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Przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu procesu detoksykacji, zastosowanego podczas rozkładu polisacharydów i fermentacji biomasy roślinnej, zawierającej strukturę lignocelulozową, na produkcję biobutanolu. Stwierdzono, że produktywność procesu fermentacji acetono- butanolowej (ABE), przy wykorzystaniu bakterii Clostridium acetobutylicum, zależna jest nie tylko od obróbki wstępnej i hydrolizy enzymatycznej słomy pszennej, ale także od usunięcia związków chemicznych, inhibitująco wpływających na mikroorganizmy.
Wheat straw was thermohydrolyzed in alk. soln., detoxicated with activated C to remove acids and phenols and fermented to bio-BuOH by using Clostridium acetobutylicum bacteria. The detoxication resulted in an increase in sugar conversion from 1.48 g/(L·h) up to 1.78 g/(L·h).
W pracy omówiono rolę bakterii redukujących siarczany (BRS), w bioremediacji gruntów, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem procesu detoksykacji biodostępnych metali ciężkich. Zwrócono uwagę na zalety bioremediacji zachodzącej z udziałem BRS w stosunku do konwencjonalnych procesów fizykochemicznych, np. wapnowania. Z badań wynika, że procesy biologiczne są zwykle bardziej efektywne w usuwaniu biodostępnych metali występujących w niskich stężeniach. BRS nie tylko dostarcza jonów siarczkowych służących do wytrącania metali ciężkich, ale także wpływa na przyspieszenie procesów strącania siarczków metali, które są nierozpuszczalne w warunkach środowiska. Przy tej okazji omówiono sposoby i metody biologicznego oczyszczania gruntów z udziałem bakterii glebowych, jakimi są bakterie redukujące siarczany, co pozwala na wybranie technologii możliwej do zastosowania w procesie unieszkodliwiania skażeń chemicznych, powodujących zachwianie równowagi ekologicznej. W ten sposób wykazano, że omawiane bakterie redukujące siarczany (BRS) są zaangażowane nie tylko w powstawanie złóż zasobów mineralnych, ale także odgrywają ważną rolę w detoksykacji środowiska przyrodniczego.
This work presents the role of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) in soil bioremediation with special consideration of bioavailability heavy metals detoxication process. Authors brought attention to advantages of bioremediation proceeded with SRB participation compared to conventional physicochemical processes like liming. Research suggest that biological processes are usually more efficient in removal of bioavailable heavy metals occurring in low concentrations. SRB not only provide sulfide ions for heavy metals precipitation, but also speed up the precipitation of metal sulfides, which are insoluble in environmental conditions. Taking the opportunity authors also discussed techniques and methods of biological soil purification using soil bacteria, which are sulfate reducing bacteria. That allows to choose the technology feasible for application in rendering harmness chemical contaminants, which cause loss of ecological balance.
The objective of this study was to analyze macroinvertebrate assemblages dominated by Chironomidae (Diptera) and to assess the protective nature of these midges’ larval tubes against trace metals in the weakly polluted Bzura River. This low order lowland river flows through the Łódź City Municipal Area and is supplied by a large amount of organic matter from ecotones and a polluted roadside. Determination of metal content in sediments and chironomid tissue and tubes was conducted using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Our study has shown that the composition of chironomid assemblages was not determined by trace metals but rather by high organic enrichment, which caused the dominance of two species representing the same trophic group − gathering collectors − but differing in behavior. One of them belongs to free-rangers (Prodiamesa olivacea), while the other (Chironomus riparius) to tube-dweller larvae. Although the accumulation of certain trace metals in the tubes was found, the larvae of both types of behavior had a similar concentration of metals in their tissues, which proves effective metal detoxification in these insects.
The study involved Polish merinos sheep (64 animals), kept in a sheep-breeding farm, and fed a meat-woolly type of diet supplemented with the detoxicating preparation Monk-1. The animals were given a single dose of 10 mg of cadmium/kg b.w (labelled with cadmium-109) directly into the abomasum and then were killed on the 1st, 12th, 48th, and 96th post- dosing day. Cadmium concentration was measured radiometrically in the liver lobes, duodenum, diaphragm, biceps femoris; heart, pancreas; kidneys, ovary, spleen, brain; and muscles. The highest cadmium concentrations were found in the kidneys and liver. The detoxicating preparation Monk-1 significantly decreased cadmium concentrations in the kidneys, liver, biceps femoris, and duodenum.
Zearalenone is a mycotoxin widely occurring in cereals and animal feed, and it is associated with hyperestrogenism and other reprodutive disorders in animals. A new method of detoxication of feed- stuffs involves alkaline hydrolysis of toxic macrolactone (1) (as well as model compounds (2a, 2b)). The method caused modification of zearalenone structure under mild conditions and the toxin underwent irreversible hydrolysis with high efficiency.
Allelopathy is defined as mechanism of plant-plant, plant-microorganisms, plant-virus, plant-insect, and plant-soil-plant interactions mediated by plant- or microorganism-produced chemicals released to the environment. The majority of allelochemicals are secondary metabolites and among others belong to terpenoids, phenolic compounds, organic cyanides and longchain fatty acids. The action of allelochemicals in target plant is diverse and affects a large number of biochemical reactions resulting in modifications of different physiological functions. Thus the results of allelochemical action can be detected at different levels of plant organization: molecular, structural, biochemical, physiological and ecological. Enzyme activities, cell division and ultrastructure, membrane permeability, ion uptake and as a consequence plant growth and development are modified by allelochemicals. Significant effects on photosynthesis and respiration are the best-characterized results of allelopathic interactions. Moreover allelopathic compounds seem to induce a secondary oxidative stress expressed as enhanced free radical production and induction of cellular antioxidant system. Plant survival under allelopathy stress conditions depends on plant defense leading to allelochemical detoxication, the process which may go on in parallel to cell defense reaction to oxidative stress. The article presents some aspects of the current knowledge regarding mechanisms of the allelopathy phenomenon. The allelopathy is a complex problem, thus comprehensive understanding of allelochemical mode of action requires further investigation and still remains an open question.
The paper describes results of vegetative tests of activated carbon as a detoxiсant of herbicide remains in soil on eight varieties of summer rapeseed. The tests were performed with the purpose to align soil fertility on different breeding and test sites. The research is based on attempts to apply coal absorbent as a means of soil detoxication to neutralize herbicides remains in the process of oilseed brassica crops breeding. Several summer rapeseed varieties were used as research objects. Similar approaches have not encountered in literature references available.
The linuron contaminated soil was subjected to remediation using ozone as an oxidant. The experiments were performed both in laboratory and pilot plant installations. Kinetics of linuron degradation was determined for both systems. Moreover, main linuron metabolites were identified, and possible degradation pathway was proposed. The soil remediation was found to be successful, which was verified by chemical and biological tests. The half-life time of linuron in the pilot scale installation was no more than 7.5 h. To verify the efficiency of soil detoxification, a toxicity test was performed, which utilized Eisenia foetida earthworm. The test organisms were exposed for 14 days to the linuron contaminated soil prior and after the remediation procedure. It was observed that in the control group and the group of organisms exposed to the ozonated soil, the survivability was 100%, whereas the earthworms exposed to the linuron contaminated soil that was not ozonated did not survive at all.
Zanieczyszczoną linuronem glebę poddano remediacji z użyciem ozonu jako utleniacza. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono zarówno w instalacji laboratoryjnej, jak i instalacji pilotażowej. Dla obu systemów wyznaczono kinetykę degradacji linuronu. Ponadto zidentyfikowano główne produkty rozkładu linuronu i zaproponowano możliwy szlak degradacji. Remediacja gleby okazała się skuteczna, co zweryfikowano testami chemicznymi i biologicznymi. Okres półtrwania linuronu w instalacji w skali pilotażowej nie przekraczał 7,5 godziny. W celu sprawdzenia skuteczności detoksykacji gleby przeprowadzono test toksyczności, w którym wykorzystano dżdżownicę Eisenia foetida. Organizmy testowe były wystawione na działanie gleby skażonej linuronem przez 14 dni przed i po procedurze remediacji. Zaobserwowano, że w grupie kontrolnej i grupie organizmów narażonych na kontakt z glebą poddaną remediacji przeżywalność wyniosła 100%, natomiast dżdżownice narażone na kontakt z glebą skażoną linuronem nie przeżyły.
It had been determined the contents of total protein, albumin, glucose, urea and activity of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), α-amylase in 4-years old individuals of both sexes of prussian carp (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782) and roach (Rutilus rutilus Linnaeus, 1758) in different parts of the Zaporozhian Reservoir (Ukraine). The level of biochemical parameters depended on the extent of anthropogenic impact on the aquatic environment. Comparing to the prussian carp, Zaporozhian Reservoir roach was established to have a higher vulnerability to the effects of pollutants, that is why it can serve as a kind of test bioindicator for testing hydroecological system ihtiotoxicity.
Omówiono mechanizmy leżące u podstaw indukcji podrodziny CYP2B, ЗА i 4A oraz udział w tych procesach heterodimerycznych receptorów jądrowych.
This review summarizes recent findings indicating that members of the orphan nuclear receptor superfamily regulate the synthesis of their CYP genes which code CYP enzymes involved in metabolism of endogenous and exogenous compounds. The foreign compounds metabolism and the role played by individual cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes in the activation and detoxification of xenochemicals prevalent in the environment are important areas of molecular pharmacology and toxicology. The advances in our understanding of the mechanisms through which foreign chemicals impact on these CYP-de- pendent metabolic processes have been made during the past years. Role for three „orphan" nuclear receptor superfamily members, designated CAR (constitutive androstane receptor), PXR/SXR (pregnelone X receptor) and PPAR (peroxisome proliferator activated receptor), in respectively mediating the induction of hepatic CYPs belonging to families CYP2, CYP3, and CYP4 has now been established. The CYP gene products such as CYP3A, CYP2B and PPAR are essential for metabolism of endogenous steroid hormones, fatty acids and various xenobiotics including drugs. Unexpectedly, it has been shown that SXR, which regulates CYP3A, can also regulate CYP2B via recognition of the phénobarbital response element (PBRE). In a type of functionally symmetry, orphan receptor CAR was found to activate CYP3A through SXR/PXR response element. Indeed, SXR/PXR binds to inverted (IR-6) and direct (DR-4) response element localized to regulatory DNA regions of human CYP3A4 and rat CYP3A23 genes, respectively. These observations provide a rational explanation for the activation of multiple CYP gene classes by certain xenobiotics as well as the propensity for drug-drug interactions. In addition, both endogenous and egzogenous ligands which act as activators of nuclear receptors can result in disruption of cellular homeostasis.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki oznaczeń metali: Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe i Ni w pyłach opadających, glebie i mniszku lekarskim Taraxacum officinale (Web.) na terenie Mińska Mazowieckiego. Badania prowadzono w latach 1996-1997. Odnotowano, że opad pyłów, kadmu i ołowiu nie przekracza NDS. Spośród oznaczanych metali stwierdzono najwyższy opad dla cynku. Także w glebach zawartość Zn jest podwyższona w stosunku do natualnych stężeń tego pierwiastka w glebach Polski. Niemal wszystkie oznaczane metale koncentrowały się w korzeniu mniszka lekarskiego w stężeniach proporcjonalnych do ich stężeń w glebie. Wykazano, że korzeń mniszka lekarskiego wyraźnie przyczynia się do detoksykacji gleby z metali ciężkich, głównie kadmu i miedzi.
Results of studies of the heavy metals: Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe and Ni in falling dust, soil and Taraxacum officinale (Web.) have been presented. The studies concerned the area of Misk Mazowiecki and were conducted in the years 1996-1997. It was noted that Cd and Pb dust deposit did not exceed the maximum allowable concentration. From among the metals investigatd the highest deposit was found for zinc. Zinc concentration in soil is also higher than the natural concentration of this element in soil from other areas of Poland. Almost all the marked metals concentrated in Taraxacum officinale (Web.) root in concentration proportional to the one in soil. It has been proved that Taraxacum officinale (Web.) root significantly contributes to soil detoxication, especially from cadmium and cooper.
The studies conducted from 1997 to 1999 in a vegetation hall were performed as a pot experiment on ordinary silt with cation exchange capacity (CEC) of 81.1 cmol (+) ˇ kg–1, pHKCl = 6.0 and organic C content of 9.5% serving as soil. Jerusalem artichoke, maize, Sida hermaphrodita Rusby, amaranth and hemp were used as indicator plants. The results confirmed, implied earlier, great diversification of the element contents which depends not only on the species but also on the part of plants. Analysis of the data revealed also another dependence: increased concentration of heavy metals in the soil corresponds to higher content of heavy metals in the plants. Significant differences were observed for the plant species from unpolluted and contaminated at various levels treatments.
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) plays an important role in detoxication of the organism. Its function is to protect the organism against the cytotoxic action of free radicals. The highest expression of superoxide dismutase was observed in the hepatocytes adjacent to the hydatid cyst. The expression of this gene in the hepatocytes of infected livers 5 cm apart from the infection site was slightly lower.
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