In order to provide safety of navigation, the ship's officer employs a lot of different devices which are installed on navigational bridge. One of them, very useful equipment is system for Automatic Identification of Ships (AIS). How ever, the Information thus obtained can be inaccurate or even false. In this article the author presented ways to verify the data obtained from Automatic Identification of Ships (AIS) with the help of radar (ARPA). The advantages of earlier verification of information obtained from AIS are presented when a vessel is manoeuvring and the data presented by ARPA are not reliable. An algorithm of a program which makes it possible to verify the reliability of data obtained from AIS has been presented here. A possibility has been demonstrated of constructing a device employing that algorithm in order to support the navigating officer in making decisions avoiding collisions. This system will alert the Watch Officer about incorrectness and about inaccuracy of ARPA and AIS. This solution could be a very helpful tool to be used in adverse weather conditions particularly for the vessels in collision situation.
Celem tego artykułu jest przedstawienie, w jaki sposób nasze dane są weryfikowane podczas zawierania jakichkolwiek umów w Internecie. Należy wykazać, jakie zabezpieczenia mają portale oraz jakie niebezpieczeństwa wynikają z braku zabezpieczeń. Artykuł koncentruje się na umowach zawieranych przez młodych ludzi korzystających z płatności elektronicznych i zwraca szczególną uwagę na umowy zawierane przez dzieci. Obserwacja funkcjonowania w rzeczywistości wirtualnej sugeruje przyjrzenie się tworzeniu profili na portalach społecznościowych i konsekwencje zawierania takich umów. Dane dostarczone podczas rejestracji i umieszczone w ramach korzystania z oferowanej usługi są wykorzystywane w innych procesach. Zakres analizy pokazuje, że powinniśmy nadzorować działalność w sieci młodzieży i edukować je, jak mądrze korzystać z Internetu.
The purpose of this paper is to present the ways of our data verification when entering into all kinds of agreements on the Internet. It should be clear what security measures the portals have and what dangers result from the lack of security. This paper focuses on contracts concluded by young people using electronic payment methods and takes special notice of contracts concluded by children. Observation of the modes of functioning in virtual reality suggests looking at creating profiles on community portals and the consequences of concluding such an agreement. Data provided for registration purposes by users of offered services is used in other processes. The scope of the analysis shows that we should supervise the activity in the network of young people and educate children how to use the Internet wisely.