W całym okresie istnienia obiektu technicznego, tj. w procesie projektowania, wytwarzania, eksploatacji i kasacji należy brać pod uwagę energochłonność skumulowaną. Energochłonność tę należy rozpatrywać jako strumień: nośników energii, materiałów i procesów pozyskiwania, środków trwałych oraz odtwarzania siły roboczej. Analiza tych procesów na przykładzie technicznych środków transportu wykazuje istotność poszczególnych strumieni energochłonności skumulowanej oraz korzyści energetyczne przy stosowaniu tej metody.
In the whole life of a technical object, it is in the process of its designing, making, use and withdrawal from use, the cumulative energy requirement must be taken under consideration. It should be regarded as a flow: of energy carriers, materials and gaining processes, of fixed assets and regaining of manpower. The analysis of those processes using the example of technical means of transport shows the importance of the flows of cumulative energy requirements and energetic advantages gained while using this method.
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After the array acoustic full wave train is decomposed by the mode decomposition method based on time domain, there is serious mode aliasing between each Intrinsic Mode Function(IMF), which leads to the reservoir fluid response of time– frequency characteristics of each Intrinsic Mode Function that is not obvious. To solve this problem, this paper explores and compares the effects of Empirical Mode Decomposition, Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition, Complementary Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition, and Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) in array acoustic full wave train decomposition, proves that using VMD method to decompose array acoustic full wave train has better effect, extracts the time–frequency distribution characteristics (including time edge, frequency edge and cumulative energy) of the first four full wave train Intrinsic Mode Functions, and analyzes response of time–frequency characteristics of Intrinsic Mode Functions on gas and water layers. The results show that the VMD decomposition can suppress the phenomenon of mode aliasing better, and each component represents different mode waves information in the full wave train. On features of time–frequency distribution, the peak arrival time and dominant frequency energy of IMF2, IMF3, and IMF4 show obvious response on the gas and water layer, and the cumulative energy of IMF2 and IMF3 components shows obvious response on the gas and water layer. Compared with the other three mode decomposition methods, the time–frequency characteristics of the Intrinsic Mode Function decomposed by VMD have an obvious response on the tight sandstone gas and water layer.
Przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń energochłonności skumulowanej produkcji pszenicy ozimej w wybranych gospodarstwach ekologicznych i konwencjonalnych na Opolszczyźnie. Wybór gospodarstw był zdeterminowany zakresem uzyskanych danych produkcyjnych oraz możliwością ich porównania. Obliczono nakład energii skumulowanej związanej z produkcją z jednostki powierzchni oraz z wartością kaloryczną plonu. Porównano nakład energii skumulowanej związanej z uprawą roli i siewem, zbiorem plonu i zagospodarowaniem słomy. W rachunku energetycznym uwzględniono pracę maszyn i zużycie paliwa, a także wszelkie inne zabiegi agrotechniczne odróżniające oba systemy produkcji. Uwzględniono sposoby przygotowania gleby, wykorzystane maszyny i ich parametry techniczne. Wzięto pod uwagę nawozy zarówno naturalne, jak i mineralne. W rachunku energetycznym uwzględniono także zastosowane w gospodarstwach konwencjonalnych środki ochrony roślin. W porównaniach wzięto pod uwagę uśrednione, z obu typów gospodarstw, wartości nakładów oraz zebranych plonów i osiągniętych efektów energetycznych.
This article present the results of calculations of cumulative energy in winter wheat production in selected organic and conventional farms in the Opole region. Selection of farms was determined by the range of the obtained production data and the possibility of comparison. The cumulative energy input associated with the production per unit of area and the calorific value of yield was calculated. The cumulative energy input associated with the cultivation of the soil and sowing, harvest collection and disposal of straw was compared. The calculation took into account the energy to run the machines and fuel consumption, as well as any other agricultural practices that distinguish the two production systems. The methods of preparing the soil, used machines and their specifications were included. Fertilizers were taken into account, both natural and mineral. The calculation also took into account the energy used in pesticides. The comparison took into account the average results of the two types of farms, quantities of harvests and achieved energetic result.
Oxy-fuel combustion (OFC) belongs to one of the three commonly known clean coal technologies for power generation sector and other industry sectors responsible for CO2 emissions (e.g., steel or cement production). The OFC capture technology is based on using high-purity oxygen in the combustion process instead of atmospheric air. Therefore flue gases have a high concentration of CO2 - Due to the limited adiabatic temperature of combustion some part of CO2 must be recycled to the boiler in order to maintain a proper flame temperature. An integrated oxy-fuel combustion power plant constitutes a system consisting of the following technological modules: boiler, steam cycle, air separation unit, cooling water and water treatment system, flue gas quality control system and CO2 processing unit. Due to the interconnections between technological modules, energy, exergy and ecological analyses require a system approach. The paper present the system approach based on the 'input-output' method to the analysis of the: direct energy and material consumption, cumulative energy and exergy consumption, system (local and cumulative) exergy losses, and thermoecological cost. Other measures like cumulative degree of perfection or index of sustainable development are also proposed. The paper presents a complex example of the system analysis (from direct energy consumption to thermoecological cost) of an advanced integrated OFC power plant.
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