An ossuary was found in a brass sarcophagus, dated to 1720 based on a medallion. The archaeological material was mixed with rubbish and sand. Inside the sarcophagus, the remains of both adults and children were discovered. These are believed to be members of the von Kottwitz family, former owners of Konotop. The separation of the material into different types of cloth was quite painstaking and lengthy. Only one of the grave robes has survived in an almost intact condition. It was a simple grave robe without a back. During the analysis of the skeletal remains, it was matched to the red stained skeleton of an infant.
Archaeological exploration of the southern crypt in the church of the Exaltation of the Holly Cross in Tczew revealed details of excavated burials, although apparently only in small parts. Unfortunately, disorder in the crypt, caused by intruders in the past, contributed to damages in original coffins location and individual body protections, i.e. wooden coffins. Their shorter sides, which sometimes contain information concerning the dead, did not survive. Their total destruction was an obstacle in identifying the buried bodies, but the researchers continued exploration, which revealed textiles, wreaths fragments and devotional objects, being grave goods. General question concerns the problems: who was buried in the crypt, when it was erected and who financed the project. Analysis of excavated objects, costume study and search for written sources let us partially reveal history of the studied crypt.
Badania archeologiczne w krypcie południowej kościoła farnego pw. Podwyższenia Krzyża Św. w Tczewie odsłoniły szczegóły dotyczące odnalezionych pochówków, wydawałoby się w niewielkim zakresie. Niestety bałagan panujący w krypcie spowodowany przez intruzów odwiedzających ten przybytek, pozbawił zmarłych ich pierwotnej lokalizacji i indywidualnej osłony w postaci drewnianych trumien. Nie zachowały się w całości krótkie boki trumien, na których czasami znajdowane są informacje dotyczące zmarłych. Całkowite zniszczenie tych elementów pozbawiło badaczy indywidualnych informacji. Jednak sytuacja ta nie zniechęciła badaczy do dalszej eksploracji. Wydobyto tkaniny, fragmenty wianków czy dewocjonalia, w które wyposażono zmarłych. Główne pytanie, to: kto spoczął w krypcie, kiedy została wybudowana i kto finansował realizację jej projektu? Analiza wydobytych obiektów archeologicznych, kostiumologiczna i oczywiście poszukiwanie źródeł pisanych oraz studia nad nimi, pozwoliły przynajmniej w częściowym zakresie przybliżyć historię funkcjonowania badanej krypty.
The lives of children in the past were both ephemeral and fragile. The birth of a child, although expected and prayed for, was inevitably connected with the fear of death of both the mother and child, and every childbirth was a kind of a challenge. Unfortunately, in many cases, it finished with death during the delivery or just after. Surviving childhood safely was a constant struggle for the smaller members of a community. This information is evidenced during archaeological explorations of churches and burial grounds. No matter whether they were rich or poor, death took its toll on every social group. There was only the difference in the way of burial ceremony and accessories attributed to it. Some of the child burials were comparable with the richest burials of adults. One of them, a burial in a double coffin, attracted archaeologists’ attention at the very beginning of exploration in Radzyń Podlaski. A child burial in a double coffin can be classified as a unique find, not only in the area of Poland but also in Europe.
The four seasons, two in 2012 and two in 2013, carried out in ancient Dongola by an expedition from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, were devoted to continuing excavations in a number of areas: the fortifications on the Citadel and houses from the Funj period (17th–18th century) outside of the fortifications; site SWN on the Citadel, including Building B.I (Palace of Ioannes) and Building B.V (church); and the monastery complex on Kom H, encompassing the monastic church, sanctuary of Anna, gates to the monastery for monks and laity, finally the commemorative building of the Dongolan bishops with three crypts where the third of the crypts was revisited to study the burials from an anthropological perspective. In late 2013, a new Qatar–Sudan Archaeological Project (No. 10) was launched with fieldwork concentrated on the Mosque Building and within the Citadel.
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