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The increasingly rich and diverse literature on creativity has its core in psychology, but spans the cognitive sciences from artificial intelligence to philosophy and borrows from the wider humanities. Perhaps because of this immense breadth, there remains considerable disagreement with respect to the identity of the object of research. How to define creativity? According to the “standard definition,” creativity consists of “effectiveness and originality.” This definition is (relatively) consensual and therefore appears to capture something common to academic concepts of creativity. I conduct a conceptual analysis of the definition; thereby, I isolate and describe two ambiguities. Firstly, the definition leaves open the choice of the context and norms against which to measure originality and effectiveness. Secondly, it does not discuss the possible role of a subjective judge. My goal is not to propose yet another model of creativity, but to clearly identify the possible meanings of the word creativity in academic research. The existence of different interpretations does not necessarily reflect a fundamental disagreement about reality, but rather a failure to achieve consensus on a shared technical language. Therefore, simply recognizing and acknowledging the competition between diverse interpretations can form the basis for successful communication and for a complementary division of labor; it could improve the viability of interdisciplinary collaborations and prevent unnecessary fragmentation of the field.
The increasingly rich and diverse literature on creativity has its core in psychology, but spans the cognitive sciences from artificial intelligence to philosophy and borrows from the wider humanities. Perhaps because of this immense breadth, there remains considerable disagreement with respect to the identity of the object of research. How to define creativity? According to the “standard definition,” creativity consists of “effectiveness and originality.” This definition is (relatively) consensual and therefore appears to capture something common to academic concepts of creativity. I conduct a conceptual analysis of the definition; thereby, I isolate and describe two ambiguities. Firstly, the definition leaves open the choice of the context and norms against which to measure originality and effectiveness. Secondly, it does not discuss the possible role of a subjective judge. My goal is not to propose yet another model of creativity, but to clearly identify the possible meanings of the word creativity in academic research. The existence of different interpretations does not necessarily reflect a fundamental disagreement about reality, but rather a failure to achieve consensus on a shared technical language. Therefore, simply recognizing and acknowledging the competition between diverse interpretations can form the basis for successful communication and for a complementary division of labor; it could improve the viability of interdisciplinary collaborations and prevent unnecessary fragmentation of the field.
Content available Wyzwania definicyjne start-upów
In recent years, with the development of entrepreneurship, a new concept has been coined - a start-up (or a startup). Because of the lack one common definition thereof, some questions emerge: Is any newly established company a start-up, or does this term refer only to companies fromthe branch/market sector of new technologies, or maybe there are other decisive requirements? The significance of this issue follows research and analysis of the entities are undertaken and also in the face of work on Prosta Spółka Akcyjna (a new legalform for economic entities of the discussed kind). The aim of the article is to present various ways of defining start-ups present in the subject literature, but also in various initiatives and activities organized in the start-up community. On this basis, an attempt is made to determine the boundary conditions of the concept of start-up and to characterize it
Content available Comment on water potential definition
The definition of soil water potential is based on the chemical potential of homogeneous medium. The assumption of homogeneity causes many difficulties to arise when such a definition is used for the description of highly heterogeneous soil medium. Another aspect discussed here is the basic of division of a soil water potential onto additive parts (pressure, gravitational, thermal etc.). It has been shown here that this division can be done when only one parameter of state changes, otherwise it is only approximation with possibly high error.
Definicja potencjału wody glebowej oparta jest na rozumowaniu termodynamicznym dotyczącym ośrodka jednorodnego. W pracy pokazano niektóre konsekwencje pominięcia faktu że ośrodek glebowy jest heterogeniczny. Wskazano również te podział całkowitego potencjału wody glebowej na części jest przybliżeniem które może prowadzić do błędów w przypadku rozpatrywania przemian termodynamicznych wody glebowej przebiegających ze zmianą więcej niż jednego parametru stanu.
Content available Definicje dziecka w twórczości Janusza Korczaka
The reconstruction of the image of the child would have to begin with the ways of establishing the subject of research, namely, the basis of the verbal image of the child. Words and names distinguish and identify concepts and things, carry a certain meaning, and it is the context that sometimes allows to make the meaning more specific. However, in Korczak’s work it is not that easy, because there is no single, consistent definition of the child, there are many different explanations and explications of the concept in question depending on the situation and circumstances it was located by the author. I will try to show the meanings and connotations of the lexeme ‘child’ used in Korczak’s texts. It must be emphasized that the motif of the child is omnipresent in Korczak’s world, it acts as a dominant in each of the texts under analysis Nevertheless, putting these images together into a single, coherent picture seems impossible for several reasons. One of them is the fact that the child is involved in many different linguistic, cultural, social and generational contexts in Korczak’s prose. The other is the repertoire of linguistic means the author used to define the concept of the child and to create an image of the child to model the ways the child is perceived.
This paper provides the overview on Customer Relationship Management. Different theoretical approaches to CRM are included in the first part of the paper. It describes CRM development and compares main CRM teaching leading school. Second part of the paper presents the results of research based on Delphi method, which was aimed at finding actual CRM definition and core areas that might support company’s CRM, in order to build strong relationships with customers.
Artykuł jest próbą zdefiniowania fotoreportażu oraz opisu jego dotychczasowego rozwoju. Wychodząc od kontestacji obowiązujących definicji, powstający rys problematyki odnosi się do aktualnych zmian i trendów. Po ustaleniu ram rodzajowych opisany zostaje rozwój fotoreportażu w perspektywie diachronicznej, prowadzący do ustalenia współczesnego statusu gatunku.
This article is an attempt to define photojournalism and a description of its current development. Starting from the contestation of the existing definitions, problems resulting figure refers to the current transformations and trends. After determining the generic framework, the development of photojournalism is described in a diachronic perspective, leading to the determination of the contemporary status of the genre.
Content available What is prevention
The article presents various definitions of prevention, which are described through five levels: semantic, legal, institutional, practical and teleological. The first part of the article is dedicated to the general understanding of prevention and the second is about the prevention of human trafficking for sexual exploitation. This article is based on two sources: international legal standards and academic literature.
Content available How to define bioeconomy?
. In this paper, a critical analysis of current bioeconomy definitions was undertaken. Having in mind all ways of defining bioeconomy, it is argued that at the core of this concept lies sustainable transformation of renewable biological resources by implementing innovation in products and processes that aim to meet both private and public expectations. The basis of such innovation is knowledge concerning life sciences.
Dokonano krytycznej analizy wybranych definicji biogospodarki. Uwzględniając różne podejścia do definiowania biogospodarki należy wskazać, że w rdzeniu tego pojęcia jest zrównoważone wykorzystanie odnawialnych zasobów biologicznych przez innowacje, których źródłem jest wiedza z obszaru nauk przyrodniczych w produkty i procesy, które mają do spełnienia zarówno prywatne jak, i publiczne oczekiwania
Content available Les mots et les savoirs : complexité
The contribution addresses a topic discussed since the 17th century by philosophers, logicians and lexicographers: to what extent does the semantic complexity of certain words convey knowledge of the extralinguistic world? What influence does this knowledge have on the coherence of a text? Conversely, another type of complexity must be taken into account as well, the one starting from things: what linguistic devices are adopted to express this complexity in an efficient way? The relationship between the complexity types and knowledge has been investigated by different strands of research in the humanities and is becoming a focus of multidisciplinary research.
The article aims to define and classify economic policy objectives according to the methodological approach on which they are based. This is a significant issue that fills a gap in existing research, according to the author. Attempts to define economic policy objectives are often made at random; researchers in countries such as Germany usually limit themselves to listing such objectives, Horodecka says, while research reports in English-speaking countries tend to focus on the practical aspects of economic policy. The author discusses different methodological approaches to economic policy making. The adopted method of analysis makes it possible to determine the most important features of economic policy depending on the approach adopted. The author classifies and defines economic policy objectives depending on the methodological approach adopted. She identifies the following approaches in the context of economic policy objectives: a normative approach, focusing on economic prosperity; a positive approach, based on growth and stability as the functions of the economic system; and a descriptive approach, focusing on objectives actually pursued by economic policymakers in specific countries. The analysis resulted not only in defining and classifying economic policy objectives, but also in determining the advantages and disadvantages of individual approaches. This critical review of the existing methods points to the superiority of the descriptive approach, Horodecka concludes.
In the paper we formulate a sufficient criterion in order for the first order theory with finite set of axioms to be represented by definitions in predicate calculus. We prove the corresponding theorem. According to this criterion such theories as the theory of equivalence relation, the theory of partial order and many theories based on the equality relation with finite set of functional and predicate symbols are represented by definitions in the first-order predicate calculus without equality.
Coraz ważniejszym obszarem ochrony dziedzictwa staje się ochrona miejsc pamięci. Miejsca pamięci to miejsca lub obiekty historyczne, których wartość wynika przede wszystkim ze znaczenia komunikatu/symbolu, którego są nośnikiem. W miejscach pamięci komponent niematerialny ma większe znaczenie niż komponent niematerialny – to odróżnią je od innych obiektów historycznych. W miejscach pamięci kluczową cechą jest autentyzm (rozumiany szeroko, zgodnie z ujęciem Dokumentu z Nara), natomiast mniejsze znaczenie ma integralność. Teoria konserwatorska powinna określić zasady i formy postepowania dla miejsc pamięci uwzględniając ich specyfikę na tle innych grup typologicznych zabytków. Ten problem jest przedstawiony w artykule.
Protection of memorial sites is becoming an increasingly important issue of heritage protection. Places of memory are places or historical objects which value arises primarily due to the meaning of their message/symbol. In sites of memory, an intangible component is more important than an intangible component - it distinguishes its from other historical objects. In places of memory, the key feature is authenticity (understood broadly, according to the Document of Nara) while integrity is less important. Conservation theory should determine the rules for sites of memory taking into account their specificity in comparison with other monuments. This problem is presented in the article.
Content available O pojęciu „muzycznego postmodernizmu”
The usual way of characterising the notion of “musical postmodernism” is set out by the following claims: (1) a postmodern musical work corresponds to the postmodern worldview; the notion in question is closely connected with the etymology of its name (“postmodern” means, in any case, “of an era after a modern one”); (3) the characterisation of the postmodern worldview (and, thus, of a postmodern piece of music) ought to conform to the beliefs of the classics of the postmodern thought; (4) the postmodern repertoire includes mainly the works created after about 1970; (5) the most important features of these compositions are euphony, aleatoric indetermination, polistylistics, and repetitiveness. The notion governed by the claims (1) – (5) is highly unclear and provides little help for understanding musical phenomena. In order to make it more precise, the basis of its definition should be modified and the three following claims accepted: (A) a postmodern musical work is a musical representation of the postmodern worldview; (B) the existing musical repertoire contains some postmodern works; (C) a correct definition of musical postmodernism should enable to qualify at least some of the given composi-tions as postmodern or not. The conditions (A ) – (C) and the analysis of the postmodern worldview seem to suggest that a postmodern musical work is such of a precariously integrated structure. A postmodern work represents the undermining (“deconstruction”) of the crucial idea of the com-posing practice: the piece of music arises from the integration of sounds, not of a simple aggregation of them. The musical “deconstruction” can emerge when some of the important portions a work or certain aspects of it exhibit larger degree of integration than the work as a whole. It seems that some compositions by Ives and the final movement of Chopin’s Sonata in B minor Op. 35 are postmodern in the sense pointed above.
Content available remote Definiowanie strategii
The term „strategy” was at first used in the field of war and the military. Recently it has become popular and can be met to define almost every activity of the greatest importance in the area under discussion. Except for the most often used definitions by C. von Clausewitz, B.L. Hart and A. Baufrea, this term is defined by theoreticians of organisation and management, psychologists, sociologists, economists etc. In their understanding, strategy, apart from the most frequent defmitions as knowledge, theory, art, is also a process, activity, plan, decision, the way to achieve goals, defining means and methods, the way to survive, the rationalisation movement, reflection, combination of means methods and ideas, the approach to and analysis of reality, the way of thinking, paradox logic etc.
W artykule jest omówiony problem ścisłości, dokładności i jednoznaczności definicji technicznych na przykładzie definicji "skrawanie materiałów".
Governance is a popular theoretical approach in the social sciences. However, it in-volves a number of definitional and theoretical problems. The issue of the ambiguity of the concept and the numerous attempts to recognize the complexity of reality in its framework is subject to criticism. A categorization of numerous definitions of govern-ance is proposed. The weaknesses of the governance approach as a theoretical framework in the social sciences are indicated: the inability to clearly indicate a causal entity in decision-making networks, wrongful diminution of the role of state agencies, its strong normative dimension. In the conclusions it is stated that governance is an attempt, albeit not very successful, but one and only at a holistic description of the hyperpluralist envi-ronment of public actors. The weakness of governance approach can be overcome by subjecting the phenomena to micro- or meso-level analysis.
Der Begriff formelhafter Äußerungen umfasst unterschiedliche Arten von Wortverbindungen, die vom Gedächtnis als Ganzes gespeichert und abgerufen werden. Der Beitrag diskutiert zwei in diesem Zusammenhang zentrale Fragen: Wie können formelhafte Äußerungen definiert und identifiziert werden. Formelhafte Äußerungen sind nämlich so verschiedenartig, dass es schwierig ist, ihre Definition zu formulieren und ihre Merkmale zu beschreiben. Die derzeit existierenden Methoden der Identifizierung (z.B. aufgrund von Häufigkeit) werden kritisiert, denn alle haben ihre Nachteile; die Anwendung der Intuition, die häufig von der Forschung herangezogen wird, ist auch mit vielfältigen Problemen verbunden.
The term “formulaic sequences” encompasses various types of word strings which appear to be stored and retrieved as holistic units from the memory. This article discusses two major problems in the study of formulaic sequences: how to define their features and how to identify these sequences in discourse. The problem is that formulaic sequences exist in so many forms that it is difficult to develop a definition of this phenomenon and to find the main characteristics of formulaic sequences. The existing methods of identifying formulaic sequences (e.g. by frequency in the corpus) can be used to some degree but each of them has its drawbacks. Even drawing on the individual’s intuition as the basis for identifying these sequences runs into its own serious problems.
The purpose of this article is to introduce and rank information related to virtual reality as a new media phenomenon. In principle, in the Polish nomenclature, the term is so new that it is often confused, incomprehensible. This, in turn, translates into misunderstanding and the lack of the use of this communication channel. The article is a review of literature. In the first part concepts such as augmented reality, augmented virtuality, mixed reality, virtual reality, and immersion will be explained. A short historical outline of the virtual reality will also be shown. Then - in the next part of the article - the author compares this communication channel with well-known, such as the Internet, television, radio. Next the authorwill determine what are the fields of application of this communication channel and its condition.
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