A LINGUISTIC IMAGE OF THE WORLD OF THE RURAL COMMUNITY SOLIDIFIED IN POSSESSIVE TERRAIN NAMES (EXEMPLIFIED BY MICROTOPONYMS OF TRUSKOLASY NEAR CZĘSTOCHOWA AND NEIGHBORING VILLAGES) The article is an attempt to reconstruct a linguistic image of the world of the rural community solidified in possessive terrain names. A collection of 110 microtoponyms was analyzed (along with their morphological justifications, indicated by respondents), which were collected from the area of Truskolasy near Częstochowa and neighboring villages. Names distinguished in the material studied were, among others, those motivated by anthroponyms, by the ethnicity and religion of the owner, and also by historical legal-proprietary relations. Designations of a possessive nature record, among other things, the need to emphasize the ownership of a physiographic object by the individual, and in addition expose the popular opposition we/they. Possessive terrain names commemorate the history of the “small fatherland,” which has particular value for members of the microcommunity studied and makes up an important component of their identity.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza chrematonimów w realiach historycznych oraz ich roli jako symboli tożsamości kulturowej. Omawiane w tekście niemieckojęzyczne chrematonimy z okresu Wolnego Miasta Gdańska (WMG) 1920–1939 nie były dotąd przedmiotem analizy kulturowej. Podstawę podziału i analizy chrematonimów wyekscerpowanych na potrzeby niniejszego artykułu z druków ulotnych WMG stanowi model badawczy Artura Gałkowskiego (2011) wraz z podziałem chrematonimów w funkcji kulturowo-użytkowej na chrematonimy marketingowe, społecznościowe i ideacyjne. Analiza wykazała, iż nazwy zakodowane w drukach ulotnych są odzwierciedleniem obrazu otaczającego świata mieszkańców WMG oraz utrwalonym symbolem ich tożsamości kulturowej.
The aim of the following article is the analysis of chrematonyms in historical reality and of their role as the symbols of cultural identity. The German language chrematonyms from the period of the Free City of Danzig covered in the following article have not been the object of the cultural analysis so far. The basis of the division and analysis of chrematonyms excerpted on the needs of the following article from the advertisement prints of the Free City of Danzig is constituted by the research model by Gałkowski (2011) together with the division of chrematonyms into marketing chrematonyms, social chrematonyms and idea-creating chrematonyms in the culturally usable function. The analysis showed that names coded in advertisement prints mirror the surrounding world of the inhabitants of the Free City of Danzig and create a fixed symbol of their cultural identity.
The main purpose of this article is an attempt at the description of the role of roadside shrines and crosses in geographical names. The study encompasses more than 1,000 microtoponyms collected in the years 2011–2017 in the area around the village of Wręczyca Wielka near Kłobuck (Silesian voivodeship). The analysis also offers a justification for the onyms, as well as stories and legends elicited during informal conversations with the middle and the oldest generation of inhabitants of the explored area. The author uses the research tools of cultural onomastics.The objects of sacral architecture which appear in geographical names frequently have a number of functions. Mostly, roadside shrines and crosses help to locate or mark fields, meadows, forests and paths. Furthermore, the data that shed light on the motivation of microtoponyms document the relationship between the abovementioned examples of sacral architecture with the surrounding physiographic objects, highlighting the role of these forms in folk culture. Both roadside crosses and shrines commemorate past events and preserve the elements of rural customs. The few specimens of sacral architecture functioning as the motivation for microtoponyms also confirm the fact that, for the oldest generation of village inhabitants, religion is still one of the most important values.
Głównym celem artykułu jest próba określenia roli kapliczek i krzyży przydrożnych w nazwach terenowych. Przykładowy materiał badawczy stanowi ponad 1000 mikrotoponimów zgromadzonych w trakcie prowadzenia badań terenowych (2011-2017) na obszarze gminy Wręczyca Wielka w powiecie kłobuckim, w województwie śląskim. Do analizy włączono również uzasadnienia nazwotwórcze poszczególnych onimów oraz podania, historie i legendy, które uzyskano podczas prowadzenia nieoficjalnych rozmów z przedstawicielami średniego i najstarszego pokolenia mieszkańców eksplorowanej gminy. W artykule wykorzystano narzędzia badawcze onomastyki kulturowej. Małe obiekty architektury sakralnej, które pojawiają się w nazwach terenowych, pełnią często po kilka ról. Najczęściej krzyże i kapliczki przydrożne są lokalizatorami, względem których desygnuje się pola, łąki, lasy, dukty itp. Ponadto „dane przyjęzykowe” zawarte w uzasadnieniach nazwotwórczych mikrotoponimów dokumentują związek małych form architektury sakralnej z okolicznymi obiektami fizjograficznymi i uwypuklają rolę tych form w kulturze ludowej. I tak krzyże i kapliczki przydrożne upamiętniają dawne wydarzenia oraz utrwalają elementy wiejskiej obyczajowości. Małe obiekty architektury sakralnej wpisane w mikrotoponimy potwierdzają również to, że dla najstarszego pokolenia mieszkańców współczesnej wsi religia wciąż stanowi jedną z najwyższych wartości.
The author analyses onymic practices of Poznań–based craftsmen forming guilds. In the names of the inhabitants of Poznań, which stabilised until the end of the 18th century, she seeks traces of the so-called cognomens, i.e. secondary personal designations granted to apprentices who were becoming masters. The names resulted from community acts of creation, which were of ludic nature. Referring to German onymic practices and pointing to the so-called Schleifnamen, the author discusses specific codes of European middle-class culture. She focuses on the transfer of models and patterns to Polish urban communities.
The paper deals with geographical names in Silesia deriving from the names of tree species. An analysis of the names derived from appellatives, allows for a reconstruction of the categorization methods of the world, anthropological conceptualization, and a popular image of reality. Name creators choose names derived from the appellatives which are for certain reasons important and valuable for them, from the existing collection of names. For example, the following names of trees and shrubs become a productive toponymic base: oak, birch, alder; they belong to the basic categorization level and are important for the rural community due to their usable and practical significance (in construction and economy), as well as medicinal and ritual-religious significance. Suffixes, fulfilling the function of creating new words and names, indicate the methods of categorization; they draw attention to categories such as collectivity (e.g. Dębie, Buken), size (Brzezinke, Grabinka), description of the object (Lipica, Birkberg), place and direction (Na Jedlinie, Do Dęba).
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