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World War One in East Prussia, which means Russian invasion between August 1914 and February 1915, drew the attention of the German public to this theatre of war. On the example of many texts which were regarded “authentic” one can demonstrate how strong the influence of the language was in the context of the war hysteria and propaganda. In this way next to the existing reality an alternative, invented reality was created which could not be ignored. Eyewitness accounts, false stories about the atrocities of war and propaganda lies existed in the gray area of the communication sphere in which authenticity and fiction were indistinguishable.
In the field on mass/popular culture theory one can distinguish two different aproaches – according to the first of them, culture is a tool of social control and the source of profit (this two functions can complement each other); according to the second, popular culture is a semiotic battlefield, where one can produce also opposite and subversive meanings. In this article I’m setting myself two goals. In the first part of the text I’ll compare two foregoing traditions. In the further parts I’ll confront the following question: can this two theories help us to understand the possibilities of emancipatory subjects in contemporary world? Because the emancipatory and opposite functions of popular culture are emphasized mainly by members of the second tradition, I’ll concentrate here primarily on their views.
It has been two decades since Słownik literatury popularnej edited by Tadeusz Żabski and the monography of Anna Martuszewska on the meaning of popular literature were published, and we are today pleased to notice that “the third kind” has not only provided space for scientific discourse, but has also become one of the leading objects of reflection and didactics in the academic world. Despite constant efforts to build coherent and possibly capacious methodological apparatus to study popular literature, it is still hard to find a universal key to conducting research in this scope. This certainly is a consequence of reaching out to various disciplines and instruments developed by various methodologies, enforced by broad spectrum of influence of popular literature: from the text itself to all kinds of artistic forms (graphic arts, comics, cinema, media, new media) and cultural practices (ritualization, theater, performance). One of the research proposals is cultural comparability, enrooted in the American school of comparative study, which analyses the text within its entire cultural image. The point of interest is the moment of “reading” literary, cultural phenomena as well as other human activities in the world, based on their interactions. Comparability uses tools developed on the grounds of post-structural literary studies to confront the text with other cultural narratives, thus opening it in a discursive manner to other than literary interpretative contexts, which manifest their creative power and vitality.
nr 4
The article presents the results of research conducted in the master degree thesis, prepared at the Institute of Theory of Literature, Theatre and Audiovisual Arts, University of Lodz, under the supervision of prof. Assoc. Jarosław Płuciennik. First I present a theoretical and methodological frame of analysis of the text (especially taken form cognitive psychology of concepts: category, categorization, prototype and similarity), the second I present interpretation of terminology in relation to the concept genre and based on it doing a cognitive analysis such categories as: epic poem, heroic poetry or monk heroic poetry, based on Trans-Atlantyk by Witold Gombrowicz. The summary is an attempt to reference the conclusions derived from the analysis to the debate on the nature of the two aestethic categories – ‘style’ and ‘stylization’. These concepts are not – I suppose – immanent properties of the text, but mental constructs, first existing on mind of cognizing person. The cognitive methodology allows this aspect capture and describe.
This paper assesses the works of Professor Alexandr Stich (1934–2003) devoted to the literature of the Early Modern era (especially the Baroque). This influential literary historian, linguist and textual critic turned his attention to Baroque literature mainly after 1989, and it remained at the centre of his interest until his death. The article delineates the various areas of Stich’s research into 16th–18th century literature (evaluative surveys, synthetic studies, interpretations of individual works, studies of motifs manifesting themselves in various eras of literary history). The author analyzes Stich’s ‘linguistic-literary’ method which combines literary history with linguistic methodology, placing it in the context of traditional philological research and studies of literary stylistics. Stich’s focus on the interpretation of texts and his analysis of key motifs of Baroque literature is assessed alongside his application of newer trends incorporating the external contexts of literary works (cultural studies, New Historicism).
Content available Nauki o kulturze jako nauki podstawowe (i krytyczne)
nr 1(15)
The text defi nes such notions as culture, cultural studies, fundamental sciences, and culturalism. It argues that cultural studies are fundamental sciences in three important senses: 1) theoretical (the object of research of science has its inevitable cultural dimension), 2) practical (the ability to manipulate signs, symbols, information and other products of culture is crucial in the age of cognitive capitalism), and also 3) axiological (in the context of contemporary ecological risks we cannot aim at further conquest of Nature, but we should rather try to understand mechanisms shaping various spheres of culture: economics, religion, tradition, art, politics and science).
The paper is a concise review of the reception of Rabindranath Tagore in Spain and the crucial role played by the Spanish writer Juan Ramón Jiménez and his wife Zenobia Camprubí in promoting the poetry of the “great Bard of Bengal,” not only in Spain but in the whole Spanish‑speaking world, with their marvelous translations produced mostly between 1913 and 1922. The piece describes how biographical factors (the couple’s own love story), literary contexts (the search for a new lyrical voice in Spanish poetry after modernism) and the progressive intellectual and political milieu of the first decades of the twentieth century converged in the unique response Tagore received in Spain, though he never visited the country. It also analyses why the admiration for Tagore persisted for decades even after the changes brought by Franco’s regime.
Content available remote Berlin Symposium on Post-culturalist Art History
‘Post-culturalist art history’ doesn’t take for granted the ontological fact of culture as the context and content in dealing with the concrete material things and aesthetic practices which make up the putative ‘objects’ of art history. And therefore it doesn’t take for granted the epistemological primacy of cultural history in interpretation and explanation of its objects. It means offering a nontautological analysis of the social emergence and partial consolidation of visual culture, including traditions of pictorial art. What this analysis claims and does in its terms and details is less important than the very fact of a strenuous effort to provide it. Precisely because post-culturalist thinking doesn’t take for granted the fact of culture and the primacy of cultural history, potentially it can situate itself in productive and practical ways in relation to non-cultural inquiries in art history and in studies of art. The present essays began as presentations given at a symposium organized by Jakub Stejskal at the Dahlem Humanities Center, Freie Universität Berlin, in April 2016.
The aim of this paper is to characterize and dispute the cultural stereotypes and prejudices against the Indians depicted in the writings of Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936), one of the most popular British novelists of the Victorian era. The starting point for these reflections is George Orwell’s essay in which he describes Kipling as a racist and imperialist as well as a morally insensitive and aesthetically disgusting figure. To verify this view the present author undertakes an analysis of the cultural stereotypes and prejudices embedded in the selected novels by Kipling. In reconsidering Kipling’s works, she traces the connections between his own world-view and the negative reception of Indians within the Anglo-Indian community by which he was largely shaped. The paper concludes by supporting Orwell’s criticism and demonstrating how Kipling reinforced the stereotype of an Indian, thus reflecting the cultural cliché widespread among the xenophobic and conservative Anglo-Indians in the 19th century
tom 55
nr 2-3
The phenomenon of publication, in the same year, of two books having identical titles, is enough to study the theory presented therein. Both books feature the notion of culture, which was broadly elaborated by both authors: Antonina Kłoskowska and Raymond Williams already in their earlier analyses. It turns out, however, that no matter the title of a book interesting to us, culture is tackled differently in both of them. Williams seems to keep using anthropological definition of culture, while Kłoskowska suggests sociological approach. A reflection on culture by the English academic has shaped the character of British cultural studies and their subsequent follow-ups around the world. A question arises, to what extent the sociological approach by Kłoskowska may give impetus to cultural research in Poland, especially when symbolic culture appears beyond the principle of autotelism.
Niniejszy Wstęp do Roczników Humanistycznych, zeszyt Neofilologia, otwiera krótki opis historii kolokwiów dla doktorantów i habilitantów niderlandystów Europy Centralnej. Do tej pory tego typu kolokwia odbywały się kolejno: w 2006 r. w Bratysławie, w 2008 r. we Wrocławiu, w 2010 r. w Ołomuńcu, w 2014 r. w Budapeszcie, a w 2016 r. w Lublinie. Z ponad 40 wygłoszonych w Lublinie referatów prawie połowa — 19 zostało wybranych do tego wydania, w tym 11 napisanych przez doktorantów, a 8 przez habilitantów. Siedmioro doktorantów (Marcel Ištván, Jana Kijonková, Markéta Kluková, Martin Konvička, Marta Kostelecká, Beata Sprawka i Kaloyan Velikov) zaprezentowało referaty językoznawcze. Pozostałe 4 referaty doktorantów miały różny zakres: Milan Potočar mówił o ocenie tłumaczeń prawnych, Adéla Elbel i Albert Gielen — o tematach literaturoznawczych. Mieke Langenberg mówila o roli historii programu nauczania języka niderlandzkiego wśród studentów obcojęzycznych. Pięcioro habilitantów (Pavlína Knap-Dlouhá, Agata Kowalska-Szubert, Milan Kříž, Muriel Waterlot i Katarzyna Wiercińska) również prezentowało swoje referaty w zakresie językoznawstwa. Trzy habilitantki (Małgorzata Dowlaszewicz, Małgorzata Drwal i Anna Sikora-Sabat) wybrały tematy literaturoznawcze lub też kulturoznawcze. W zeszycie wszystkie teksty zostały pogrupowane tematycznie: językoznawstwo, językoznawstwo stosowane, literaturoznawstwo oraz kulturoznawstwo i glottodydaktyka. Referaty były recenzowane przez następujące osoby: Wilken Engelbrecht, Jan Pekelder, Agnes Sneller, Cor van Bree, Folkert Kuiken i Gábor Pusztai. Pierwsze trzy wyżej wymienione osoby oceniały referaty również podczas kolokwium, pozostali zostali poproszeni o zrecenzowanie artykułów. Kolokwium odbyło się dzięki dotacjom uzyskanym z Niderlandzkiej Unii Językowej (Nederlandse Taalunie), publikacja natomiast była możliwa dzięki Katolickiemu Uniwersytetowi Lubelskiemu Jana Pawła II.
The prologue to this issue of Roczniki Humanistyczne, series Neofilologia opens with a short survey of Central European colloquia of Ph.D. students and candidates for a habilitation in Dutch Studies. Thus far such colloquia have been held in 2006 (Bratislava), 2008 (Wrocław), 2010 (Olomouc), 2014 (Budapest) and 2016 (Lublin). From more than 40 papers, half of them, 19 have been selected for this issue, 11 written by Ph.D. students and 8 by habilitandi. Seven Ph.D. students (Marcel Ištván, Jana Kijonková, Markéta Kluková, Martin Konvička, Marta Kostelecká, Beata Sprawka and Kaloyan Velikov) had linguistic papers. The other four Ph.D. papers had a different scope: Milan Potočar on assessment of juridical translations, Adéla Elbel and Albert Gielen on literary themes and Mieke Langenberg on the role of history in the curriculum of foreign students of Dutch. Five habilitandi (Pavlína Knap-Dlouhá, Agata Kowalska-Szubert, Milan Kříž, Muriel Waterlot and Katarzyna Wiercińska) had a linguistic theme as well. Three habilitandi (Małgorzata Dowlaszewicz, Małgorzata Drwal and Anna Sikora-Sabat) choose literary or cultural themes. In this issue, all articles have been thematically grouped: Linguistics, Practical Linguistics, Literary Science and Cultural Studies and Glottodidactics. The papers were reviewed by Wilken Engelbrecht, Jan Pekelder, Agnes Sneller, Cor van Bree, Folkert Kuiken and Gábor Pusztai. The first three were assessors during the colloquium as well, the others were asked as external reviewers for this publication. The colloquium was made possible by a subvention of the Nederlandse Taalunie (Dutch Language Union), the publication by the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.
Artykuł przedstawia propozycję badań „świata w ruchu”, którą autor nazywa nomadologią pretekstową. Diagnoza zmienności wszelkich form kulturowych oraz nomadyczna wędrówka wartości z nimi związanych, w połączeniu z nadmiarowością potencjalnej wiedzy o świecie (logorea „słowoobrazów”), zmusza dzisiaj badaczy do przyjęcia strategii opisu świata, która jest w stanie tę zmienność uchwycić. Nomadyzm jako cecha współczesności ma wiele oblicz. Autor opowiada się za jedną z jego wersji, wskazując, w jaki sposób antropologia, literatura i fenomenologia mogą stanowić podstawowe i połączone sposoby wglądu w tę rzeczywistość. Pisanie nomadyczne polega na tym, że nie mamy w nim do czynienia z trafnymi i nietrafnymi interpretacjami, ale sama interpretacja zmienia naturę, stając się sztuką oceny, sztuką myślenia, jest rozgałęzieniem tekstu na zewnątrz - ku światu w ruchu.
The paper presents a project of studying “the world in motion,” which the author calls pretext nomadology. The diagnosis of the diverse changes of cultural forms and the nomadic journeys of the values connected with them, in addition to the surplus of potential knowledge about the world (logorrhea of words and images), forces modern scholars to adopt a strategy of describing the world that will enable to capture these changes. As a characteristic of modernity, nomadism has many faces. The author focuses on one of its versions, showing how anthropology, literature and phenomenology can become basic and interconnected ways of exploring this reality. The idea of nomadic writing is based on the notion that there are neither correct nor incorrect interpretations, but that the act of interpretation changes nature and becomes an art of evaluation, and art of thinking, an expansion of the text to the outside - to the world in motion.
Artykuł stanowi recenzję księgi jubileuszowej dedykowanej prof. Franciszkowi Apanowiczowi z okazji jubileuszu 70-lecia urodzin pt. pod redakcją Diany Oboleńskiej i in., wydaną w Gdańsku w 2014 roku.
Istnieje wiele szkół, orientacji i strategii poznawczych rozwijanych na gruncie współczesnych studiów kulturowych, których celem jest zbliżenie do właściwego zrozumienia istoty i przejawów kultury. Niezależnie od ich dokonań ciągle aktualne pozostają pytania o sposób rozumienia ich celu, metody, ale wszelako i przedmiotu. Podobnie ciągle istotnym pozostaje zagadnienie, w jaki sposób pytania te odnoszą się do podstawowych atrybutów natury ludzkiej i tego, co nazywamy człowieczeństwem. Ciągłej refleksji wymagają także ograniczenia, jakie na drodze do ich poznania stwarzają nam warunki naszego bytowania, używane metody, role i wzorce naszej wrażliwości, ale także różne rodzaje redukcjonizmów, które hamują poznawcze i osobowe potencjały naszego rozwoju. Niniejszy artykuł opisuje niektóre rodzaje ontologicznych, antropologicznych, strukturalnych i osobowych redukcji we współczesnych analizach kultury oraz ich konsekwencje, szczególnie wtedy, gdy instrumenty tych analiz zastępują ich obiekty, kiedy takie wartości jak mądrość traktujemy jak wiedzę, prawdę – jako umowę, odpowiedzialność – jako pragmatykę, piękno – jako doświadczenie i kiedy, na koniec tego procesu, wszystkie te wartości sprowadzamy do systemu informacji, wizerunków i wrażeń.
There are many approaches and schools, so many research orientations and strategies, which are aimed at bringing us closer to understanding the nature of culture and cultural studies. Regardless of this, the basic and for the most part still unanswered questions, continued to be valid: How do we understand the subject of these studies? What are the motives behind pursuing them? How do we integrate the reflection, knowledge and study with the more broadly understood human cognitive and cultural activity? How will the study allows us to overcome the constraints of time, space and patterns of our own cultures, methods, professional roles, canons of sensitivity and imaginations, but also different kinds of reductions and make it possible to increase the potential of its development? This article describes some kinds of ontological, anthropological, structural and personal types of reductions in contemporary cultural analyses and their consequences, especially when the instruments of the study displace their objects, when such values like wisdom we treat as knowledge, truth as agreement, responsibility as pragmatism, beauty as a kind of experience, and in the final of the process, all these values we reduce to information, images and impressions.
Content available remote Historie v uvozovkách : K myšlení Marjorie Garberové
The article presents an analysis of the scholarly traits of Marjorie Garber (b. 1944) and introduces her key works. It focuses on the methodological aspects of her position in cultural studies, feminism, and new historicism, and also considers the assumptions of these humanities in their correspondences and conflicts. The cornerstones of the analysis turn out to be the possibility of an alliance between psychoanalytical and deconstructivist starting points and Garber´s conceptions of history, transhistoricity, and quotability.
Artykuł stanowi recenzję księgi jubileuszowej dedykowanej prof. Janinie Bartoszewskiej z okazji jubileuszu 70-lecia urodzin i 45-lecia pracy naukowo-dydaktycznej pt. Od dźwięku do słowa i jeszcze dalej pod redakcją naukową Katarzyny Wojan i Ewy Konefał, wydaną w Gdańsku w 2013 roku.
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