The article concerns the criteria of review adopted by administrative courts to examine decisions issued by public authorities at their administrative discretion. The author presents views of legal commentators and judicial decisions with respect to administrative law and the case law of administrative courts, specifically investigating the current views. The author reflects on whether it is essentially admissible to review a discretionary decision. He also shows the differences and similarities between a mandatory decision and a discretionary decision and answers the following question: Is it admissible to review a discretionary decision by an administrative court on the basis of the criterion of expediency? Is the court only authorized to consider the criterion of legality? According to the main conclusions of the article, there are no differences between a mandatory decision and a discretionary decision as far as the review by the administrative courts is concerned; the criterion of expediency is permitted if such a criterion emanates from the regulations empowering the authority to make discretionary decisions; it has also been observed that administrative courts increasingly expand the review capacity to ensure compliance with the law, so that any such review could also be used to verify the correctness of the discretionary decision which has been issued.
Artykuł dotyczy kontroli sprawowanej przez sądy administracyjne decyzji wydanych przez organy administracji publicznej na podstawie upoważnienia do uznania administracyjnego. Autor przedstawia dorobek doktryny prawa administracyjnego oraz orzecznictwo sądów administracyjnych wskazując w szczególności na aktualne poglądy. Autor zastanawia się nad samą dopuszczalnością kontroli decyzji uznaniowej. Wskazuje na różnice i podobieństwa decyzji związanej i decyzji uznaniowej. Odpowiada na pytania: czy dopuszczalne jest przeprowadzenie kontroli decyzji uznaniowej przez sąd administracyjny na podstawie kryterium celowości? Czy też sąd może brać pod uwagę tylko kryterium legalności? Podstawowe wnioski artykułu to brak różnic pomiędzy decyzją związaną, a decyzją uznaniową w zakresie kontroli sprawowanej przez sądy administracyjne, dopuszczenie kryterium celowości, gdy kryterium to wynika z przepisów upoważniających organ do wdania decyzji uznaniowych oraz spostrzeżenie, że sądy administracyjne w coraz większym stopniu rozciągają pojemność kontroli co do zgodności z prawem, tak żeby obejmowała ona również sprawdzenie słuszności wydanej decyzji uznaniowej.
The article concerns the criteria of review adopted by administrative courts to examine decisions issued by public authorities at their administrative discretion. The author presents views of legal commentators and judicial decisions with respect to administrative law and the case law of administrative courts, specifically investigating the current views. The author reflects on whether it is essentially admissible to review a discretionary decision. He also shows the differences and similarities between a mandatory decision and a discretionary decision and answers the following question: is it admissible to review a discretionary decision by an administrative court on the basis of the criterion of expediency or is the court only authorized to consider the criterion of legality? According to the main conclusions of the article there are no differences between a mandatory decision and a discretionary decision as far as the review by the administrative courts is concerned; the criterion of expediency is permitted if such a criterion emanates from the regulations empowering the authority to make discretionary decisions; it has also been observed that administrative courts increasingly expand the review capacity to ensure compliance with law, so that any such review could also be used to verify the correctness of the discretionary decision which has been issued.
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