To investigate whether the sampling theorem was fulfilled up to now in experimental and clinical EEG-mapping of neonates and to determine the „smearing effect” of EEG transmission by the leading media up to the skin, EEG-maps from 5 slightly anaesthetized term newborn piglets and 8 healthy human newborns were calculated. A spatial sampling rate of 1-2 cycles per cm is necessary for a sufficient reproduction of surface EEG topology in newborn piglets showing activity maxima within motor projection zones. In human neonates, 8-channel mapping gave insufficient results, whereas state and EEG pattern related 16-channel maps provided sufficiently constant, but not complete pattern. Simultaneous maps from epidural and epiossal, and epiossal, and surface recordings in newborn piglets showed only small „smearing” effects. We conclude, the more topical interpretation chances exist, like in neonates with smaller „smearing” effects of transmission media, the more complete uptake of original data for mapping is necessary. Up to now, it is done seldomly.
Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie zakresu sygnałów zapisywanych w rejestratorach prawnych używanych w kolejnictwie oraz ich interpretacji. W metodyce badawczej wykorzystano zarówno pomiary sygnałów w ramach testów przed eksploatacyjnych pojazdów kolejowych produkowanych w Newag SA, jak również późniejszą obserwację sygnałów podczas użytkowania. W wyniku finalnych analiz możliwe stało się wyszczególnienie sygnałów kluczowych dla bezpieczeństwa, jak również określenie ich prawidłowej interpretacji w odniesieniu analizowanego zdarzenia.
The aim of the article is to present the scope of signals recorded in event and data law recorders in railways and their interpretation. In the research methodology both signal measurements as part of pre-operational tests of railway vehicles manufactured by Newag SA as well as the subsequent observation of signals during operation were employed. The final analyses enabled the specification of safety-critical signals and determination of their correct interpretation relative to the analyzed event.
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