An overview is presented of gemstones from eastern Kazakhstan in terms of their geographical distribution, geological provenance and genesis, gemmological characteristics, historical use and current applications. Locally occurring precious, semi-precious and decorative stones were extracted and traded along the northern part of the Silk Road that traversed the area in earlier historical times. Currently, non-metallic minerals, which largely originate from mafic igneous and metamorphic bodies of the Altay and Kalba Mountains of Kazakhstan, still are insufficiently known and exploited industrially only marginally. For the present study, selected depositories of coloured stones at the Mineralogy Museum of the East Kazakhstan State Technical University were used, supplemented by the newly collected material during personal fieldwork in the southern Altay between 2005 and 2015. Standard documentation of the gemstones selected is provided, alongside with their known occurrence sites and an evaluation of the perspective gemstone-bearing deposits with respect to regional morphostructural bedrock characteristics. The most precious gemstones include topaz, corundum (sapphire and ruby), beryl (emerald and aquamarine), coloured tourmalines, agates as well as diamonds. Despite the great variety, the majority of these traditionally most valued stones are currently commercially not viable, unlike high-quality decorative stones.
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Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaproponowanie wycieczki po wybranych krakowskich obiektach, w których zastosowano kamień naturalny pochodzący z Włoch i Niemiec. Autor pragnie przede wszystkim zapoznać turystę z głównymi rodzajami zastosowanych skał, nazwami handlowymi, miejscem pozyskania surowca, wiekiem i ich walorami dekoracyjnymi. Dodatkowo autor prześledził z jakich regionów Włoch i Niemiec najczęściej importowany jest do Polski kamień naturalny. Do najbardziej znanych włoskich kamieni dekoracyjnych należą marmury karraryjskie i wapienie "ammonitico rosso", eksploatowane odpowiednio w okolicach Carrary i Werony. Na uwagę zasługują również: porfiry okolic Trydentu, wapienie z Brescii, trawertyny z Tivoli oraz kamieniołomy granitów i wapieni trawertynowych z Sardynii. W Niemczech duże złoża wapieni górnej jury zlokalizowane są w północnej Bawarii (Frankonia).
The aim of the following paper is to propose a trip to selected sites in Kraków where decorative stones imported from Italy and Germany were used. The main types of stones are presented together with their commercial names, quarries, age and decorative values. Additionally, the author identified the regions in Italy and Germany from which stones were supplied. The most popular Italian decorative stones are the Carrara marbles quarried in the vicinity of Carrara and the "Ammonitico rosso" limestones extracted in the neighbourhood of Verona. Interesting are also porphyries from Trident, limestones from Brescia, travertines from Tivoli and granites and travertines quarried in Sardynia. In Germany large deposits of Upper Jurassic limestones are located in northern Bavaria (Franconia).
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