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One of the essential elements of Kenyan political history is the issue of constitutionalism. From 1963 until 2010, the so-called “Lancaster House Constitution” was in force. It was outdated, repeatedly amended and associated with Jomo Kenyatta’s and Daniel Arap Moi’s authoritarian regimes. In the 1990s, the newly formed and now legal political opposition, leading Kenyan figures and human rights organisations increasingly demanded a democratisation process, an important element of which was meant to be a new Kenyan constitution. The authors of the book discuss this subject matter, which is especially important for the process of Kenyan constitutional reform.
The revolutionary wave in North Africa brought about deep changes − both social and political − in the region. Islamists have grown to become the most important political power in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. Muslim Brotherhood, a while ago referred to as Islamic extremists, stands for democratic changes in the Arab world nowadays. However, a belief that the Arab revolution should create constitutional democracies modeled on western democracies is unjustified. The article indicates problems with the democracy in the Islamic world, but does not show the way to resolve them. Taking into consideration complexity of relations between Western and Islamic civilizations, differences in understanding the worth of culture and religion and requirements of current politics, it is hard to achieve a common ground. The fact has a significant influence on the possibilities of spreading the democracy across Muslims. One thing is sure: lack of knowledge cannot be superseded by fear and prejudice.
Amidst the regional turmoil in the Middle East, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan prevails its relative stability despite undergoing only limited democratic reforms. The article aims to present and analyze the Jordanian regime’s reaction to the Arab Spring in light of the international historical sociology, which depicts multidimensional and interlinked relations between the state, socjety and international environment, all immersed in historical context. The analysis finds that Jordan is a case proving that some nations praise stability over rushed political reform and, what is a key to understand the phenomenon, this is the view shared not only among the ruling elite but also by a vast part of the society. The somewhat stalled democratisation works in favour of the autocratic regime of King Abdullah II who retains power, of the Jordanian society, which does not have to fear internal disorder, and of the international community for whom Jordan is a long-standing and reliable partner.Full text:
The aim of this article is to analyse the new forms of militarism as well as the position and the role of the armed forces in Latin American political systems in the twenty-first century. The first part analyses two selected forms of military participation in politics: the participation of former servicemembers in presidential elections and their performance as presidents, and the militarisation of political parties. The second part of the article focuses on the issue of contemporary civil-military relations in Latin America, discussing the problems associated with the establishment of democratic control over the armed forces, the reform of the Ministries of Defense and the redefinition of the functions of the army.
Content available remote Operation Desert Storm from the Czechoslovak perspective
tom 110
nr 1
The occupation of Kuwait by Iraq and the subsequent conflict in the Persian Gulf in 1990 / 1991 represented the first serious crisis in international relations after the end of the Cold War. The then Czech and Slovak Federative Republic (CSFR) joined the international coalition headed by the United States of America. This was a major breakthrough in Czechoslovak foreign policy. At the time, CSFR was still part of the Warsaw Pact, which was led by the Soviet Union. The decision to send a Czechoslovak chemical corps aligned with the notion of the new political class to gradually change the country’s allegiance. The contribution to the liberation of Kuwait was therefore intended to support Czechoslovak ambitions for early inclusion in Euro-Atlantic structures. This topic resonated strongly in the political and media discourse of the time. All this took place during a transition period, as Czechoslovakia was going through a difficult phase of social transformation, and the democratisation of its armed forces was an integral part of this process. The general description of these events is based on the study of Czechoslovak archival documents, contemporary press and the recollections of direct participants in the events.
Content available (Dis)trust into the rule of law in Slovenia
After the collapse of the non-democratic regime in the early 1990s, public opinion surveys became important factor in the process of democratic decision-making. Author is analysing the results of public opinion surveys, which bring together data on the attitude of the general public towards democracy, (dis)satisfaction with the political situation and (dis)satisfaction with most important political and administrative institutions with special emphasis given to the public’s (dis)trust toward the rule of law. Based on the data obtained article allocates Slovenia’s position compared to other established European democracies as well as post-communist countries from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) on the scale of the relationship of the dimensions of societal (dis)trust in political power.
The article focuses on educational transformation in Taiwan, as reflected in its ongoing social changes. The genesis and the course of two particularly important processes: democratisation and Taiwanisation are given special consideration, as they have radically been changing the face of Taiwan’s education and appear to be paving the way for the shaping of a new Taiwanese national identity. This process can be read as “balancing” Taiwan between East and West – between different values and processes. While presenting their essence, also complex links with Taiwan’s policy towards China and the orientation on economic growth are taken into account.
W artykule zwrócono uwagę na proces transformacji edukacji Tajwanu odzwierciedlający zachodzące w tym kraju przemiany społeczne i polityczne. Zwrócono uwagę na genezę i przebieg dwóch szczególnie istotnych procesów: demokratyzacji i tajwanizacji, które radykalnie zmieniają oblicze edukacji i forsują drogę do kształtowania nowej tajwańskiej tożsamości narodowej. Proces ten można odczytać jako „balansowanie” Tajwanu między Wschodem a Zachodem – odmiennymi wartościami i procesami. Ukazując ich istotę, uwzględniono złożone powiązania z polityką Tajwanu wobec Chin oraz orientacją na wzrost gospodarczy.
tom 14
nr 2
Some politicians in Europe ever more frequently claim that multiculturalism has failed. Others assert that it is primarily the current model of democracy which is in crisis. On the other hand Africa is generally perceived as a continent without experience with either democratic tradition or even liberal concept of multiculturalism. But is that really the case? What do we know about the diversity of the African continent in Central Europe? A potential positive example of successful democratisation and multiculturalism forming processes in Africa could be presented by Zambia. Where are then the limitations and challenges in the process of building a democratic system within the framework of African multiculturalism?
The paper considers the relationship between remembrance narratives on national heroes and proliferation of political attitudes, values and behaviours during democratisation. It discusses the impact of interpretations of the past on the development of civil society in the context of public education as an instrument of identity politics. Comparing the experiences of Chile, Estonia, Georgia, Poland, South Africa and Spain, the authors present the role of national heroes in the legitimisation of behaviours and attitudes, new elites and national unity. The discussed results prove that the establishment of a pro-democratic system of civic education increases chances for successful consolidation of democracy in post-authoritarian countries.
nr 2
This paper is an attempt to reconsider the first years of systemic transformations in Poland, or, more precisely, the course of events during democratisation process going on in 1989, and the fundamental problems of the consolidation of democracy in the following years. In a comparative analysis referring to categories used by Samuel P. Huntington in his book: The Third Wave. Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century, it presents the consequences of the fact that democratisation in Poland was achieved by ‘transplacement’ – joint actions of the government and the opposition, manifested in particular at the Round Table talks. Further the main dilemmas of subsequent years are analysed. These include: the economic and social issues, the problem of the accountability for the past, and the question of how to deal with the praetorians of the former regime. Changes in the social perception of the early transformation period are also described.
Artykuł jest próbą analizy pierwszych lat transformacji systemowej w Polsce, tzn. przebiegu procesu demokratyzacji w 1989 r. oraz podstawowych problemów konsolidacji demokracji w Polsce w kilku latach następnych. Jest to analiza porównawcza wykorzystująca kategorie stosowane przez S. Huntingtona w książce Trzecia fala demokratyzacji. Artykuł przedstawia konsekwencje faktu, że proces demokratyzacji dokonał się w Polsce poprzez „przemieszczenie”, tzn. wspólne działania rządu i przedstawicieli opozycji, czego wyrazem był zwłaszcza obrady Okrągłego Stołu. Analizuje najistotniejsze dylematy następnych lat, a więc problemy gospodarcze i socjalne, „problem kata” (tzn. kwestię rozliczenia przeszłości) oraz „problem pretorianina” (tzn. sposób traktowania przedstawicieli poprzednich resortów siłowych). Opisuje także zmiany społecznego postrzegania wydarzeń z owych lat.
The paper presents results of the qualitative–to–quantitative narrative analysis of the transitional remembrance policy in South Africa during Nelson R. Mandela’s presidency. It refers to findings on the structure of political applications of historical interpretations to the issue of national identity reconstruction during democratisation. Therefore, the paper considers a degree in which remembrance story–telling was used to legitimise, justify, explain and promote the Rainbow Nation, the inclusive and non–racial vision of South Africa’s ’ideal self’ based on Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s theology of Ubuntu hoping. It investigated these relationships on eight levels – legitimisation of new elites, presence of former elites, transitional justice, social costs of transformations, promotion of new standards, the symbolic roles of democratisation, need for national unity and the new state’s identity in international politics. Moreover, the paper introduces a draft comparison with other cases of transitional remembrance policy – Chile, Estonia, Georgia, Poland and Spain – and it offers the structural model of the use of historical interpretations in South African transition, as well as discussing it with reference to the general model of the transitional remembrance policy.
Content available The State of Democracy in Poland and Europe
The exclusive interview with Mr Lech Wałęsa, the legendary leader of “Solidarity” Trade Union, the Noble Peace Prize Laureate in 1983 and the President of Poland from 1990 to 1995, on the state of democracy in Poland and Europe presents Mr Wałęsa’s perspective on challenges that contemporary political leaders have to face. It discusses four major areas: a historical consideration of Poland’s post–communist transformation, a today’s perspective on democracy in Poland, an evaluation of country’s role in the united Europe and a discussion of processes that threat democracy in Poland and Europe. In the interview, Mr Wałęsa shares his hopes and fears, and he presents main ideas for the new political times. His assessments do not focus only on the today’s state of democracy, but he also tries to consider how the democracy may look like in the future. As a result the Polish Political Science Yearbook publishes a unique conversation with the legend of the struggle against Communist dictatorships in Europe that shows Mr Wałęsa’s personal remarks on the democracy, the globalised World and modern technologies.
Każde państwo ma w swojej historii daty mające znamiona symbolicznych. Konieczna po 1989 roku transformacja polityczna, społeczna i gospodarcza wymagała kosztownych przemian. Perspektywa, a później realizacja dążenia Polski do członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej sprawiła, że z kraju byłego bloku Sowieckich wpływów staliśmy się pełnoprawnym członkiem rodziny europejskiej. Wszystko za sprawą 1 maja 2004 roku. Od tej pory data ta stanowi fundament i nowy rozdział w najnowszej historii Polski. Polska pewnym krokiem wkroczyła w nową przestrzeń polityczną, gospodarczą, a przede wszystkim cywilizacyjną. Celem artykułu było ukazanie drogi do tego ważnego wydarzenia, które na zawsze zmieniło miejsce Polski w Europie.
Every country has symbolic dates in its history. The necessary political, social, and economic transformation after 1989 required costly changes. The prospect, and then the realization of Poland’s aspiration to become a member of the European Union has turned us from a former Soviet-influenced bloc country into a fully-fledged member of the European family. All thanks to May 1, 2004. Since then, this date has been the foundation, and a new chapter in Poland’s recent history. Poland has confidently entered a new political, economic, and, above all, civilizational space. The aim of the article was to show the way to this important event which changed Poland’s place in Europe forever.
The paper presents findings of the comparative study on relationships between remembrance story-telling and the transitional reconstruction of political identities. It identifies in which areas and fields of impact governments tend to use interpretations of the past to promote new leadership visions of society. Moreover, it verifies theoretical hypotheses related to the politicised remembrance and its role as a political asset during transformations, as well as it considers the theoretical framework of democracy-building (and a common prediction of its universal character). As a result, the study offers a detailed picture of the way remembrance narratives are transformed into explanations, justifications or legitimisation of new, post-authoritarian identities based on qualitative-to-quantitative analysis of the intensity of story-telling and its links with transitional identity politics. In the conclusion, the Authors present their consideration of research findings, and they discuss it with reference to the nature of transitional government’s remembrance policy as a sphere of social influence.
Raport prezentuje wyniki badań porównawczych nad związkami między narracjami pamięci a tranzycyjną polityką tożsamości. Badania zrealizowane zostały poprzez zastosowanie jakościowo- ilościowej analizy narratywnej sześciu przypadków: Chile, Estonii, Gruzji, Hiszpanii, Polski i Południowej Afryki. Artykuł omawia wewnętrzne korelacje w ramach struktury tranzycyjnej polityki historycznej w odniesieniu do trzech poziomów analizy: ogólnego, przestrzeni oddziaływania (celów polityki) i pól oddziaływania (zadań polityki). W efekcie przedstawia dwa modele – ogólny model korelacji i model korelacji wewnętrznych. Nakreślają one najważniejsze cechy opowiadania o przeszłości w toku demokratyzacji i rozwijają obecne rozumienie sposobu, w jaki argumenty historyczne mogą oddziaływać na tranzycyjną rekonstrukcję tożsamości narodowej.
The research report presents results of the comparative study on relationships between remembrance narratives and transitional identity policy. It is based on the qualitative-toquantitative narrative analysis of six cases: Chile, Estonia, Georgia, Poland, South Africa, and Spain. It discusses internal correlations within the structure of transitional remembrance policy with reference to three levels of analysis: the general level, the areas of impact (objectives of the policy) level, and the fields of impact (aims of the policy) level. As a result, it offers two models – the General Model of Correlations, and the Model of Internal Correlations. These two drawings show main features of remembrance story-telling during democratisations, and they develop present understandings on the way in which historical arguments may influence transitional identity reconstruction.
Content available 25 lat działalności samorządu terytorialnego
The 25 years of activity of self-government in Poland occupy a special place in Polish history. It has been a period of dynamic political, social and economic changes and self-government units have been to a large extent creators of that change. Undoubtedly, the first years, which were also the most difficult ones, played a crucial role, and never again has it been possible to achieve the same level of enthusiasm and social involvement in the process. I was lucky to participate in the building of self-governing structures in Poland from the very beginning and at all levels. There was huge responsibility placed on the shoulders of those who were appointed to the function of a local self-government officer. The credit of trust given to them was charged with enormous social expectations. The stake 25 years ago was not only the possibility of free elections; it was the fundamental changes in all aspect of life. Decentralisation and democtratisation of the Polish state would not have been possible without active engagement of self-government, which involved the entire society in the process of change, they taught responsibility and transparency. The building of self-government in Poland was a huge logistic project, on a scale not previously encountered. Over 100 thousand state clerks transformed into independent officials, learning new skills and competences, also drawing on experiences of other countries. In result of the processof passing state property to local governments, communes and municipalities (gmina) received several millions of plots of land and over acquired over 1,500 enterprises. The experiences gained in the legislative and organisational work of the first stage of the self-governance reform, enabled Poland to enter the second stage of the reform in 1989 and to commence work of the building of district (powiat) and regional (voivodship) self-government structures. That process was completed 8 years later. Self-governance at the regional level was being developed when Poland was about to receive pre-accession funds from the European Union, a lucky moment since it was self-government that was to play a vital role in their distribution. Regional self-government is also responsible for facilitating suitable and supporting conditions for regional development and competitiveness of regions. Today, we are facing another challenge which is an optimal use of the EU funds allocated to Poland from the 2014-2020 budget. I have no doubts that we shall do it well.
25 lat działalności samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce to okres w historii Polski szczególny – czas dynamicznych zmian politycznych, społecznych i gospodarczych, których samorządy w znaczącym stopniu były kreatorami. I trzeba przyznać, że to właśnie te pierwsze, najtrudniejsze przecież lata nie miały sobie równych, bo tak ogromnego entuzjazmu i zaangażowania społecznego nie udało się osiągnąć już nigdy później. Miałem szczęście uczestniczyć w budowaniu samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce niemal od początku, na wszystkich jego szczeblach. Na obejmujących swe funkcje samorządowcach spoczęła ogromna odpowiedzialność, bo kredyt zaufania, jakim ich obdarzono, związany był z ogromnymi oczekiwaniami społecznymi: 25 lat temu nie chodziło przecież tylko o możliwość przeprowadzenia wyborów samorządowych, ale o fundamentalne zmiany we wszystkich dziedzinach życia. Decentralizacja i demokratyzacja polskiego państwa nie byłyby możliwe bez samorządów. To one włączały w przemiany całe społeczeństwo, uczyły odpowiedzialności i transparentności działania. Budowa samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce była też ogromną operacją logistyczną, na niespotykana dotąd skalę ‒ 25 lat temu ponad 100 tysięcy osób z urzędników państwowych zmieniło się w samorządowych, zdobywając nowe umiejętności i kompetencje, korzystając z wcześniejszych doświadczeń innych krajów. W wyniku komunalizacji mienia gminy przejęły wtedy kilka milionów nieruchomości i ponad 1500 przedsiębiorstw. Doświadczenia legislacyjne i organizacyjne pierwszego etapu reformy pozwoliły już jednak w 1991 r. rozpocząć prace nad jej drugim etapem – tworzeniem samorządów powiatowych i wojewódzkich, co nastąpiło po ośmiu latach. Samorząd regionalny powstawał już w momencie, gdy Polska przygotowywała się na przyjęcie unijnych środków przedakcesyjnych, w których podziale samorządy regionalne miały odgrywać znaczącą rolę. To na samorządach regionalnych spoczęła odpowiedzialność za tworzenie warunków do rozwoju województwa i wzrostu jego konkurencyjności. A przed nami kolejne ogromne wyzwanie – optymalne wykorzystanie środków unijnych z okresu budżetowego 2014-2020. Nie mam żadnych wątpliwości, że zrobimy to dobrze.
tom 13
This article reviews the synthetic and analytic structure of two Indo-European languages. It examines analytic forms in modern Russian and Lithuanian, which are mainly synthetic in their structure. The development of analytic elements in synthetic languages is mainly an internal centuries-old process that has had different rates of growth within various languages. Modern Russian is a language of synthetic structure with analytic elements. Modern Lithuanian is a language of pure synthetic structure. However, the tendency towards analytic expressions is enhanced by external social processes too. The main processes impacting on modern Russian and Lithuanian are democratisation, Europeanisation, globalisation.
Jak wiadomo struktura języka ulega ciągłym zmianom. W danej pracy porównywane są procesy i wyniki zmian struktury językowej od syntetyzmu do analityzmu w morfologii języków bliskich pod względem genetycznym i typologicznym – rosyjskiego i litewskiego. Analiza materiału wykazała, że dynamika współczesnego społeczeństwa, zmiana norm socjalnych, politycznych oraz psychologicznych w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach wywołała w języku rosyjskim aktywne procesy narastania cech analitycznych w odróżnieniu od litewskiego, który, pozostając językiem tradycyjnie konserwatywnym, a znacznie mniejszym stopniu przesunął się w stronę analityzmu.
In the article, the genesis of the first Lithuanian socio-political newspaper Aušra (Auszra) is associated with the Eastern crisis (1876–1878). The political aspirations of the Aušra are verified in the context of the Russia-England (Olga Novikova–William Gladstone) discourse.
Straipsnyje pirmojo lietuviško visuomeninio-politinio laikraščio „Aušra“ genezė siejama su Rytų krize (1876–1878). „Aušros“ politiniai siekiai verifikuojami Rusijos ir Anglijos (Olgos Novikovos ir Williamo Gladstono) diskurso kontekste.
The author’s main thesis is that the processes of internationalisation and democratisation are characteristic of the contemporary Polish language. The main research subject presented in the paper concerns an intensive development of the Polish vocabulary. The author analyses the neologisms performing the nominative function. She presents words formed with Polish suffixes, productivity of foreign prefi xes, and series formed with borrowed morphemes.
Główna teza postawiona przez autorkę jest równoważna ze stwierdzeniem, że procesy internacjonalizacji i demokratyzacji są charakterystyczne dla współczesnego języka polskiego. W artykule zaprezentowano intensywny rozwój leksyki, dokonujący się w języku polskim po roku 2003. Omówione zostały przede wszystkim neologizmy o funkcji nominatywnej. Przedstawiono procesy derywacji za pomocą sufiksów rodzimych oraz produktywność prefiksów zapożyczonych, a także serie neologizmów z cząstką zapożyczoną.
Цель статьи состояла в том, чтобы проанализировать смену поколений и наметить особенности отдельных поколений в грузинском обществе. Кроме того, в статье также сопоставляется концепция поколений В. Папавы с концепцией генеральных трендов поколений. Этот анализ позволил автору охарактеризовать молодое поколение грузин на фоне других поколений. Для анализа этой исследовательской проблемы был использован ряд методов исследования, частично основанных на вторичных источниках. Основными методами исследования, использованными в статье, являются метод анализа имеющихся данных и сравнительный метод. Это позволило провести, предложенное В. Папавом, деление на поколения с общей характеристикой мировых тенденций поколений, а также сопоставление различий и сходства в контексте этих понятий. Обзоры вторичных статистических данных Кавказского исследовательского ресурсного центра дополнили вышеуказанные методы, позволив провести углубленный анализ указанных поколений. Эта статья является вкладом в дальнейшее исследование поколенческих трансформаций грузинского общества и является частью серии статей о молодом поколении грузин и их взглядах на демократию и демократизацию.
The article’s purpose is to analyse the generational transformation and outline the characteristics of individual generations. Moreover, the concept of V. Papava indicating generational trends was juxtaposed. The analysis characterises the young generation of Georgians in relation to other generations. I used research methods to solve this research problem based partly on secondary sources. The basic research methods used in the article are the method of analysing existing data and the comparative method, which allowed for juxtaposing the division into generations proposed by V. Papava with the general characteristics of global generation trends. Secondary statistical data studies from the Caucasus Research Resource Center completed the other methods, allowing for a more in-depth analysis of the generations. This article is a snapshot of studies on the generational transformation of Georgian society and is part of a series of articles on the young generation of Georgians and their opinions about democracy and democratisation.
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