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Content available Logistic support of cultural heritage evacuation
Cultural heritage is irrecoverable treasure of every nation; it indicates the development of community and demonstrates its cultural level and education. Reasons of damage or cultural heritage devastation vary: threats can be caused by anthropogenic or environmental affects, war conflict, terrorist attacks, etc. Cultural heritage protection is included into the Constitution as well as into further legislative acts and standards. Evacuation of movable cultural heritage is one way of its protection; there are high requirements for professional preparation as well as competent and complex logistic support.
In Polish conditions and relatively poor condition of public finances, funding protection of monuments is also made with a significant share of funds from the European Union A good example of such is the funding under the Regional Operational Programmes of individual provinces. This article attempts to present the role of Regional Operational Program in the system of financing the protection of monuments in Poland, activities related to the protection of cultural heritage and to present the project of monument protection funded by Regional Operational Program of the Opole Voivodeship. The cultural heritage of a nation in the form of material and intangible heritage of previous generations is a key to building national identity, because without it teaching respect for tradition and culture would be impossible. However, in a market economy cultural heritage in the form of monuments should be treated also as a factor supporting regional development. Presented policy on the use of funds for activities related to the protection of cultural heritage, protection of monuments and the funds allocated for this purpose that EU funds, especially the Regional Operational Program, will not replace the system of financing these activities from public funds, which is administered by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, but they can be a good complement to this system.
Since the transition period of the 1990s, historic relics have been exposed to multiple threats. The following case study of Łódź illustrates the general need for a change of approach towards cultural legacy management, especially in reference to more common heritage elements which are not under hard protection.
tom Z. 30
Elementy samoidentyfikacji są składnikiem kulturowo uwarunkowanej przestrzeni architektonicznej. Przedmiotem analizy w niniejszym artykule są jednak jedynie elementy definiujące przynależność religijną lub świadomie wyrażające uczucia religijne: ograniczenie wynika z tematyki konferencji i podkreśla decydującą rolę, jaką wyznaczniki tożsamości religijnej odgrywają w całokształcie systemu samoidentyfikacji jednostki na obszarze pogranicza kultur. W pracy dokonano selekcji i wybrano elementy samoidentyfikacji w taki sposób, aby ukazać i podkreślić różnorodność kultur, postaw i metod samoidentyfikacji osiąganych za pomocą działań kształtujących przestrzeń. Potraktowano skrótowo elementy powszechnie znane (świątynie, krzyże), uwypuklono zaś artefakty i działania przestrzenne pomijane we wcześniejszych opracowaniach, a także te, które wprawdzie są charakterystyczne nie-raz nawet dość powszechne), ale nie były zauważane ani szczegółowo badane. analizy potwierdziły trwałość i zróżnicowanie lokalnych, identyfikujących elementów sakrosfery.
Some architectural and spatial artefacts can be perceived as marks of faith identity. They play a significant role on multiethnic, multi-religious and generally, on multi-cultural territories. A few Polish researchers call them as elements of a "sacrosphere". A number of examples on Eastern territories of Białystok region are taken under consideration in this paper, in order to show how the strong heterogeneity of local culture touches both architecture and space. It is concluded that the local sacrosphere still includes elements and signs reflecting the very past. The contemporary sacrosphere has very deep prechristian roots, that are still active and vivid, although they have been mixed with modern catholic or orthodox tradition.
The current municipal historical policy of Gdańsk focuses on the realization of two crucial museum undertakings purported to be a unique materialization of the city’s cultural heritage. Their underlying narration, which is told from the European perspective, bases on two great events of the 20th century and seems to disregard the cultural heritage encoded in the urban structure of downtown Gdańsk. But it is precisely this specific urban structure that exerts the strongest influence on the local identity of Gdańsk citizens and the quality of their life. So far the discourse on architecture in Gdańsk has been shaped by the dualistic debate between “tradition" and “modernity” founded on the division into prewar and post-war accomplishments. This relation does not take full advantage of the possible ways of reading the cultural heritage of Gdańsk and should be replaced by at least three narrations: the historic city, Prussian Danzig and Polish Gdańsk. Only a properly deciphered cultural heritage of the urban complex of downtown Gdańsk can serve as a foundation for outlining a new and more mature municipal and spatial policy of Gdańsk.
The development of the information society contributes to the emergence of new forms of participation in culture and tourism, also in cultural tourism. One of these forms are virtual museums, as a tool of sharing and disseminating cultural heritage to a wide audience. Digitalization of the museum collections and creating digital repositories are indicated as important actions in national programs of heritage protection and development strategies of cultural institutions. The aim of the article was to present the essence of solutions, which are virtual museums in the promotion and sharing of cultural heritage and location them among existing tourist values. The article refers to examples of two projects: the Virtual Museums of Małopolska and Virtual Museums of Podkarpacie. Application of information and communication technologies in the cultural sector is an important area of social policy and one of the directions of the development of contemporary cultural tourism. The result is also creation of a new tourist attraction, encouraging to visit not only the virtual collections but also the place or region.
Content available remote Dziedzictwo kulturowe Wielkopolski
The author discusses three selected elements of the cultural heritage of Greater Poland which can and should help the society of this region to cope with the challenges of the 21st century. He shows the role of Greater Poland in the cultural transfer from West European countries over a millennium of Polish history, from the reception of Christianity in the year 966 up to the 20th century. The second element of the cultural heritage of Greater Poland consists in the traditions of a civil society. In the 19th and the first half of the 20th century in this area a more modern society was shaped compared to other parts of Poland, a society aware of its goals and the advantages that follow from collective action. The opportunity to enhance the habit and skills of continued activity based on a thorough analysis of social needs and implementation of rational measures to deal with them gave rise in the 1830s to a gradually developed system of Polish economic, social, educational and other organizations which were only dismantled by the communist authorities in the first years after the Second World War. The third of the selected elements of the cultural heritage of Greater Poland described by the author is the contribution made to the region’s economic, social and cultural development by German settlers arriving in waves since the 13th century, as well as Jews, the Czech Brothers and other refugees from Bohemia and Moravia who arrived in large numbers in the second half of the 16th century.
Content available remote Zasoby kulturowe rejonu wielkopolskich parków krajobrazowych
Landscape parks are protected areas because of their natural, historical and cultural values, as well as for landscape features. Nowadays there are 13 landscape parks, which possess both significant natural and cultural potential. The aim of this paper is to preliminary analyse the possibilities of cultural-natural tourism development of landscape parks in Wielkopolska surroundings. The cultural resources which exist on gmina areas where the parks are located has been examined. Total 44 gminas of Wielkopolskie voivodeship have been evaluated. The results of this study show that there are more than 1 thousand cultural heritage facilities in the research area. The most numerous are palace complexes and manor houses, residential buildings and sacral objects.
The necessity to protect contemporary cultural properties was implemented by the provisions of the Polish Law of Spatial Planning and Development of 2 March 2003. Lack of detailed provisions regarding that issue causes the necessity to introduce uniform principles of identification and protection of valuable landmarks. Our analysis of the cultural property definition and the examples of present planning solutions indicates the problems associated with the selection and protection of the objects that may constitute contemporary cultural properties.
The article presents the possible directions of management of cultural heritage objects (CHO) and identifies potential areas and range of impact effects based on the above resources. The second part of the article presents a general summary of the analysis and assessments which potentially can be used for a survey of the socio-economic impact of these projects on local and regional development.
Content available Gry komputerowe jako dziedzictwo kulturowe
The aim of the article is to discuss the challenges of computer games preservation as a cultural heritage, focusing on the Polish perspective. Computer games are predominantly perceived as ‘new media’, despite the fact that their history dates back to the mid-20th century. It is important to understand that not only the early computer games are already ‘old media’ but all the digital games are. They may be perceived as ‘dying media’ vulnerable to unprecedented obsolescence. The article explores the consequences of digital decay and the notion of original experience in the context of conservation strategies. It suggests that there is still a need for a more conscious inclusion of computer games within the agenda of the Polish heritage institutions.
Plan generalny Torunia z 1935 r. opracowany pod kierunkiem Ignacego Felicjana Tłoczka, architekta, jest wyrazem myśli polskiej szkoły urbanistów, uformowanej w okresie międzywojennym i nadal aktualnej w postrzeganiu idei zrównoważonego rozwoju miast. Założenia planu wynikały z rzesłanek społecznych, ekonomicznych, przyrodniczych i kulturowych, a jego koncepcja i późniejsza realizacja, wyrażona w integracji przestrzennej dzielnic, przebudowie układu komunikacyjnego, poszanowaniu dziedzictwa kulturowego i krajobrazu miasta a także w rozwoju budownictwa mieszkaniowego, mogą być rozumiane dzisiaj jako działanie na rzecz miasta zwartego oraz rewitalizacji obszarów śródmiejskich. Plan ten był nie tylko projektem urbanistycznym, ale i przykładem spójnej polityki miejskiej, tworzonej przez władze miasta, urbanistów i architektów.
The master plan of Toruń city from 1935 prepared under the Ignacy Felicjan Tłoczek direction – the architect, is an expression of a thought of the Polish school townplanners formed in the interwar period and still current in a perception of the idea of a sustainable development of cities. The foundations of the plan resulted from social, economic, natural and cultural premises, and its conception and a later realization expressed in the spatial integration of districts, in the reconstruction of a communication system, in respect of the cultural heritage and the scenery of the city and also in a development of the house building, can be understood today as acting in support of the compact city as well as revitalization of downtown areas. This plan was not only a town-planning project, but it made up the example of a coherent municipal policy created by municipal authorities, townplanners and architects.
As a result of their unpredictable ability to adapt to varying environmental conditions, microorganisms inhabit different types of biological niches on Earth. Owing to the key role of microorganisms in many biogeochemical processes, trends in modern microbiology emphasize the need to know and understand the structure and function of complex microbial communities. This is particularly important if the strategy relates to microbial communities that cause biodeterioration of materials that constitute our cultural heritage. Until recently, the detection and identification of microorganisms inhabiting objects of cultural value was based only on cultivation-dependent methods. In spite of many advantages, these methods provide limited information because they identify only viable organisms capable of growth under standard laboratory conditions. However, in order to carry out proper conservation and renovation, it is necessary to know the complete composition of microbial communities and their activity. This paper presents and characterizes modern techniques such as genetic fingerprinting and clone library construction for the assessment of microbial diversity based on molecular biology. Molecular methods represent a favourable alternative to culture-dependent methods and make it possible to assess the biodiversity of microorganisms inhabiting technical materials and cultural heritage objects.
The presented article is an attempt of introducing to the readers the Ainu people – an enigmatic tribe that nowadays lives only at Hokkaido island. The process of discrimination and obligatory assimilation with Japanese, for tens of years, caused loss of their independence. The article is also portraying the struggle of the Ainu people to regain their cultural heritage. The paper is also an attempt of answering the question about the impact of tourism on sustaining the perishing traditions of the primordial cultures.
Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia czytelnikowi sylwetki Ajnów – tajemniczego ludu zamieszkującego dziś jedynie wyspę Hokkadio, który za sprawą dyskryminacji i przymusowej asymilacji z Japończykami na dziesiątki lat utracił swoją niezależność. Autor pracy skupia się również na przedstawieniu drogi, jaką przebyli Ajnowie w walce o odzyskanie własnego dziedzictwa kulturowego, a także na próbie odpowiedzi na pytanie o możliwości wpływu turystyki na podtrzymanie ginących tradycji kultur pierwotnych.
Proces degradacji przestrzennej małych miast i wsi stanowi złożony problem, który został w sposób szkicowy omówiony w pracy. Receptą na uporządkowanie przestrzeni jest w opinii autora pielęgnowanie wiedzy o tożsamości kulturowej regionu poprzez nawiązywanie w architekturze do lokalnej tradycji. W artykule zaprezentowane zostały nieliczne udane realizacje i modernizacje budynków, których architektura nawiązuje do kultury i tradycji Wielkopolski.
This article is the result and partial summary of the author’s research on the spatial degradation of Poznań metropolitan area – a complex problem, which is briefly discussed in this work. The aim of the article is to present the most successful examples of contemporary buildings in the analysed area that are in contrast to the majority of buildings, which do not respect the cultural legacy and building tradition of the region. It shows that it is possible to successfully combine modern design with traditional forms and that such an approach always gives benefits to the surrounding area and its spatial order. The scarcity of such buildings proves that the level of architectural awareness of society regarding local building traditions and cultural heritage of Wielkopolska is low. It also results in progressing spatial degradation of suburban areas. This elaboration shows that the recipe for improvement of spatial order in Poznań agglomeration is to propagate the knowledge of cultural identity of this region and promote correspondence of contemporary architecture to the local building traditions.
Content available Jan Paweł II jako Conservator Patrimonium Ecclesiae
Jan Paweł II przez 27 lat pontyfikatu sprawował władzę nad Patrimonium Ecclesiae, które stanowi znaczącą część ogólnoludzkiego dziedzictwa kultury. Na forum międzynarodowym zabiegał o upowszechnienie idei oraz wartości humanistycznych i personalistycznych kultury. W dziedzinie legislacyjnej uaktualnił kodyfikację prawa kanonicznego ochrony zabytków sakralnych. W zakresie administracji utworzył autonomiczną instytucję odpowiedzialną za zachowanie i krzewienie dziedzictwa kościelnego. Rozwinął teologię sztuki oraz twórczości artystycznej. Prowadził twórczy dialog z artystami oraz promował dziedzictwo sakralne w całym świecie. Wpisał się złotymi zgłoskami w poczet papieży, którzy zachowywali nie tylko dziedzictwo sakralne, ale także zabytki antyczne oraz liczne dzieła świeckie.
For the 27 years of his pontificate John Paul II exercised control over Patrimonium Ecclesiae, which is a substantial part of human cultural heritage. In the international forum he struggled to propagate the humanistic and personalistic ideas and values of culture. In the field of legislation he updated the codification of canon law concerning protection of historical sacred monuments. In the field of administration he created an autonomous institution responsible for maintaining and propagating church heritage. He developed the theology of art and artistic work. He conducted a creative dialogue with artists and promoted the sacred heritage throughout the world. His name is immortalized among the popes who maintained not only the sacred heritage, but also the monuments of antiquity and numerous works of secular art.
Celem rozważań jest przedstawienie danych literatury dotyczącej wykorzystania wybranych zrewitalizowanych obiektów poindustrialnych i wykazanie ich ogromnej wartości dla zachowania dziedzictwa i krajobrazu kulturowego. Przeznaczenie tych obiektów na potrzebyzagospodarowania turystycznego jest szansą dla rozwijania i popularności turystyki, a szczególnie turystyki kulturowej, miejskiej i biznesowej.
An aim of considerations is to present data from the literature on the use of the selected revitalised post-industrial facilities and to show their vast value for retention of the cultural heritage and landscape. Assignment of those facilities for the needs of tourist management is an opportunity to develop and popularise tourism and, in particular, cultural, urban and business tourism.
Artykuł pt. składa się z trzech zasadniczych części. Pierwsza z nich zawiera opis dziedzictwa kulturowego ludzkości w świetle dokumentów międzynarodowych oraz prezentuje wybrane koncepcje teoretyczne dotyczące poruszanej w nim tematyki. Druga część odnosi się do spuścizny kulturowej wybranych narodów bałkańskich, trzecia zaś prezentuje serbską slavę jako przykład niematerialnego dziedzictwa ludzkości narodów południowych Słowian. Tekst opatrzony jest wstępem i wnioskami końcowymi.
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