚP. Szczególne znaczenie w kształtowaniu tej polityki mają opracowywane od 1993 roku plany rozwoju i działania Euroregionu. Wnioski: W obowiązującym obecnie planie działania i rozwoju Euroregionu, w ramach 1. celu (Zwiększenie konkurencyjności regionu) ujęto działania, które będą wspierały rozwój sektora MŚP. Rezultatem celu 1. będzie transgraniczna rozbudowa powiązań gospodarczych. Ponadto przedział czasowy obowiązującego obecnie planu pokrywa się z okresem finansowymi UE 2014-2020, co wskazuje na to, że europejskie programy wsparcia będą ważnym źródłem finansowania współpracy transgranicznej w Euroregionie, w tym rozwoju sektora MŚP.
As a result of the research performed in 2013-2014 the following conclusions were defined: 1) Taking into consideration the situation in Poland – escalating phenomenon of uncontrolled suburbanisation, there are necessary changes of legal basis for the preparation of planning documents. It is important to introduce provisions relating to the study and a local spatial deve lopment plan included in the draft of the Urban and Building Code, and first of all: – dividing the community into three area categories (developed, with limited development, real estate development) and areas of use, – taking into account the development conditions resulting from the development needs of the community (determined on the basis of demographic, social and economic forecasts and the ability to complete the development in a built-up area, equipped with technical infrastructure), – development of the financial implications forecasts of the study findings, – obligation to prepare local plans for development lands, designated in the study, – determining in the local spatial development plan green areas, squares, the scope of basic services, and the availability within the residential areas. 2) The new Regulation to the Act on planning and spatial development should define not only the scope of the study project, but also the ways and methods for developing its essential elements, including: criteria and principles of the division of the community, types of indicators of land development and way of their determination, way of preparing the balance of areas, estimation method for investment absorbency of lands for various purposes, method of forecasting the financial consequences of the adoption of the study. 3) It is necessary to conduct a professional analysis and evaluation of changes in the spatial development of communities, especially in suburban areas under the pressures of urbanisation. The adjustment of the spatial policy determined in the study of conditions and directions of spatial development requires: – preparing of urban development programmes, taking into account many factors, resulting from demographic, social and economic forecasts, – balance of areas intended for urbanisation in terms of investment and demographic capacity and infrastructure needs, – preparing of the financial implications forecasts of the study findings, – creating of a strategy of spatial development of the community. 4) It is necessary to control the studies of conditions and directions of spatial development of communities and local spatial development plans not only from the point of view of the law, but also in terms of the content. 5) There is a need to prepare a new handbook for local governments and planners, indicating the approach to develop the study of conditions and directions of spatial development and the local plan. During the implementation of the research task at the former Ministry of Infrastructure and Development there were works ongoing not only on the draft of the Urban and Building Code, but also on the amendment of the Act of 27 March 2003 on planning and spatial development and on the draft of Act on revitalisation. In October 2015 the Parliament passed the Act of 9 October 2015 on revitalisation. Chapter 6 of the Act on revitalisation include changes in the regulations in force, including the Act on planning and spatial development. The communities are obliged to determine – in the study of conditions and directions of spatial development – the needs and possibilities of their development taking into account in particular: analysis of economic, environmental and social situation, demographic projections, funding possibilities for communication network, technical and social infrastructure, and balance sheet of lands earmarked for development. The procedure for making a balance of areas was established. In addition, principles of locating new buildings were determined. For planners of local spatial development plans an obligation to justify the adopted solutions in the areas of new buildings was imposed. At the end of 2015 the Parliament passed as Act of 9 October 2015 on metropolitan relationships. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the metropolitan union draws up a framework study of conditions and directions of spatial development for the metropolitan area, which specifies, among others, “maximum areas earmarked for development, along with the division into types of building and the communities”. In determining the arrangements the needs and possibilities for development of the metropolitan area are taken into account in the same way as in the study of conditions and directions of spatial development of the community.
The paper discusses land property management within the areas of three metropolitan cities of Poland (Kraków, Poznań and Szczecin) in 2001-2008, utilization of urban space and changes in functional and spatial structure of land use. The goal of the paper was to discuss the condition and directions of changes in municipal land properties, the structure of their distribution, and management of municipal land stock in order to secure it for public investment projects and for social, transport and technical infrastructure projects, as well as possibilities of preparing land for metropolitan projects, as well as land offers for those investors whom the municipality wants to attract. Also, the main problems which impede the implementation of spatial policies in communes are shown here.
This article discussed problem of odor nuisance, which is one of the manifestations of the pollutants negative effect on the environment and human surroundings. Odor emission problems in Poland are not administratively regulated. In this study were used the scale based on patterns of n-butanol and verbal-point scale to determine the influence of the burdensome odors from municipal wastewater treatment plant on the surrounding areas. The study helped provide information that should be included in the local plan of spatial development.The paper presents two methods for assessing odor nuisance. Obtained results of the conducted experiments confirmed the fit of these methods.
Coal mining is one of the key mining industries in Vietnam. Coal is also an important fuel for many other industries. Currently, coal mining is mainly concentrated in Quang Ninh coal basin, the proportion of open-pit coal mining and underground mining is quite similar. However, according to Decision 403/QD-Ttg on approving the adjustment of the Vietnam coal industry development plan up to 2020, considering the prospects by 2030, the mining output will be from 51 to 54 million tons by year 2025 and from 55 to 57 million tons by 2030. In which, the proportion of underground coal mining will increase gradually compared with that of open-cast mining, specifically, by 2030, the proportion of the later compared to that of the former will be only 11%. According to this plan, open-pit coal mines have been shifting to underground mining technology, due to the increasingly deep conditions of coal seams. The following article will analyze the current status of coal mining in Vietnam and some highlights of the coal industry development plan to 2030, in order to provide a general picture of Vietnam’s coal industry in the future.
W obecnie funkcjonującym systemie planistycznym brakuje opracowań pozwalających na określenie głównej struktury przestrzennej większych jednostek urbanistycznych. W wyniku analizy procesu planowania struktury przestrzeni publicznej i czynników wpływających na skuteczne przekształcenie terenów poprzemysłowych autorzy dowodzą, że właściwym narzędziem do przekształcenia większych i zintegrowanych jednostek urbanistycznych miasta byłby odpowiednik dawnego planu ogólnego. Podstawową treścią, która powinna być zawarta w takim planie jest struktura funkcjonalno-przestrzenna, definiująca w szczególności formę i układ przestrzeni publicznej miasta. Analizowane w tekście przykłady planów Pelcowizny o charakterze ogólnym w powiązaniu z planem operacyjnym, w których wyodrębniono hierarchiczne struktury przestrzenne, wykazują konieczność objęcia ogólnymi wytycznymi całej jednostki urbanistycznej i są przykładem na jej efektywniejsze zagospodarowanie. Artykuł kończy propozycja metody dotyczącej sposobu konstruowania struktury przestrzeni publicznej miasta i warunkującej skuteczne przekształcenie terenów poprzemysłowych.
In the currently functioning planning system there is a lack of studies enabling to determine the main spatial structure of larger urban units. As a result of the analysis of the process of planning the public space structure and the factors influencing the effective transformation of post-industrial areas, the authors argue that the appropriate tool for the transformation of larger and integrated urban units of the city would be an equivalent of the former master plan. The basic content that should be included in such a plan is the functional and spatial structure, defining in particular the form and the layout of the city’s public space. The examples of master plans of Pelcowizna area in conjunction with the development plan analyzed in the text, in which hierarchical spatial structures have been distinguished, show the necessity to cover the entire urban unit with general guidelines and are an example of its more effective development. The article ends with a proposal of a method concerning the manner of constructing the city’s public space structure and being a condition for an effective transformation of post-industrial areas.
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