The term Advanced Persistent Threats (APT, APTs) has a relatively short history – originated in the United States’ government spheres and as such was referred to cyber attacks waged by a state actor. The emergence of such threats has been linked to the evolution of the hacker underground that took place after 2000. The activity of specialists swelling the Black Hat ranks had the nature of criminal offences, targeting data collected by corporations and state institutions. Despite a dozen or so years of experience with APTs, they continue to be a dynamic category of contemporary cyber security threats, with many evolving components beyond simple classification. Their unambiguous identification as a strictly separate type is obstructed mainly by the complex structure of such attacks, prompting analysts to locate them in a catalog containing various known vulnerabilities, mechanisms, cycles and variables. The analysis of the problem and the evolution of attacks to date has led to the hypothesis that Advanced Persistent Threats are now in the phase of their further modification and testing as a means of offensive action in inter-state and asymmetric conflicts. Armed forces and special services of states saw in them not only a tool per se to achieve economic and military advantage, but a theoretical basis for further research on the development of advanced cyber weapon.
The term Advanced Persistent Threats (APT, APTs) has a relatively short history – originated in the United States’ government spheres and as such was referred to cyber attacks waged by a state actor. The emergence of such threats has been linked to the evolution of the hacker underground that took place after 2000. The activity of specialists swelling the Black Hat ranks had the nature of criminal offences, targeting data collected by corporations and state institutions. Despite a dozen or so years of experience with APTs, they continue to be a dynamic category of contemporary cyber security threats, with many evolving components beyond simple classification. Their unambiguous identification as a strictly separate type is obstructed mainly by the complex structure of such attacks, prompting analysts to locate them in a catalog containing various known vulnerabilities, mechanisms, cycles and variables. The analysis of the problem and the evolution of attacks to date has led to the hypothesis that Advanced Persistent Threats are now in the phase of their further modification and testing as a means of offensive action in inter-state and asymmetric conflicts. Armed forces and special services of states saw in them not only a tool per se to achieve economic and military advantage, but a theoretical basis for further research on the development of advanced cyber weapon.
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In this article, the authors discuss the potential meaning and normative grasp of the term cyber weapon, which has been used in the public space in the context of the cyber-attack against the Rudolf and Stefanie Hospital in Benesov. In this respect, authors analyze details of the cyber incident to identify constitutive elements of a cyber weapon and a possibility of subsequent subsumption and application of the term cyber weapon in the Czech legal environment. As a part of the legal analysis, the authors try to deal with the situation that the Czech legal system not only does not know the concept but also does not envisage it and, in a large number of areas, does not allow for its application even through extensive legal interpretation, and therefore they focus on the criminal law as the most relevant branch for the given issue. The authors assess whether the criminal law consideration of advanced malware is desirable and offer several directions in which the subsumption and application can be considered, focusing primarily on the issue of the qualifying extension and regulatory completion of the qualified offence of unauthorized access to a computer system and the possibilities offered by the aggravating circumstances legislation. They conclude the article by an evaluation and recommendations for a future development.
V daném článku se autoři věnují potenciálnímu významu a normativnímu uchopení pojmu kybernetická zbraň, který byl použit ve veřejném prostoru v kontextu kybernetického útoku na Nemocnici Rudolfa a Stefanie v Benešově. V tomto ohledu analyzují detaily daného kybernetického incidentu za účelem identifikace konstitučních prvků kybernetické zbraně a možnosti následné subsumpce a aplikace daného pojmu v českém právním prostředí. V rámci právní analýzy, ve které se pokoušejí vyrovnat se situací, kdy český právní systém daný pojem nejen nezná, ale ani s ním nepočítá a ve velké části případů neumožňuje aplikaci ani prostřednictvím extenzivního výkladu, se nakonec zaměřují na problematiku trestního práva jakožto nejrelevantnějšího odvětví pro danou problematiku. V tomto prostředí pak hodnotí, zda je trestněprávní zohlednění pokročilých malwarů žádoucí, a nabízejí několik směrů, ve kterých je možné o dané subsumpci a aplikaci uvažovat, přičemž se především zaměřují na problematiku kvalifikačního rozšíření a regulatorního dotvoření kvalifikované skutkové podstaty neoprávněného přístupu k počítačovému systému a na možnosti, které nabízí právní úprava přitěžujících okolností. Celé pojednání uzavírají vyhodnocením a doporučením pro další vývoj.
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Artykuł stanowi wprowadzenie do tematyki dotyczącej oceny strategicznego znaczenia nowego rodzaju uzbrojenia – broni cybernetycznej. Autor charakteryzuje cyberprzestrzeń oraz definiuje broń cybernetyczną, a także określa kryteria kwalifikowania narzędzi cybernetycznych jako broni. Omawia zasadnicze cechy broni cybernetycznej wyróżniające ją spośród innych rodzajów uzbrojenia, dokonuje syntetycznej oceny uwarunkowań użycia cyberbroni oraz wskazuje jej wady i ograniczenia. Uwzględniając cechy i uwarunkowania użycia broni cybernetycznej, autor analizuje tego rodzaju uzbrojenie w kontekście jego oceny jako uzbrojenia strategicznego w odniesieniu do trzech zasadniczych funkcji broni strategicznej: odstraszania, nacisku (przymusu) oraz rażenia.
The article is an introduction to the subject of evaluating strategic importance of a new type of armament-cyber weapons. The author characterizes cyberspace, gives a definition of cyber weapons, and determines criteria of qualifying cyber tools as weapons. The article presents essential characteristics of cyber weapons that distinguish them from other types of armament, undertakes synthetic evaluation of the fac tors influencing the use of cyber weapons and points to their flaws and limitations. Considering the features and determinants of using cyber weapons, the author conducts an analysis of this type of armament in the context of its strategic value, with respect to three main functions of strategic arms: deterrence, exerted pressure (coercion) and striking capability.
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