In the article the attention is concentrated on the culture as a complex polysyllabic phenomenon. Education is regarded as one of the culture phenomenon. Three trends in analysis of interaction culture and education studied in scientific researches are revealed. The interdependence of culture and education is determined. The analysis of modern understanding of education has been done. The interpretation of person as a middleman between culture and education and using of the conception «person of culture» is motivated.
The article briefly presents a series of problems discussed in the dissertation entitled Свето и пропадљиво. Тело у српској хагиографској књижевности (Holy and Worldly. Body in Serbian Hagiographic Literature) by Smilja Marjanović-Dušanić. Dedicated to a wide professional and non-professional audience, the book in question is a significant scientific work since it refers not only to the historical, but also to the anthropological and culturological description related to the activity of decoding of such essential socio-cultural category like body. Considered as a highly complex phenomenon, body is a sign generated by the realm of various traditions and discourses which render different cultural modes or primary and secondary contexts; it might be also conceived as a distinctive signature of given time-space, community and cultural system. It will not be an exaggeration to say that the dissertation is an extremely interesting and indeed outstanding study of the subject which impresses with its high cognitive value and research rank. What is more, it offers a serious and objective view of the convoluted and multidimensional cultural phenomenon and identity construct.
The article presents contradictory opinions about Jadwiga Łuszczewska (Deotyma) and her artistic works expressed by her contemporaries and future generations. These opinions are contrasted with the image of the poet that emerges from her "Pamiętniki 1834-1897" ["Memoir 1834-1897"]. Selected critical comments are set in the cultural context of the time (for example the phenomenon of poetical improvisation and a literary salon) and also set against certain biographical information. An attempt has been made to indicate possible reasons for enormous fascination, intense dislike or treatment with condescension that Deotyma herself and her controversial life choices arouse.
In the 1970s, retro fashion came to Poland from the West. It concerned recalling the interwar years with nostalgia in film, television and fashion. Its adoption was possible due to political and socio-demographic changes. In Poland, retro fashion was correlated with a specific fashion for the past, which involved full ennoblement of the nobility culture in the media. What is worth noting is that this fashion for the interwar period and nobility was not only eagerly adopted by the general public, but was also used politically to the legitimization of power. There were also attempts by some of the government apparatus to “attach themselves to the historical class”.
W latach siedemdziesiątych XX wieku do Polski dotarła z Zachodu moda retro. Dotyczyła ona przypominania z nostalgią w filmie, telewizji i modzie lat międzywojennych. Jej przyjęcie było możliwe za sprawą zmian politycznych i społeczno-demograficznych. W Polsce moda retro skorelowana była ze specyficzną modą na dawność, dotyczącą pełnej nobilitacji w mediach kultury szlacheckiej. Co warto zauważyć, owa moda na dwudziestolecie i szlacheckość nie tylko była z chęcią przyjmowana przez ogół społeczeństwa, lecz także była wykorzystywana politycznie dla pewnej legitymizacji władzy. Pojawiły się też próby „podwiązania się do klasy historycznej” przez część aparatu władzy.
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