The article examines the process of teaching English for specific purposes at the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Maribor, Slovenia using coursebooks and authentic supplementary materials. The survey has shown that the students of the Faculty of Tourism prefer supplementary authentic materials to coursebooks because they find them sufficiently interesting or challenging. Specially designed classroom materials that are put into the Moodle by the teacher also offer opportunities for various activities in lesson planning for teaching, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Another important aspect of supplementary materials is that they facilitate the teacher’s creativity. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to using only coursebooks or only specially prepared classroom materials, and both - coursebooks and supplementary materials - should be used only after careful consideration. Although authentic materials may contain complex grammatical structures and difficult vocabulary, they bring real-life situations into classrooms, and students therefore find them very motivating, the survey has shown.
Cultural content is incorporated into EL materials to enrich linguistic content. The paper focuses on English materials as cultural artefacts analysed in terms of multimodality. The aim is to identify the most important multimodal aspects of cultural content offered in English course books for early language education. Following the multimodal discourse analysis, the image–language relations presented in the culture sections are examined. The paper seeks to address two following questions: What is the multimodality of cultural content in English course books for young learners? What are the image-language relations involved in the construction of cultural content? The project involves an analysis of nine course books currently used in teaching English to young learners in Polish primary schools. The data will be collected during the evaluation studies, which here are both quantitative and qualitative in nature. The study is based on a set of universal, content-specific, multimodal and intermodal criteria. It is hoped that the results from the research project will enrich the process of ELT materials design in terms of multimodality. They will support the need for developing multimodal (visual) literacy through multicultural education in early language education.
Der Band enthält Zusammenfassungen in Englisch und Französisch
The aim of this paper is to show that most of the research on phraseology has focused in recent decades on the syntax that governs both internal and external combinatorics. The semantic analyses have been limited to semantism excluding co(n)text. In this article, we try to show how phraseologisms, as units of the third articulation of language, have the inherent semantic trait of a semantic incompleteness which complement cotexts and contexts. In addition, there is very little research into the cultural dimension.
The aim of this paper is to show that most of the research on phraseology has focused in recent decades on the syntax that governs both internal and external combinatorics. The semantic analyses have been limited to semantism excluding co(n)text. In this article, we try to show how phraseologisms, as units of the third articulation of language, have the inherent semantic trait of a semantic incompleteness which complement cotexts and contexts. In addition, there is very little research into the cultural dimension.
Zmiana charakteru języka angielskiego na język globalny oznacza, że uczący się tego języka są obecnie bardziej skłonni do przyswajania języka dla celów lingua franca niż do komunikowania się wyłącznie z native speakerami. Dlatego uważa się, że uczenie się języka przy wykorzystaniu native speakerów jako wzorców nie służy uczniom dobrze, ani nie zaspokaja ich potrzeb. Wzorce 1) rodzimego użytkownika, 2) użytkownika „natywizowanego” (upodobnionego do rodzimego) i 3) angielskiego jako lingua franca (ELF), pierwotnie przedstawione przez Kirkpatricka (2006), przeanalizowano ponownie pod kątem ich cech i wad we współczesnym kontekście. Analiza odpowiedzi na pytanie „Jakiego modelu języka angielskiego powinniśmy uczyć?” została przeprowadzona w dwóch grupach dyskusyjnych Reddit (, w których uczestniczyli nauczyciele i uczniowie. Odpowiedzi od osób zaangażowanych w proces nauczania języka angielskiego (ELT) zostały skategoryzowane najpierw, a następnie porównane z opiniami akademickimi. Porównanie wykazało, że obie grupy generalnie zgadzały się co do odpowiedniego wzorca i dydaktyki nauczania. Nie zalecono stosowania jednego wzorca; wyróżniały się opinie popierające podejście postmetodyczne, które wykorzystuje istniejące stabilne ramy ELT nauczania standardowego języka angielskiego, który jest skodyfikowany, ma ugruntowane instytucje itp. Jednak wzorzec ten powinien uwzględniać inne odmiany języka angielskiego, a także uznawać komunikację w języku angielskim jako drugim języku (L2 do L2) i wykorzystywać bardziej zindywidualizowaną dydaktykę kontekstową.
The changed nature of English into that of a global language means that contemporary learners of English are more likely to acquire the language for the purposes of a lingua franca than to communicate exclusively with native speakers. It is therefore considered that learning the language through traditional native-speaker models does not serve them well, nor does it meet their needs. The models of 1) native speaker, 2) nativised and 3)English as a lingua franca (ELF), originally presented by Kirkpatrick (2006), are re-examined with their attributes and drawbacks in this modern context. An analysis of responses to the question ‘Which model of English should we teach?’ was carried out on two Reddit ( discussion groups which included teachers and learners. These responses from actors in the field of English language teaching (ELT) were first categorised and then compared with academic opinions. The comparisons showed that both groups were generally in agreement with regard to an appropriate model and pedagogy. No single model was advocated; rather, the prominent opinions supported a postmethod approach that utilised the existing ELT framework of a stable Standard English that is codified, has well-established institutions, etc. However, this model should be one that accommodates other varieties of English as well as accepts second language (L2 to L2) communications as legitimate in their own right and utilises a more bespoke, context-based pedagogy.
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