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The aim of the article is showing the legitimacy of the Supreme Bar Council’s legislative initiative to amend Article 245 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, aimed at improving the legal situation of detainees and to assess of the solutions suggested by the NRA, as well. The article analyzes the current state of the law from a legal standpoint of the compatibility of the current regulations with the standards arising from European law – which made it possible to identify areas of incompatibility and to examine whether thanks to the solutions suggested by the NRA, these legal discrepancies can be removed or at least – reduced.
The purpose of the article is to draw attention to the fact that the Polish legal system features system-related guarantees of the rights of the detainee which are regulated in a multi-centric system of law, consisting of a set of constitutional norms and legal international norms, which create the models of judicial control of detention in a Polish criminal lawsuit. The article puts forward a thesis that the Polish system features the socalled dispersed control of constitutionality, which is erroneously considered a synonym of the concept of the so-called direct application of the constitution. The questions under discussion are analysed by means of a formal-dogmatic method. The article also discusses the possibility of the participation of assistant judges in the exercise of judicial control of detention, with reference to the recent modification of the system-based position of assistant judges.
The right to freedom is one of the fundamental human rights. However, the said right to freedom, guaranteed by national and international laws, is subject to specific restrictions. One of the forms of restriction of human freedom is detention of a person suspected of having committed an offense applied in the law on petty offenses as a means of coercion. The legislator emphasizes that the application of this measure calls for compliance with basic principles — necessity and minimization, and the conditions for its use must be strictly fulfilled without the possibility to use the broad interpretation in this case.
The social and political changes in Poland led to abolition of Realsozialismus which is now being replaced with a democratic country governed by Rechtostaat (Art. 1 of the Constitution) from aspirations after national freedom and respect of human rights in public life. The problem of protection of individual freedom made itself particularly felt here; it is also subject of the present paper which discusses the protection of individual subjectivity in the light or the institutions of arrest and detention awaiting trial. Until quite recently, Poland was one of the many Communist countries where human rights were violated much too often, also on the occasion of arrest and detention awaiting trial. Many factors were conductive to this situation, such as faulty legislation; inadequate socjal consciousness; depreciation of the authorities, law and other norms; prevalence of repressiveness in dealing with social pathologies; and absence of social control of the activity of law enforcement agencies, the police and prison staff in particular. But the weakness of legal protection of individual resulted also from a strong relation of the activities of practically all governemental and social bodies those dealing with prosecution and investigation as well as administration of justice included, to politics. This political nature of functioning of those agencies, resulting monopolistic power of the Communist party, led to a limitation of the independance of the judiciary. The adoption of new political principles of Polish State and election of the new Parliament (on June 4, 1989), together with formaion of the non-Communist Cabinet, created the conditions for a new criminal policy based step by step on European standards. The institutions of arrest and detention awaiting trial well illustrate the pathology of functioning of the agencies of legal order and the direction of changes taking place in criminal policy. They also demonstrate a specific paradox; the Polish people’s great devotion to freedom and the simultaneous unfeeling tramling of that freedom. The two institutions have been discussed from the viewpoint of protection of human rights on both the normative plane and in the practice of the years 1980–1990. Arrest is one of the forms of coercion which consists in a short-term deprivation of liberty. The Polish legal system provides for procedural, preventive and administrative arrest. Each of these types has a separate legal regulation (procedural arrest, the Act of 19 April 1969 – Code of criminal procedure; preventive arrest, the Act of 6 June 1990 on the police and another Act bearing that same date on State Protection Office, together with their executory acts; and administrative arrest, the Act of 28 October 1982 on education to sobriety and control of alcoholism). Moreover, each type of arrest is to serve different aims (procedural arrest, protection of propriety of criminal proceedings; preventive arrest, protectton of order and public safety, human life and health, and property; and administrative arrest, control of alcoholism). Also different are the conditions of arrest, the agencies authorized to apply it, and the period for which a person can be detained. The present authors focus mainly on preventive arrest related to the administrative function of the police as guardian of order. That form was particularly abused and human rights were often violated in the course of its execution. Preventive arrest has recently undergone significant changes both in the normative sphere and in practice. As compared to the former one, its present regulation: 1. defines its legal grounds with greater accuracy; 2. broadens the detainee’s rights; and 3. introduced judicial review. This has contributed to the curbing of arbitrary police activities in this sphere. Duration of arrest is specified in the Constitution (Art. 87) and in the provision of Art. 207 of the code of criminal procedure. It cannot be londer than 48 hours from the moment of detention, and 24 hours in the case of administrative arrest (Art. 40 of the act on education to sobriety and control of alcoholism). Violations of these provisions have so far been frequent. In the case of procedural and preventive arrest, the rights of the detainee are the same. According to the valid provisions, the detainee has the following rights among others: the right to be informed in writing as to the time and reasons of arrest; the right to be advised as to the possibility of complaining to the court against the application of that measure, and to the public prosecutor against the way of its execution: the right to health care. The catalogue of the detainee’s rights is insufficient:  e.g. it does not contain the right, to legal assistance (conseul). What particularly impairs the protection of the detainee’s personal interests is the absence of by-laws concerning the execution of arrest in the police house of detention, as the duplicated set of provisions called ,,By-laws for Detainees”, introduced by an order of the Chief of Civic Militia in 1959, hardly comes up to the standards. The provisions now in force have broadened the range  of legal means of vindication of his rights that are at the detainee’s disposal. Particularly notable here is the  reintroduction of the institution of habeas corpus. Namely, the detainee has been granted the right to complain to the court against arrest (Art. 207 point ”a,, of the Code of criminal procedure) and to the public prosecutor against the way of execution of arrest (Art. 15.7 of the Act on the police). If the arrest has been obviously unjustified, the detainee is due indemnity from the Treasury and monetary compensation of moral  injury (Art. 487 of the Code of criminal procedure); the same concerns the situation where he has suffered damage or injury as a result of an improper execution of arest (Art.Art. 417-419 of the Civil code). Besides, the detainee may approach the court with a claim in virtue of protection of his personal interests (Art.Art. 23 and 24 of the civil code). In the latter half of 1990, arrest was executed in 798 police houses of detention all over the country, that is fewer by a whole 71,7 per cent as compared to 1989. The recent changes have made it possible to abolish the division of houses of detention into categories (of which there used to be three according to the duration of detention). The number of arrests amounted to over 500,000 a year at times (with the peak of 572,220 in 1982 – see Table 1). Starting from 1988, it gradually went down to nearly one-third of its original value which reflects above all the general  liberalization of the police approach towards crime and other deviations. In the period under analysis, the living conditions in the police jails were – and still are primitive and many a time offensive to human dignity. This has been confirmed by the present author’s own study and two surveys of those jails carried out by the National Ombudsperson. An acute problem is the right to apply constraint during and upon detention. It is regulated by provisions of the police Act and an Ordinance of the Council of Ministere of 17 September 1990 which specifies the situations, conditions and ways in which direct coercion can be used by the police. Without questioning the grounds for such coercion, not only the legal conditions  of its application but also the faults or even abuses in this sphere have been pointed out. What the authors find the most severe violation of human dignity are neither humiliating conditions of isolation nor illicit prolongation of detention but first and foremost beating of a person after he has surrendered to the power of enforcement officers. Cases of beating have again started growing in number this year (as has been found by the Helsinki Committee in PoIand and the National Ombudsperson). The activities of the public prosecutor’s office in this sphere have been criticised in the article. The paper also discusses the consequences of the introduction of Art. 209 of the Code of criminal procedure which made it possible to commit to the police jails persons detained awaiting trial (for up to ten days or three months), and even those sentenced to a prison term (of up to six months). This provision has recently been quashed, but the police press for its reintroduction. Until quite recently, the police jails were submitted to no supervision whatever. The public prosecutor’s. office remained passive and carried out but most perfunctory supervision, if any. This situation hardly served the protection of detainees’ rights. It was only improved in 1988 when the police jails were submitted to supervision by the Ombudsperson and later also by Commissions: of Administration and Internal Affairs of the Diet and of the Rule of Law and Human Rigths of the Senate, and by other agencies and institutions. Also pre-trial detention is a serious interference with human rights. It is one of the preventive measures provided for by the Code of criminal procedure, and at the stage of execution – by the Code of execution of penalties and the Ordinance of Minister of Justice of 2 May 1989 – by-laws of execution of detention awaiting trial. The discussed measure can be applied by the court, and before the indictment also by the public prosecutor. The present authors find the latter’s right to apply pre-trial detention contradictory to provisions of international law, the covenants ratified by Poland included (see Art. 9,3 of the International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights). The legal provisions fail to specify the upper limit of duration of pre-trial detention. The amendement of the Code of criminal procedure and the changed policy of application of dotention resulted in a fall in the number of those detained awaiting trial. There were 9,722 such detainees on July 31, 1989 (see Tables 4–5). There was also a radical drop in the number of persons detained for over 12  months: in 1990, as few as 0,03 per cent of those kept at the public prosecutor’s disposal had been detained for at least 12 months. However, an alarming upward tendency in the number of persons detained awaiting trial can be noted lately. Discussing the conditions for optional or obligatory pre-trial detention, the authors criticize some of them as estimative in nature, and thus involving the danger of arbitrary use of this measure. The reasoning has been based on decisions of the Supreme Court which is of particular importance for the effective protection of the detainee’s rights. There have been a lot of faults in the practice of application and execution of pre-trial detention which was frequently used as a means of pressure aimed at forcing a person to plead guilty or to denounce an accomplice. In Poland, the application of pre-trail detention is the domain of the public prosecutor’s office. In the years 1975–1989, prosecutors applied this measure in nine out of every ten cases. The population of houses of detention and other penitentiary institutions shaped differently starting from 1945. A comparison of changes in the numer in the number of convicted persons with those of persons detained awaiting trial shows that the latter population was more stable starting from the 1960’s and never changed as radically in number as that of prisoners. That was the case despite the increased frequency of application of detention in the 1970’s. What contributed to this situation above all was the shortening of preparatory proceedings. In the period under analysis, the total number of persons detained awaiting trial in a given year largely approximated that of prisoners in that same year, and showed the same fluctuations resulting from the aggravated or relaxed criminal policy in the country. The trends here have nothing in common with the actual dynamics of crime as such. The authors assume that the number of persons detained awaiting trial reflects decisions in the sphere of criminal policy rather than the actual changes in crime, the economic situation, or even severe political tensions. What is also characteristic of the practice in this respect is the fact of a faulty application of the discussed measure. In the years 1975–1989, at least every 111th and at most every 71st person previously detained awaiting trial was subsequently found not guilty by the court. In some years, there were over 500 such persons. The authors discuss preventive barriers defined by the Supreme Court which are to ban clearly unjustified detention. As follows from analysis of the practical application of conditions for pre-trial detention, the one most frequently quoted was the alleged considerable social danger of the crime. Repressive conditions prevailed over the purely procedural ones. ln order to find out about the actual dimensions of the problem of pre-trial detention, the authors consulted the data concerning the use of preventive measure not involving isolation in criminal proceedings (such measures being financial and non-financial pledge, police supervision, and safe-conduct; see Table 6). It turned out that in the years 1978-1990, preventive measures other than detention awaiting trial never amounted to more than 43,5 and to less than 18 per cent of all preventive measures applied. After the above-mentioned Art. 209 of the code of execution of penalties has been quashed, detention awaiting trial can only be executed in the houses of detention created and run by the Ministry of Justice (Art.Art. 4 and 83 of the code of execution of ponalties). On December 31, 1990, there were 65 such institutions in Poland. Twenty-seven of them had additional wards for convicted persons, while 48 prisons had special wards for those detained awaiting trial. Thus pre-trial detention could be executed in the total of 114 of the 151 institutions of the Prison Department. The houses of detention had the total capacity of  18,263 beds, while the number of detainees was 16,200; the discussed institutions were therefore populated in 88,7 per cent. The rights of the discussed category of detainees are specified in the Code of execution of penalties and by-laws of execution of pre-trial deteotion awaiting trial. What is particularly worthy of attention is the provision which states that the detainee enjoys rights that should at least equal those of a convicted person, and that the only limitations allowed in this sphere are those indispensable for securing the proper course of criminal proceedings, maintaining order and safety in the institution, and preventing mutual demoralization of detainees (Art. 86 para 1 of the Code of execution of penalties). A person detained awaiting trial has many legal measures at his disposal to protect his own rights in relation to the application and execution of detention. Thus the detainee can lodge a complaint with a supreme agency of the penitentiary  administration (Art. 48 para 4 of the Code of execution of penalties); with the public prosecutor and penitentiary judge (Art.Art. 27–33 and 48 point 5); to the  supreme State agencies, the National Ombudsperson included (Art. 48 point 5); he may apeal against a decision of the administration of the house of detention concerning the actual execution of that measure to the penitentiary court (Art. I4,l of the Code of execution of penaltes); he may also sue the Treasury for damage suffered during detention by guilt of functionaries of the penitentiary administration (Art.Art. 417–l9 of the Civil code); he may claim indemnity for obviously unjustified detention (Art.Art. 487–49l of the Code of criminal  procedure); and he may bring legal action by virtue of infringement of his personal interests (Art.Art. 23–24 of the Civil code). As shown by experience, the persons detained awaiting trial either never resort to some of these means or do that ineffectively. The living conditions of the discussed category of detainees are specified mainly in the by-laws of pre-trial detention. Many faults and shortcomings have  been found here in practice. Some of such faults were so drastic as to make it necessary to close several houses of detention in 1990 to mention just one example (the institutions were either liquidated or designed for repairs). The authors also assume an attitude towards the treatment of some categories of offenders (women, particularly dangerous detainees, persons with mental disorders, HIV carriers), and discuss the treatment of juvenile detainees. Ending the paper, the authors stress the gradual improvement in the treatment of detainees since 1989. It results both from the legislative changes and from a relatively liberal criminal policy. The legal and to some extent also the organizational conditions have been created for implementation of the rule of law. Further changes are necessary, though, including in particular the passing of a new Constitution and penal codes. The drafts of the latter suggest, many new solutions in the sphere of arrest and detention awaiting trial which would make those institutions meet the European standards. What can considered valuable are the trends towards limiting the application of the two measures, specifying the conditions of their application, importantly, extending the guaranties of detainees’ rights.
Detaining a person, both in the course of pending proceedings and in other situations, is one of most crucial activities which fall within the competence of enforcement agencies. On the one hand detention exerts a significant impact on the pending proceedings or other actions undertaken by authorized organs, and on the other hand, regardless of its form, it affects the citizens’ rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
Zatrzymanie osoby, zarówno w ramach toczącego się procesu, jak i poza nim, stanowi jedną z najbardziej newralgicznych czynności znajdujących się w kompetencji organów ścigania. Z jednej bowiem strony wywiera ono wymierne skutki dla toczącego się postępowania czy innych działań podejmowanych przez uprawnione organy, z drugiej zaś, niezależnie od formy, wkracza w konstytucyjnie gwarantowane praw obywateli. Autor opisuje samą istotę zatrzymania jak również zwraca uwagę na zatrzymanie procesowe i jego rodzaje.
This article concerns the problem of the use of pre-trial detention as a result of recognition by the appellate court a complaint for failure of this preventive measure by the court of first instance. The article addresses the unique character of this design, ie., in particular, the use of detention for the first time by the court ad quem, the opportunity to appeal against the decision of the court of appeal and appeal in the so-called horizontal instance. Moreover indicated in the similarity, and also the inconsistency of the legislature to regulate the position of the accused acquitted in the first instance to the situation of the suspect, to which in the first instance did not apply the strictest of preventive measures. The article signaled that the unlimited detention on remand by the court of appeal by reference to ne peius rules, this is a rule that prevents a judgment amending, by which the situation of the accused would be prejudiced, may be a manifestation of the violation of the principle of equality, and thus overemphasize the constitutionality of detention by a court ad quem.
Niniejszy artykuł został poświęcony problematyce zastosowania tymczasowego aresztowania w wyniku rozpoznania przez sąd odwoławczy zażalenia na niezastosowanie tego środka zapobiegawczego przez sąd I instancji. W artykule poruszono wyjątkowy charakter omawianej konstrukcji, tj. w szczególności zastosowanie aresztu po raz pierwszy przez sąd ad quem, możliwość odwołania się od orzeczenia wydanego przez sąd odwoławczy oraz odwołanie w tzw. instancji poziomej. Nadto wskazano na podobieństwo, a zarazem niekonsekwencję ustawodawcy w zakresie uregulowania pozycji oskarżonego uniewinnionego w I instancji z sytuacją podejrzanego, wobec którego w I instancji nie zastosowano najsurowszego z środków zapobiegawczych. W artykule zasygnalizowano, że brak ograniczenia stosowania tymczasowego aresztowania przez sąd odwoławczy poprzez odwołanie się do reguły ne peius, tj. reguły uniemożliwiającej wydanie orzeczenia reformatoryjnego, mocą którego sytuacja oskarżonego miałaby ulec pogorszeniu, może stanowić przejaw złamania zasady równości i tym samym przekreślać konstytucyjność stosowania aresztu przez sąd ad quem.
The space in detention centers for foreigners in Poland is guarded by the border guards and it is unavailable for outsiders. Therefore, there is no opportunity for researchers to observe the practices related to administering this space and regulating the behavior of the staff and the detainees. Between 2018 and 2019, a first exploratory study in Poland targeted at the identification of rules and standards of the material organisation of the centers’ space and the performance of all the categories social actors. This article presents some results of the study regarding the centers’ management’s image of how the perfect detention center should be designed and organised. For data collection, the study used focus group interviews (FGI) in all Polish guarded detention centers.
Nadzorowana przez Straż Graniczną przestrzeń ośrodków detencyjnych dla cudzoziemców jest niedostępna dla obserwatorów z zewnątrz. Z tych samych względów nie mamy wglądu w praktyki związane z administrowaniem tą przestrzenią, regulowaniem zachowań personelu i pensjonariuszy. W latach 2018–2019 przeprowadzono w ośrodkach pierwsze w Polsce eksploracyjne badania naukowe, które były ukierunkowane na rozpoznanie zasad i standardów organizacji przedmiotowej przestrzeni i funkcjonowania w niej wszystkich kategorii aktorów społecznych. W artykule zaprezentowano wycinek tych badań, jaki stanowią wyobrażenia funkcjonariuszy reprezentujących władzę na temat tego, jak powinien wyglądać i funkcjonować idealny ośrodek detencyjny dla cudzoziemców. Dane wynikowe pozyskano w trakcie serii wywiadów fokusowych, które przeprowadzono we wszystkich ośrodkach strzeżonych w Polsce.
Content available remote Detention, deportation, and waiting : toward a theory of migrant detainability
The global expansion of deportation regimes has spurred an analogous expansion of migrant detention. Arguably even more than the onerous punitive power of deportation, detention imposes the sovereign power of a state on the lives of non-citizens in a manner that transmutes their status into de facto legal non-personhood. That is to say, with detention, the condition of deportable migrants culminates in summary (and sometimes indefinite) incarceration on the basis of little more than their sheer existential predicament as ‘undesirable’ non-citizens, often with little or no recourse to any form of legal remedy or appeal and frequently no semblance to due process. Castigated to a station outside the law, their detention leaves them at the mercy of the caprices of authorities. The author argues that to adequately comprehend the productivity of this power to detain migrants, we must have recourse to a concept of detainability, that is, the possibility of being detained. The paper situates the analysis of immigration detention in the framework of contemporary critical theory, interrogating the economy of different conditionalities and contingencies that undergird various degrees by which distinct categories of migrants are subjected to detention power.
The article focuses on the exercise of the right to correspondence by persons held in penitentiaries. The author’s analysis of the latest changes in this respect not only is based on the national regulations but is also performed in terms of their compliance with the standards of the European Convention on Human Rights and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. A particular emphasis is put on the admissible restrictions in prisoners’ or detainees’ correspondence with their lawyers, public authorities, court authorities, legislators, law enforcement agencies and international organisations for the protection of human rights.
The research objective is to analyze the limits of proportionality of actions taken by police officers in criminal proceedings against detainees. The analysis covers cases of improper treatment of persons detained by police officers and questioned at police stations. The study attempts to estimate the number of cases in which criminal proceedings were instituted against police officers under Article 246 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in connection with inhuman or degrading treatment of police officers. The author intends to answer the question what is the scale of abuses in the activity of police officers and whether the charges against them made by persons against whom a specific intervention was undertaken are justified. The aim of the research is to verify whether the currently existing penal-procedural systems fully protect citizens against violation of their right to freedom and legitimate interests as a result of the activities of procedural bodies. The author’s assumption is to check whether the control and repression measures taken with a view to strengthening security imply a threat to fundamental human rights through disproportionately large possibilities to introduce restrictions and restrictions on freedom. The research issues outlined by the author influence the use of the following research methods: formal and dogmatic, content analysis and statistical method.
Celem badawczym jest analiza granic proporcjonalności działań podejmowanych przez funkcjonariuszy policji w postępowaniu karnym przeciwko osobom zatrzymanym. Analizie poddano przypadki niewłaściwego traktowania osób zatrzymanych przez funkcjonariuszy policji oraz przesłuchiwanych na komisariatach policji. W badaniach podjęto próbę oszacowania liczby spraw, w których wszczęto postępowanie karne przeciwko funkcjonariuszom policji z art. 246 k.k. w związku z nieludzkim lub poniżającym traktowaniem. Autorka zamierza odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jaka jest skala nadużyć w działalności funkcjonariuszy policji oraz czy zasadne są zarzuty formułowane pod ich adresem przez osoby, wobec których podjęta została określona interwencja. Celem badań jest zweryfikowanie, czy obecnie istniejące systemy karnoprocesowe zabezpieczają w pełni obywateli przed naruszeniem ich prawa do wolności oraz słusznych interesów w wyniku działań organów procesowych. Założeniem autorki jest sprawdzenie, czy środki kontrolno-represyjne, podejmowane z myślą o wzmocnieniu bezpieczeństwa, implikują zagrożenie podstawowych praw człowieka poprzez nieproporcjonalnie duże możliwości wprowadzania restrykcji i ograniczeń wolności. Zakreślona w publikacji problematyka badawcza wpływa na wykorzystanie następujących metod badawczych: formalno-dogmatycznej, analizy treści oraz metody statystycznej.
Praca jest poświęcona tematyce pozbawienia wolności i zawiera przegląd form zatrzymania jako krótkotrwałych środków przymusu przy jednoczesnym wskazaniu ograniczeń ich stosowania wynikających z uwarunkowań funkcjonalnych, praktycznych i prawnych. Wyróżnione zostało tymczasowe aresztowania jako jedyna możliwa forma pozbawienia wolności, z założenia krótkotrwała, która może przekształcić się w długotrwałą. Autor posługując się metodą badawczą analizy aktów prawnych oraz orzecznictwa dokonuje systematyki istniejących rodzajów pozbawienia wolności na tle przepisów różnych aktów prawnych oraz ich umiejscowienia w porządku konstytucyjnym. W pracy stawiane są pytania badawcze o możliwość ograniczenia wolności osobistej, wielość takich ograniczeń oraz ich celowość. Autor dochodzi do przekonania, że możliwości pozbawienia wolności człowieka na gruncie prawa polskiego są bardzo szerokie i przyznane znacznej liczbie podmiotów.
The thesis is devoted to the subject of deprivation of liberty and contains an overview of forms of detention as the short-term coercive measures while indicating the limitations of their use resulting from functional, practical and legal conditions. The author, using the research method of analyzing legal acts and case law, systematically presents the existing types of deprivation of liberty against the background of the provisions of various legal acts and their location in the constitutional order. The work asks research questions about the possibility of limiting personal freedom, the multiplicity of such restrictions and their purposefulness. The author presents a conclusion that the possibilities of depriving a person of liberty under Polish law are very broad and granted to a significant number of entities.
The paper deals with the issue of exercising the right to respect for private and family life by persons deprived of personal liberty due to detention or imprisonment in the form of the possibility to temporarily leave prison space, accompanied by an escort or alone, for serious family reasons. By these the paper means attending the funeral of a close relative or the possibility to visit them in the hospital. While in the case of persons remanded in custody, this issue is not regulated in any way by legal or secondary legislation, in the case of persons serving a custodial sentence in prisons with increased security or for life, it is partially explicitly prohibited. In practice, therefore, these persons are barred from exercising their right under Article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. In the case of persons in the “regular mode” of serving a prison sentence, the execution of this right is dependent on the discretion of the prison director, who does not have to justify his informal decision to suspend the sentence, which is not amenable to review, in any way. The European Court of Human Rights has, however, consistently held for 20 years that a ban on attending a close relative’s funeral or visiting such a person in a hospital constitutes a violation of Article 8 and requires that each such case shall be treated individually, and the exercise of the right should be made possible until the infringement is necessary in a democratic society. The thesis therefore examines whether the situation in the Czech Republic is consistent with the case law of the ECtHR and suggests possible changes.
Příspěvek se věnuje problematice uplatňování práva na respektování soukromého a rodinného života osobami omezenými na osobní svobodě z důvodu výkonu vazby či výkonu trestu odnětí svobody ve formě možnosti dočasně opustit, za doprovodu eskorty či samostatně, prostor věznice pro naléhavé rodinné důvody. Těmi je v práci míněna zejména účast na pohřbu blízkého příbuzného či možnost jej navštívit v nemocnici. Zatímco v případě vazebně stíhaných osob není tato problematika na zákonné ani podzákonné úrovni nijak upravena, u osob ve výkonu trestu odnětí svobody ve věznicích se zvýšenou ostrahou či na doživotí je zčásti výslovně zakázána. V praxi je tedy těmto osobám uplatňování jejich práva dle čl. 8 Úmluvy o ochraně lidských práv a základních svobod (dále také jen „Úmluva“) v těchto případech plošně znemožněno. V případě osob v „běžném režimu“ výkonu trestu odnětí svobody je pak toto právo závislé na libovůli ředitele věznice, který nemusí své nepřezkoumatelné a neformální rozhodnutí o přerušení výkonu tresu žádným způsobem odůvodňovat. Evropský soud pro lidská práva přitom již 20 let ustálenou judikaturou potvrzuje, že nemožnost zúčastnit se pohřbu blízkého příbuzného či navštívit takovou osobu v nemocnici konstituuje zásah do práva dle čl. 8 a požaduje, aby ke každému z takových případů bylo přistupováno individuálně a výkon práva byl umožněn do nejvyšší možné míry, pokud jeho omezení není nezbytné v demokratické společnosti. Příspěvek tedy zkoumá, zda je legislativní a praktický stav v ČR s judikaturou ESLP souladný, a navrhuje možnosti případných změn.
Autor zaprezentował analizę postępowania i stosowane alternatywy do detencji dzieci migrujących i uchodźczych w polskim systemie prawnym, na który znaczący wpływ ma prawo unijne. Wskazał na rozwiązania prawne w systemie prawa polskiego w uwikłaniu prawa międzynarodowego. Podkreślił, że dalsze stosowanie detencji dzieci jest sprzeczne z zobowiązaniami podjętymi a zawartymi w aktach prawa międzynarodowego i regionalnego w celu wyeliminowania tej praktyki, bowiem zatrzymywanie dzieci może mieć poważne negatywne skutki dla ich zdrowia fizycznego i psychicznego, dlatego należy rozważyć alternatywy dla zatrzymań. Zwrócono uwagę na konieczność interpretowania i stosowania polskiego prawa w sposób zgodny z międzynarodowymi standardami praw człowieka, w tym z zasadą ochrony najlepszego interesu dziecka, aby zapewnić bezpieczeństwo i ochronę małoletnich migrantów i uchodźców.
The Author presented an analysis of the procedures and alternatives to the detention of migrating and refugee children in the Polish legal system, significantly influenced by European Union law. The Author pointed out legal solutions within the Polish legal system entangled with international law. It was emphasized that the continued use of child detention contradicts commitments made in international and regional legal instruments aimed at eliminating this practice. Detaining children can have serious negative consequences for their physical and mental health; therefore, alternatives to detention should be considered. Attention was drawn to the necessity of interpreting and applying Polish law in accordance with international human rights standards, including the principle of the best interests of the child to ensure the safety and protection of minor migrants and refugees.
The author explains subjective and objective constructions of detention according to S. Wróblewski’s theory of possession and suggests typo logical systematization of particular legal regulations of detention. Then the author compares polish construction of detention with various forms of replacement and intermediation in polish system of private law. The results of the analysis show that construction of detention has specific character which doesn’t correspond to the particular forms of replacement and intermediation.
Prison sentence used in Polish penal system is one of the most widely criticised punishments used for criminals. The convicted are sent into prisons or detention centres, which makes them (the incarcerated) even more vulnerable to committing a crime due to their isolation and solitary confinement. In this way, a distinct subculture is created. It is conditioned by many factors which determine its size, form, norms and rules enforced by the prisoners. The phenomenon of prison subculture causes a wide range of negative consequences, e.g. self-aggression; aggression towards other inmates, prison officers, or even family; mental or physical abuse; mental or sexual disorders. Such situations have a negative influence on the process of resocialisation, because they are destructive for the personality of a prisoner, especially for a juvenile delinquent as his/her decision making possibilities related to themselves are limited. Therefore, one might venture to say that the bigger the influence of subculture norms and rules, the more disturbed the process of resocialisation.
The author explains subjective and objective constructions of detention according to S. Wróblewski’s theory of possession and suggests typo logical systematization of particular legal regulations of detention. Then the author compares polish construction of detention with various forms of replacement and intermediation in polish system of private law. The results of the analysis show that construction of detention has specific character which doesn’t correspond to the particular forms of replacement and intermediation.
Celem badawczym niniejszej pracy jest określenie wpływu, jaki prawdopodobnie będzie miał represyjny charakter zmian wprowadzonych przez Komisję Europejską do dyrektywy 2008/115 na dwie podstawowe wartości polityki dotyczącej powrotów, tj. na sprawiedliwość i skuteczność tejże polityki. Podstawową tezą niniejszego studium jest to, że kierunek, w którym zmierza zmieniona wersja dyrektywy – przy założeniu, między innymi, rozszerzenia listy okoliczności pozwalających na zastosowanie zakazu wjazdu i na detencję – jest sprzeczny z deklarowaną sprawiedliwością polityki migracyjnej wobec obywateli państw trzecich. Jednocześnie skuteczność planowanych zmian wzbudza wątpliwości już na etapie projektu aktu. Rozważania te oparte są na zestawieniu proponowanych zmian z obecnie obowiązującymi przepisami prawa wiążącego, aktami prawa miękkiego Komisji oraz orzecznictwem TSUE. Efektem końcowym tych analiz jest odkrycie, że rozwiązania proponowane przez Komisję doprowadzą do nieuniknionego zwiększenia stosowania środków przymusu wobec nieregularnych migrantów w sposób, który zasadniczo przeczy deklarowanej sprawiedliwości i proporcjonalności działań UE. W tym kontekście skuteczność polityki w zakresie powrotów powinna być utożsamiana nie z odsetkiem powrotów, ale raczej z uznaną koniecznością ogólnej i doskonałej kontroli nieregularnych migrantów. Jednocześnie zmieniona wersja dyrektywy powrotowej przyczyni się do rozwoju już istniejącej tendencji do traktowania prawa migracyjnego jak narzędzia bezpieczeństwa i porządku publicznego oraz do stosowania środków prawa administracyjnego w taki sposób, by działały tak samo jak sankcja karna.
The research objective of this paper is to determine the impact that the repressive nature of the European Commission’s amendments to Directive 2008/115 will likely have on the two basic values of the return policy, that is, its fairness and effectiveness. The basic thesis of this study is that the direction of the directive’s recast, assuming – inter alia – an extension of the list of circumstances for applying the entry ban and detention, is contrary to the declared fairness of the migration policy towards third-country nationals. At the same time, the effectiveness of the planned changes is already questionable at the stage of draft legislation. These considerations are based on a juxtaposition of the proposed changes with currently binding legislation, the Commission’s soft law and the case law of the CJEU. The final effect of these analyses is the finding that the solutions proposed by the Commission will lead to an inevitable increase in the use of coercive measures against irregular immigrants in a way that stands in fundamental contradiction to the declared fairness and proportionality of EU actions. In this context, the effectiveness of the return policy should not be identified with a percentage of returns, but rather with the recognised necessity of overall and perfect control over irregular migrants. At the same time, the Recast Return Directive will contribute to the development of an already existing tendency to treat migration law as an instrument of security and public order, and to use administrative law measures so that they function in a manner equivalent to that of a criminal sanction.
The Military police enable commanders by providing a unique set of abilities that sustaining the joint functions and the military functions of the army through the military police disciplines of the police operations, detention operations and the security and mobility support. The purpose of the report is to describe the support and actions of the military police provided to the army related to the identification, body search and detention in the protection of civil society in operations other than war.
Żandarmeria Wojskowa umożliwia dowódcom poprzez zapewnienie unikalnego zestawu umiejętności, które podtrzymują wspólne funkcje i funkcje wojskowe armii poprzez wojskowe dyscypliny policyjne operacji policyjnych, operacji zatrzymania oraz bezpieczeństwa i wsparcia w zakresie mobilności. Celem raportu jest opisanie wsparcia i działań żandarmerii wojskowej na rzecz armii w zakresie identyfikacji, przeszukiwania ciała i przetrzymywania w celu ochrony społeczeństwa obywatelskiego w operacjach innych niż wojna.
O sprawności Sił Zbrojnych decydują między innymi poziom wyszkolenia, dyscyplina i morale. W ściśle określonych sytuacjach dla zapewnienia właściwego poziomu utrzymania dyscypliny konieczne jest pozbawienie wolności żołnierza. Autor przedstawia instytucje prawne skutkujące pozbawieniem wolności oraz przesłanki ich zastosowania. Dokonuje również analizy zastosowania omawianych kar i środków.
The article aims to consider these situations in the military which can result in detention. The author presents imprisonment, custody, detention, isolation arrest as well as military arrest and identifies the circumstances when they can be applied .
In the 19th century imprisonment became the fundamental sanction in many European criminal and penal codes, including that of the Kingdom of Poland (Congress Poland). In the face of these changes an extensive discussion on the reform of the whole penitentiary system began in the state. Reformers of the Polish penal system, notably Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, Ksawery Potocki, and Fryderyk Skarbek proposed numerous concepts. In such circumstances, central administration attempted to create a system of penitentiary institutions. The article describes six different centres of detention which operated in the Kingdom of Poland: police custody for the detention of people arrested by the police and convicted by courts operating by city mayors; detention centres operating by the Ordinary Police Courts, for criminals detained by the court decision in the course of the so-called elementary investigation, and criminals convicted for embezzlement and smuggling; civil custody for debtors to force them to perform their obligations; remand institutions for the detention of people awaiting sentencing; and criminal prisons for those already convicted. For those convicted for the gravest crimes the so-called roty aresztanckie (prisoner bases) were introduced in 1834.
W XIX w. w wielu europejskich kodeksach karnych, w tym także w Królestwie Polskim, kara więzienia stała się sankcją podstawową. W obliczu tych zmian w Królestwie Polskim rozpoczęła się szeroka dyskusja dotycząca reformy całego systemu organizacji więziennictwa. Pojawiają się liczne koncepcje polskich reformatorów penitencjarnych, jak choćby Juliana Ursyn Niemcewicza, Ksawerego Potockiego, Fryderyka Skarbka. W takich warunkach centralne organy administracji rządowej podjęły próbę stworzenia systemu jednostek penitencjarnych. Artykuł opisuje sześć różnych ośrodków pozbawienia wolności funkcjonujących w Królestwie Polskim: areszty policyjne, w których przetrzymywano osoby zatrzymane przez władze policyjne lub skazane przez sądy burmistrzowskie; areszty detencyjne przy Sądach Policji Prostej, gdzie osadzano przede wszystkim przestępców zatrzymanych na mocy decyzji sądu w trakcie tzw. śledztwa pierwiastkowego, a także skazanych za defraudację czy kontrabandę; areszty cywilne dla dłużników w celu zmuszenia ich do wykonania ciążącego na nich zobowiązania; domy badań, w których przebywały osoby oczekujące na wyrok, a także więzienia karne dla osób już skazanych. Dla skazanych za najcięższe przestępstwa w roku 1834 wprowadzono tzw. roty aresztanckie.
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