The culture of slavery is a product of functional dynamics in human society that seeks to sustain unbalanced power relations among interacting persons for political, economic, social or intellectual benefits. This reality is part and parcel of human history and every epoch has to deal with slavery based on its cultural anthropological resources. This paper proposes the argument that in human history the dynamics of the culture of slavery is similar; but the difference consists in the material of domination at the behest of every age or civilisation. Consequently, this work seeks to deconstruct the culture of slavery in traditional African societies and the emerging global society so that their dynamics of slave culture may stand out. Robert Merton’s theory of structural functionalism, and Orlando Patterson’s theory on slavery and race theories are used as the theoretical frameworks for understanding the culture of slavery. With this, the x-ray of the dysfunctions of the culture of slavery is germane so that the various means of freedom or controlling it in the twenty-first century could be arrived at.
Artykuł przedstawia dualny model dziejów Rosji w wystąpieniach romantyków polskich w tekstach rosjoznawczych epok następnych oraz w pracach autorów rosyjskich, Jurija Łotmana i Borysa Uspienskiego. Autor dowodzi, iż gnostycko ‐manichejskie wpływy na religijności Rosjan są źródłem ich akumulacji buntu przeciw światu i przewidzianemu w nim losowi człowieka. Ten bunt na podłożu radykalnego dualizmu antyświatowego rodzi niszczycielskie pragnienia Rosjan, które wybuchają w rozmaitych formach niszczycielstwa historycznego. Popychają Rosjan do wojen, zaborów, rewolucji i najazdów.
The eternal model of Russia’s history The article discusses a dual model of the history of Russia presented in the speeches of Polish Romantics included in the Russian studies texts of the following epochs and in the works of Russian authors, e.g. Yuri Lotman and Boris Uspensky. The author proves that the Gnostic-Manichaean influence on the religiousness of Russians is the source of their accumulation of rebellion against the world and the human fate predicted in it. This rebellion on the basis of a radical anti-world dualism gives rise to the destructive desires of Russians, which explode in various forms of historical destruction. They push the Russians into wars, partitions, revolutions and invasions.
Artykuł dotyczy różnych historii estońskiej literatury, które zostały napisane i opublikowane na emigracji w latach 1944-1991 przez estońskich pisarzy i naukowców. Celem wywodu jest przedstawienie tych publikacji jako wieloaspektowych tekstów kulturowych, które organizują praktykę literacką, wyrażają samoświadomość społeczności emigracyjnej i jednocześnie odzwierciedlają sytuacje kulturowe, w których zostały napisane i opublikowane. Artykuł oparty jest głównie na podstawach teoretycznych wypracowanych przez szkołę tartusko-moskiewską i na jej obserwacjach dynamiki i autokomunikacji kulturowej.
This article is about Estonian literary histories that were written and published in exile between years 1944-1991 by Estonian writers and scholars. The aim of this article is to introduce Estonian literary histories published in exile as multifaceted cultural texts that are arranging the literary practise, convey the cultural self-consciousness and at the same time are mirroring the cultural situations in which they are written and published. I will describe and analyse the Estonian literary histories published in exile by exile Estonians as cultural texts which are mirroring the cultural processes taking place in the exile community between years 1944-1991. The theoretical background of my article rises mainly from Tartu-Moscow school and its observations about cultural dynamics and autocommunication.
Three major trends in archaeology: traditional, processual and postprocessual, conceptualize the change differently. The first one formulates the change generally in the category of evolution and partly of history, as taking place in accordance with general laws and the phenomenon of diffusion. Another trend, processual archaeology, explains the change in terms of adaptive processes, and the postprocessual trend recognizes it as history of creative activities of individuals. In the paper, I present analytical ways of approach to cultural and social variability in archaeology, which, in fact, lead to change of identity. They are proposals of interpretation of the changes as: a) the change of utility, b) the variability of the use of objects, c) the change in the way of “consumption”, as a result of the pursuit of prestige.
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