W pracy przedstawiono częstości występowania niekorzystnych sytuacji opadowych (do których zaliczono nadmiary i niedobory opadów większe od podwójnego odchylenia standardowego) obliczonych w procentach lat z okresu 30-lecia 1971-2000, w Polsce Północno-Wschodniej, w stosunku do zapotrzebowania żyta na wodę na glebach lekkich oraz pszenicy ozimej na glebach średnich i ciężkich. Na wszystkich badanych glebach najmniej korzystne warunki opadowe dla badanych roślin występowały w maju, przy czym na glebach lekkich, na większości badanego obszaru, częstości występowania niekorzystnych sytuacji opadowych dla żyta wynosiły od 45% do ponad 60%. Na glebach średnich w tym miesiącu (dla pszenicy ozimej) niekorzystne sytuacje opadowe o częstości występowania od ponad 35% do ponad 40% wystąpiły w zachodniej i północnej części obszaru. Na glebach ciężkich średnie wieloletnie częstości występowania niekorzystnych opadów dla pszenicy ozimej były o około 5-10% mniejsze niż na analogicznych obszarach na glebach średnich.
The paper presents results of analysis of the effects of water supply on rye (light soils) and winter wheat (medium heavy and heavy soils) in northeastern Poland based on meteorological dataset (monthly sums of precipitation) covering the period from 1971 to 2000. The highest risk of extreme situations (total surplus of precipitation and its deficits) with respect to cereal species demands occurred in May irrespective of the soil type. The frequency of occurrence of extreme situation was estimated at 45-60 % on light soils. For winter wheat, cultivated on medium soils, unfavorable precipitation values of the frequency from over 35 % to over 40 % were noticed in northwestern and western part of the study area. Long term mean frequencies of unfavourable precipitation were lower by 5-10% on heavy than on medium soils.
Zdalnymi systemami rejestracji danych są systemy satelitarne, skanery instalowane na samolotach, anteny instalowane na powierzchni ziemi oraz urządzenia montowane bezpośrednio na ciągnikach i maszynach rolniczych. Wykorzystanie skanerów do zdalnej kontroli działek nazywane jest często teledetekcją. Umożliwiają one pozyskiwanie informacji o strukturze gruntów, rodzajach upraw, w tym roślin na pasze oraz usprawniają proces zarządzania systemem dopłat w ramach systemu komputerowego IACS. Przyczyniają się także do rozwoju rolnictwa precyzyjnego przez sterowanie maszynami rolniczymi w pracach polowych, monitorowanie plonów i biomasy, pobieranie prób glebowych, zmienne dawkowanie nawozów mineralnych i środków ochrony roślin, pomiary pól i upraw, monitoring zwierząt, monitorowanie pracy maszyn rolniczych. Przetworzone zdjęcia lotnicze i satelitarne, wpasowane w punkty osnowy geodezyjnej w określonym układzie współrzędnych, występują w postaci ortofotomap. Rolnictwo precyzyjne jest elementem zrównoważonego rozwoju, gwarantuje uzyskanie plonów o wyższej jakości, wpływa na ograniczenie zanieczyszczenia środowiska naturalnego oraz zmniejszenie kosztów produkcji. Przedstawiona w pracy analiza systemu do rejestracji danych, do kontroli produkcji pasz umożliwiła ocenę jakości uprawy roślin w kontekście produkcji zrównoważonej.
Remote control systems include the satellite systems, scanners installed on the aircrafts, antennas installed on the ground surface, as well as monitoring systems mounted directly on the tractors and agricultural machines. Application of the scanners to remote field control is often determined as a remote sensing; they enable to obtain the information on soil structure and various crops, forage plants inclusive. Moreover, they monitor actual state of plants, rationalize process of managing the surcharges within IACS computer system. Remote systems contribute to development of precision farming through the steering of agricultural machines in field operations, monitoring of biomass and crop yields, register sampling of soil, differentiate the doses of mineral fertilizers and plant protection chemicals to be applied, measure the fields and crops. Precision agriculture warrants not only getting high and good quality crop yields, but also influences on production costs. Data obtained by using teledetection make possible to integrate the information concerning spatial diversification of soil and crops, coming from register units provided recording on changes in different parameters to be applied under specific field conditions. Given in this paper analysis of data registration system for feed production control allowed qualitative evaluation of crop production in aspect of sustainable development.
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Copper, lead, zinc, cadmium and arsenic levels were determined by means of AAS in the soils and cultivated plants threatened by air and dust emissions from Copper Foundry ,,Głogów". The studies covered the agricultural area of 6.600 hectares (protective zone + external belt). The studies revealed that heavy metals, either accumulated in the soils or coming from the current emission, did not contaminate the cultivated plants. The results obtained prove the effectiveness of eco-friendly activities taken by the Foundry for the sake of the neighboring agricultural environment.
The tradition of the hermit orders emerged within the first two hundred years of Christianity, but it was st. Benedict who initiated the idea of the convent life based on the self-sufficiency and common living, improved during the 6th century. St. Benedict referred in a particular way to the words of Christ: „I was a stranger and you invited me in [...], I was sick and you looked after me” (Matthew 25:35–36). By putting the emphasis on warm hospitality for all of the travelers from different states and respect for the ill people, his philosophy shaped few types of monastic gardens. Among the other gardens there were: herbal (medical), kailyard and the orchard/graveyard. The input of the convents in the development of the horticulture is huge if consider the progress and dissemination of plant production, but also land cultivation, its fertilization, restoration and irrigation. The orders were leaders in techniques of management and usage of waters, forests, keeping the vineyards, orchards, and utilitarian and recreational gardens. The widespread of botanical and medical knowledge by collecting, copying and illustrating manuscripts is also owed to the convents. Many abbots had solid knowledge of gardening, but also of medicine according to st. Benedict. In particular, the Benedictines and Cistersians influenced the development of farming and gardening by expanding the boundaries of inhabited areas. A lot of convents were taking care of ill people, giving the beginning of hospital institutions. The monks’ records contain many useful information concerning the botanical knowledge and medical use of plants. This knowledge, however, has no Christian roots as it was transferred to the European grounds along with the inflow of the ancient Latin treaties to the Christian culture. What have left as a legacy of antiquity, and what was an important starting point for further development of the horticulure as a science, are four complete works on agriculture and one encyclopedic work containing botanical books on agriculture, gardening, and materia medica. A significant progress of the horticulture as an applied science have brought the times of Charles The Great, and several prominent brothers. It is worth to mention here the names of: Alcuin – the abbot of st. Martin monastery, the famous Benedict of Aniane – the abbot of Languedoc (considered as the author of the Capitulare de villis plant list), Gozbert of St. Gall, abbot Haito of Reichenau, but also the only women among the above mentioned – Hildegard of Bingen. Through their letters, plans, and even poems (Hortulus – the poem of Walafrid Strabo), it is now known a lot more about medieval monastic gardens, their composition, spatial structure, the species of cultivated plants, and their importance for contemporary people. The useful plants were highly valued at that time, not only as the healthy groceries, but also for their importance for medieval spirituality as the spiritual and symbolic value, sometimes even magical. It was believed that each plant was created with a purpose, having added specific values, to serve man. Many plants intented for human consumption were also considered to be sanative. In particular, it concerned fruits and vegetables considered as higly therapeutic, so they were used in specially composed diets, i.a. in presented in detail in the article diet, based on the so-called theory of liquids. The author of this article, sharing the information about the importance of garden and the developing practical science of horticulture in medieval orders, is trying to give answer, which plants were grown in the medieval monastic gardens, which forms of cultivation and gardening practices were used, and reflects her thoughts on the problem of protecting the legacy of monastic garden art in the contemporary world.
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